Recent content by sarthakk250193

  1. S

    51-70k Flipkart MSI laptop Offer ?

    Update: Flipkart cancelled my order saying product is out of stock.
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    51-70k Flipkart MSI laptop Offer ?

    I went for Asus Fx553. In terms of overall quality, MSI was probably slightly better but ASS kept me away from it. I tried calling the MSI service center in Nehru Place. No one picked on all the given numbers. Tried calling the head office of the company handling India wide ASS. Again, no one...
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    51-70k Flipkart MSI laptop Offer ?

    I am confused here as well. Need to buy a laptop. Need to choose between MSI and Asus FX553. They cost exactly the same. MSI seems a bit better overall but have heard some issues related to after sales service in India.
  4. S

    CPU/Mobo AMD Ryzen CPUs launched

    I need a build for CPU intensive purposes without any GPU heavy tasks. Should I go for a Ryzen 5 1400 (10k) + GTX 710 (2.2K) or should I go the intel way?
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    CPU/Mobo What's up with RAM prices?! Online or Offline?

    Hi. I need to buy Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 but it looks like the online prices have gone up 60-70% in the last 4-5 months. Earlier it was available around 4.5K but now it is available around 7K. Are the offline prices similar in Nehru Place? Are the prices expected to come down anytime soon?
  6. S

    21-30k Good shops in Nehru Place?

    Do they have monitors on display there? I need to check out a couple of options. On a side note, how are the prices compared to online these days?
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    0-20k Shops in Delhi for Used / second hand things.

    D I have the exact same query! Need a second hand and cheapest monitor possible monitor. People are selling CRT monitors for 2k on OLX and quickr -_- Coming to your problem, if you are looking for a 32" TV, you could probably go for a Samsung assembled TV. Should be around 10-12k. Offtopic...
  8. S

    PC Monitor. As cheap as possible

    Looking for a monitor. As cheap as possible. Considering a new samsung IPS 18.5 inches can be had for around 4600 with 3 yrs warranty. PM your offers!
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    FS: Others Clearance Sales-Multiple Item

    If monitor guy backs out, I'm next in the line.
  10. S

    Best wireless earphones for Gym , upto 3.5k

    Bumping an old thread. Lendmeurears has got a kickstarter campaign for wireless earphones. MSRP is 80 SGD and right now pledging for 50 SGD.
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    What speakers do you use with your PC?

    I am also going to buy a 2.1 system and had decided to go for Swans M10. Just curious. Why are people recommending against it?
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    Nook HD+

    What colour is the charging LED while charging? Should be yellow. I have switching ON issues on CM .Usually trying multiple times turns it on. ( or waiting for a while after multiple failed attempts) . I try not to let it completely shut down ever.
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    The Fitness Thread !

    Me too. Where did you get hex at 80/kg? I got cosco hex at 150 from sadar bazaar
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    The Fitness Thread !

    Yes, I meant 2 on one side. I've added 7.5 kg on each side and I think could add another 5 kg on each side. Metal ones are obviously better, but they were too expensive for me. Comes at around 90/kg near my house. Rubber ones are 25/kg. Although they are huge, it hasn't significantly affected my...
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    The Fitness Thread !

    Would depend on material as well as weight of the plates used. I wouldn't push it beyond 2 for the rubber ones. The nut frequently gets loose so it's better to maintain a decent margin.