Recent content by spr

  1. S

    Pricing of Old Gen cards like 2080ti for selling

    The highest of highest end nvidia cards were starting from 60k onwards, but now 60 series are selling at those prices. Will quit gaming but won't buy the cards at those prices.
  2. S

    FS: Processor Perfectly working Intel i7 5930K

    Off topic, what motherboard are using - not selling ?
  3. S

    WTB Intel 4th gen i7 processor.

    Did I PM you ?
  4. S

    WTB Intel 4th gen i7 processor.

    Yup, I saw the threads.
  5. S

    WTB Intel 4th Gen I7 >>>> 4770/4770K --- 4790/4790K

    Looking to buy 4770/4790 (K or non-K). Bangalore sellers preferred.
  6. S

    AMD Ryzen 5000 (Zen 3) processors Official launch | Where Gaming begins. (October 8, 9:30 PM)

    Where the hell is the 4000 series from AMD (2000, 3000, now 5000) ?
  7. S

    Monitors Need a 27" Gaming Monitor <30k

    You have bumped an Nov 3, 2014 thread ;)
  8. S

    ACT Fiber: Monitor Download Bandwidth by LAN IP Address

    As a fellow ACT user, I think this was discussed earlier in this forum or on some other forum, "ACT's download usage data runs faster than an auto-rickshaw meter." I can never get to correlate ACT's data usage and my personal data usage.
  9. S

    Monitors 3 way monitor ?

    yeah i meant new monitors, glad everything worked out for you :)
  10. S

    Monitors 3 way monitor ?

    oh great, did you find any color or brightness difference between each of them ?
  11. S

    CPU Cooler for i7 4790. Edit- Bought Hyper 212x. High temps :(

    D What mode are you using in Prime95 ? Are you aware you are not supposed to use P95 for Haswell testing ?
  12. S

    Monitors 3 way monitor ?

    What did you get finally ?
  13. S

    Monitors Dell U2515H Problems

    Have you resolved this problem ? What revision is your monitor ?