Recent content by stme

  1. S

    OC & Modding Project Kraken : Water Cooled Monstrosity (Worklog)

    what kind of games that you used to play in old days? what is the heaviest and hardest games nowadays?
  2. S

    Hi ppl

    as said, if we can we will gladly help!! :)
  3. S

    Facebook getting too boring

    I don't find it that interesting... kind of prefer twitter...
  4. S

    Photos of Indian Aviation - Planespotting

    nice pics and topic, thanks for sharing!
  5. S

    Motivational / Inspirational audios ?

    But they are still motivational audios... :S
  6. S

    The Photography Thread !

    Really good pics y'all!!
  7. S

    Need suggestions on Pets

    Please, not a fish, something cute, a rabit or a hamster, but not a fish!! haha
  8. S

    Motivational / Inspirational audios ?

    Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen - YouTube this is the best.
  9. S

    what does "grey matters here" mean?LOL

    everyday you learn something new. thanks!! haha
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    Living with Parents vs. Living Alone

    I love my parents, but I prefer living on my own...
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    What is your worst slip of tongue?

    hahahhaha you made my day bro!
  12. S

    Need advice and help on App ideas

    hahaha that's actually a good idea... public transport timing?
  13. S

    Cellphones Are Eating the Family Budget

    Those people are adicts, you have to control your expenses, I have an Iphone and still do my life as usual!
  14. S

    IELTS or TOEFL ?

    Oh, i didn't know bout IELTS!! ;) thanks for th einfo
  15. S

    Laptops how good is this laptop

    Is a real good one, but I'm more into mac!!