PC Peripherals Best system for photo editing

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Hi everyone :)

I want to upgrade my current system, Its a very old PC and i realized editing pictures is almost impossible with that speed it has :( so i have the below plans

Important Requirements:

Atleast 4 GB RAM
NVIDIA 9XXX series Graphics Card
500 GB HDD or 1 TB
LED or CRT monitor

My budget is around 50K

Plan 1 :Apple Mac book ( Little expensive)
Plan 2 :Assembled PC with best accessories available + IMAC Monitor ( i have no idea if anyone is already using this combo, Does it work?)

Plan 3 : Dell Studio Desktop.

I am confused !!!Can anyone help me is selecting the best option or suggest any other better options...


chetuzz2 at gmail.com
Cpu - Intel core i5-750 (2.66Ghz) - 10.2k
Mobo - GA-P55M-UD2 - 6.5k
Ram - Transcend 2*2gb 1333mhz ddr3 - 5.2k
HDD - Seagate 1tb - 3.8k
Optical drive - Samsung/LG DVD writer - 1.1k
Graphics card - Ati 5770 1gb - 11.5k
Cabinet - Cooler Master Elite 334 - 2.1k
SMPS - Corsair VX 450 - 4k / GlacialPower 650W - 4.6k
Monitor - Benq G2200HD - 8k
Total - 52.4k / 53.2k

It is better than any amd rig . Core i5 smashes any amd cpu and at the same time consumes much less power compared to the phenom II x4 955
If the system is for serious photo editing then that TN panel isn't going to cut it! You need to get a decent IPS panel and that will bump up the price by around 3 times or more.
Go for the DELL 2209WA monitor, will cost you around Rs.16000 or so. It is a fantastic IPS panel which is perfect for preserving colours on the screen. When TN type LCD (most cheaper ones than IPS) are looked from side or up or down, they distort colours. VERY BAD for Photography and the like.

If you can't spend that much, then go for a Viewsonic 19CRT around 8.5k or so, much better option than a TN type LCD. Though the monitor is gonna be big.

And dont bother with the ATI 5770 Card. That's a gamer's card, you can very well do with a much cheaper card such as a Nvdia 9500 which comes around 3k i think or even onboard video. If you are using Photoshop CS4 which does have GPU acceleration, then you will need a separate card but nothing like a ATI5770, it's overkill unless you are a gamer. The GPU acceleration of Photoshop CS4 is nothing great, but nice if you already have a GPU. I've got an old 8600GT 256MB which I use with Photoshop CS4 and it works great + I game too.
Cpu - Intel core i5-750 (2.66Ghz) - 10.2k

Mobo - GA-P55M-UD2 - 6.5k

Ram - Transcend 2*2gb 1333mhz ddr3 - 5.2k

HDD - Seagate 1tb - 3.8k

Optical drive - Samsung/LG DVD writer - 1.1k

Graphics card - Zotac 9800GT Softmodded to Nvidia Quadro FX 3700 - 5.4k - You dont need gaming graphics, prioritize to workstation graphics.


8600GT DDR3 (softmoddable) is also a decent option. Will reduce expenditure by Rs. 2200

Cabinet - Cooler Master Elite 334 - 2.1k

SMPS - Corsair VX 450 - 4k

Monitor - Dell 2209WA - 15.8k --TN will porduce highly inaccurate colors and 16:9 aspect ratio will be a blunder for work. Stick with IPS 16:10

Total - 54.1k

Changes embedded
Thanks nikrusty, saluks:

Now i wont go for the Gaming Card, nstaed i can invest on Nvidia and utilise the savings for Monitor.

Hi Sato 1986.,
Fantastic, I would stick to the above Configuration, Only one thing bothers me is the Monitor.. I dont want to calibrate monitor every 3 months Once. I have heard about the Square type monitors from DEll ( Is that the one you are mentioning to? ) These monitors are widely used by DTP for accurate colors.. Expecting a ultimate answer :)

Chetan J

Now its OS confusion.. Shall i go for Windows 7 or Mac OS-X ( I need this for Photos and Video editing)
If you are really serious about accuracy of colours, etc and you do look to be, a good monitor is not gonna be cheap. :)

Depends on the nature and reason for your tasks. :)
Ohh- If you are into photography seriously/professionally, a good monitor becomes a must imho.

Unfortunately i am pretty dumb at these things and may not be able to help you much.

But i had heard from a senior that it's better to have a smaller monitor with a better panel than a large monitor with a TN/poor quality panel.

He had suggested buying a Dell 2007WFP and that thing was 13K odd.

Fairly expensive if compared to 22" TN panel monitors(decent for general use) that retail for 8-9K odd and 24" ones at 12-13K odd. :)

The Dell 2209WA iirc has an e-IPS panel but i am not sure if it has all the goodness associate with the good IPS panels.

Some members bought it for 14.5K through a limited time offer via one of the dealer here at TE.

I hope the gurus can help you out more with this.

Here are 2 slightly related threads- may be helpful in some way.



Also you may ask around at http://www.lensworth.in/

May not be professionals all but has some fairly knowledgable members afaik.

Here is another thread on a meet they had recently

http://www.techenclave.com/events-and-meets/around-mumbai-1st-photography-meet-up-149982.html. :)
Apple Mac book pro – Good for an apple fan but not so for the rest of us.

Dell Studio Desktop – Branded PCs in India doesn’t make sense for the premium paid.

Plan 2 Assembled PC will be the best VFM. Apple iMac Monitor is too costly and cinema displays cost almost as much as your entire budget.

So, here’s my suggestion:

AMD Athlon II X4 955BE – 10.5k

4GB DDR3 RAM – 6k

790FX Based MoBo – 10k

ATI HD 5770 – 10k

BenQ M2400HD (looks like the Mac monitor with its white glossy finish) – 17k
I’m suggesting an AMD rig because Intel has too many sockets in the market currently and it is super confusing. They’re not compatible with each other nor backward compatible. Also, the Motherboard for the i5 – you need to get an X58 which demands wuite a premium as compared to the 790FX which gives almost the same features.

If you need the other accessories such as the cabinet, SMPS, Keyboard, mouse, UPS and optical drive and HDD, then reduce the proc to an Athlon II X4 620 and the board to a 785G (which is a great board, not quite a downgrade) and the GPU to a 5750. That should get you the rest of the things within your budget.
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