Recent content by chetuzz2

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    PC Peripherals Best system for photo editing

    Bikenstein, Since i am into photography, colors matter a lot.. what you u suggest reasonble <15K for a monitor
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    PC Peripherals Best system for photo editing

    Thanks nikrusty, saluks: Now i wont go for the Gaming Card, nstaed i can invest on Nvidia and utilise the savings for Monitor. Hi Sato 1986., Fantastic, I would stick to the above Configuration, Only one thing bothers me is the Monitor.. I dont want to calibrate monitor every 3 months Once. I...
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    PC Peripherals Best system for photo editing

    Anubis Thank you for the detailed List, OMG you are rocking, iwill check the prices in bangalore
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    PC Peripherals Best system for photo editing

    Hi everyone :) I want to upgrade my current system, Its a very old PC and i realized editing pictures is almost impossible with that speed it has :( so i have the below plans Important Requirements: Atleast 4 GB RAM NVIDIA 9XXX series Graphics Card 500 GB HDD or 1 TB LED or CRT monitor My...