Recent content by VIJAY PATHAK

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    FS: Home Audio Video Projector and screen, is there any way to edit my post?
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    FS: Home Audio Video Projector and screen

    link Can you retract this when not it use? yes would like to sell both . screen size 106inch
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    FS: Home Audio Video Projector and screen

    I would like to sell projector and screen, Suitable for Office presentation aswell as making home theater at home. Screen was purchased separately from amazon
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    31-40k No display on newly assembled PC (NOOB)

    took 4 days, i visited there shop on friday and it was public holiday so service centre was closed, i got my system on tuesday
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    31-40k No display on newly assembled PC (NOOB)

    I ordered motherboard from flipkart but vendor didnt mentioned MOBO serial no on invoice so service center didn't honored the warranty claim.Even with replacement unit vendor didnt mentioned the serial no, So i went to lamington road to repair it , i visited shop name phoenix technology nx, He...
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    31-40k No display on newly assembled PC (NOOB)

    initially replaced from flipkart but the even new motherboard was not working so a one shop at lamination road helped me again to get new replacement from neibouring asus service centre , this time it worked.
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    31-40k No display on newly assembled PC (NOOB)

    Motherboard was main culprit. Replaced it with new one now working fine
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    31-40k No display on newly assembled PC (NOOB)

    That's why I written noob in title header
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    31-40k No display on newly assembled PC (NOOB)

    Hello guys thanks for your prompt reply, I went lamington road a guy at one local shop diagnosed my pc and came to conclusion that motherboard is at fault, Coz according to him processor was not heating up , but when he changed motherboard and used his personal board and used my ram and...
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    31-40k No display on newly assembled PC (NOOB)

    Dear Friends, I recently purchased below pc component from flipkart,, And asked my neighboring pc technician for help, but when he assembled the pc and try to power on the system, led light is blinking on motherboard but display is not getting on, Pc technician said there is problem in...
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    "Do you have XYZ Credit Card?" Thread

    I have axis ace card extra 2% discount