Recent content by whencut86

  1. W

    Front loading or top loading washing machine?

    6KG was sufficient for my needs then up until a couple of years back. My wife does only weekend loads and so 6KG was not sufficient for her. Also, with increased workload in office my washing cycle along with my kid's are also weekend only nowadays and so more load became a requirement recently...
  2. W

    Front loading or top loading washing machine?

    This is my 3rd actually. Previous one was LG 6KG and was using it for 9 years with no issues and not even one single service call at all. The machine had traveled with me to 3 cities and 5-6 houses during shifting and never failed me. Needed a larger capacity and so exchanged it for a Bosch...
  3. W

    Front loading or top loading washing machine?

    They have both the models on display. The 475mm depth version of 9KG which they call the compact version, the 565mm depth version of 9KG which is the same dimension as the 11KG machine. The compact version of 9KG has a smaller drum so didn't bother measuring it. Among the 9KG and the 11KG...
  4. W

    Front loading or top loading washing machine?

    It is the same model as the link you posted. FHP1209 series with last 3 characters being the color codes. This was the one in LG showroom as well and the specs mismatch maybe an error from their end. But I could clearly measure and see both externally and drum wise that the 9KG has lesser depth...
  5. W

    Front loading or top loading washing machine?

    This is the link for the UAE machine comparison. Went through models in these range both new and old and found some similar dimension ones with same or similar features and I assume they might be the same ones as here. I went to the nearby LG shop and...
  6. W

    Front loading or top loading washing machine?

    Weekend wash cycles only and so load is higher plus bedsheets, duvets and related covers also to be washed every weekend. So 7-8 KG during this cycle is like 70% of the 11KG capacity which would not result in overloading the machine. From my search, not able to find a 12KG one and the next...
  7. W

    Front loading or top loading washing machine?

    Looking to buy a Front Load Washing machine. Kind of finalized the LG 11 KG AI DD one. Any feedback on this? I find LG to be safer bet with respect to longevity, technology, service and spare availability.