Israel Hezbollah Pager Attack.

Sinwar's younger brother is expected to take over affairs now. He's an even bigger psychopath than his recently departed brother. The fear is he will execute any remaining hostages. So the Israelis are offering him amnesty in exchange for the hostages. Not like they can't get him later.
I wonder why Israel released that last footage of him covering in dust and throwing a stick as last moment of defiance.
It made him a bigger Hero and more anger towards Israel.
I wonder why Israel released that last footage of him covering in dust and throwing a stick as last moment of defiance.
It made him a bigger Hero and more anger towards Israel.
Anger from whom?

This is their equivalent of OBL. But didn't take as long to find.

Deadline is Jan 20 2025.

Israel should make the most of a lame duck President and go after all their adversaries regardless of world opinion.

Leaked plans? :grumpy:

This is what happens when you discuss plans with your most important ally.

They leak them. Because they don't want any part of it.

They were haggling over target sets and an irreconcilable disagreement arose.

Upto this point I knew the Israelis had not said anything to the Americans.

You can be smart and say its a fake leak. I doubt it because this isn't the first time it has happened.

Last time was under Obam.
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Anger from whom?
From people who are fighting for Palestine cause not just in Palestine but worldwide all the protestors and all.
I mean it only angers them more and give them more motivation to keep fighting.
Leaked plans? :grumpy:

This is what happens when you discuss plans with your most important ally.

They leak them. Because they don't want any part of it.

They were haggling over target sets and an irreconcilable disagreement arose.

Upto this point I knew the Israelis had not said anything to the Americans.

You can be smart and say its a fake leak. I doubt it because this isn't the first time it has happened.

Last time was under Obam.
America bohat haram* hai.

Asa log ka na dosti thik hai dushmani sahi hai.

With India also they doing same thing.

82000 crore ka Defence deal we gave them....what we got they put charges against RAW and supporting Canada.
Jis thali mein khata hai ....usmein hi thuk ta hai.

I can understand the drone part. The Predator drone is world class and much needed for keeping on eye on China.
But why do we need Nuclear submarines from them when France and Germany and Russia has offered better deals in the past.
I may be wrong here but I think Germany deal was only for conventional Submarine. this submarine deal is not well researched by me so I maybe missing some valuable points.
Will try to understand this whole USA -India sub deal.
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From people who are fighting for Palestine cause not just in Palestine but worldwide all the protestors and all.
I mean it only angers them more and give them more motivation to keep fighting.
What have those people achieved to date?

Other than inconvenience and at times harm to innocent others.

Nothing. They make no difference on the ground.
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They can handle it

This is the open question. Whether motivated or the opposite.

Booby traps have done more damage than actual fighting these days.
They did not even touched his body for few days due to Booby traps.

They have all stored DNA of every Palestinians I guess.

Even though I know sinwar was in prison but generally they have all the data I believe.

Years of surveillance and good intelligence they must have gathered all the information they need to identify every Palestinians that have lived in these times.
America bohat haram* hai.

Asa log ka na dosti thik hai dushmani sahi hai.

With India also they doing same thing.

82000 crore ka Defence deal we gave them....what we got they put charges against RAW and supporting Canada.
Jis thali mein khata hai ....usmein hi thuk ta hai.
After a lot of self introspection I realised how naive us Indians are. We get too emotional after reading such news that USA did this, Canada did this etc. I think we are not qualified enough to talk about such diplomatic chess. I do get angry when I see India not fight back like China fights back. I just gave up on seeing our govt give really good diplomatic answers to USA or any western power.

Arms deals are a different subject. We buy arms like a customer. If we paid money and didn't get any arms in return then it's a different matter. This pannu things etc, just think of it as another chess board. These guys are playing chess simultaneously on different boards at same time.
After a lot of self introspection I realised how naive us Indians are. We get too emotional after reading such news that USA did this, Canada did this etc. I think we are not qualified enough to talk about such diplomatic chess. I do get angry when I see India not fight back like China fights back. I just gave up on seeing our govt give really good diplomatic answers to USA or any western power.

Arms deals are a different subject. We buy arms like a customer. If we paid money and didn't get any arms in return then it's a different matter. This pannu things etc, just think of it as another chess board. These guys are playing chess simultaneously on different boards at same time.
Arms deals are not so simple as give money and gets arms.
It is also big diplomatic as well as geopolitics and strategical chess board .

When you buy arms you build a sort of friendship and close business and strategical partnership.

Which is why we have been buying arms from Russia for anlong time.
It's not like our experience with them has been smooth.
Russians kept delaying delivery of Admiral Gorskov aircraft carrier.
Mig-21 ( flying coffin).
But we still have to stick with them
They have helped us veto many times in UN.

Now let's talk about why we working closely with France ...they supported us during nuclear sanctions and that helped us a lot in anti-india sentiment going around the world.

With USA they don't care if the relations with India go bad even at the cost of fall of predator drone and nuke subs deal.

They know India needs it desperately. They created a monster with China and Pakistan( already there) now we are stuck dealing with them.

India supplying arms to Armenia has also raised eyes in Turkey and Azerbaijan.

The reason we are doing is because we also want to strategically put pressure on them for supporting Pakistan.

So lot goes on in arms deals.

Sadly with USA they are too far ahead in anything for us to have much leverage on them.

Previously by getting close to Russia we could tell them to not interfere in Kashmir .
Now Russia is too busy and they are not going to be much help incase war with China.

So USA is a country that is dangerous both as a friend and as a enemy.
They can arm twist you.
India supplying arms to Armenia has also raised eyes in Turkey and Azerbaijan.

The reason we are doing is because we also want to strategically put pressure on them for supporting Pakistan.

So lot goes on in arms deals.

Sadly with USA they are too far ahead in anything for us to have much leverage on them.

Previously by getting close to Russia we could tell them to not interfere in Kashmir .
Now Russia is too busy and they are not going to be much help incase war with China.
Israel also supplies weapons to Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan has mainly voted a Abstain for any resolution against Israel in the UN general assembly. So yes selling arms does help.

Also when we supplied weapons to Armenia. The US, Russia and Israel looked the other way. Russia is supposed to help Armenia becauses it's part of CTSO. But due to Turkey they cannot help because Turkey controls their only Blue water Navy fleet access via the Bosphorus Strait. Secondly they are in no position to help Armenia due to Ukraine war.

Turkey Erdogan screws both the US and Russia for his benefit. This guy is known to play silly games like making Putin wait during a meeting and Putin returning the favour lol.

Russia would have love to keep China at a distance, if we had manufacturering capability for semi conductors and other machines. Putin knows Chinas threat but he has no choice but to rely on China due to sanctions. Indian firms are reluctant to sell to Russia due to fear of sanctions.
Israel also supplies weapons to Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan has mainly voted a Abstain for any resolution against Israel in the UN general assembly. So yes selling arms does help.

Also when we supplied weapons to Armenia. The US, Russia and Israel looked the other way. Russia is supposed to help Armenia becauses it's part of CTSO. But due to Turkey they cannot help because Turkey controls their only Blue water Navy fleet access via the Bosphorus Strait. Secondly they are in no position to help Armenia due to Ukraine war.

Turkey Erdogan screws both the US and Russia for his benefit. This guy is known to play silly games like making Putin wait during a meeting and Putin returning the favour lol.
Erdogan's Turkey is like Srilanka, Maldives , Bangladesh.
They want to eat from every plate they can get their hands on in return for nothing.

This works for them as they are strategically well located.

Specially Turkey.
Europe aur Africa aur Asia ke beech mein.
They created a monster with China
Helping a nation having almost one fifth of humanity achieve prosperity is creating a monster? This is an example of "negative nationalism". China may be many things but there is no denying the fact that without it the world's economy would not have made such progress that it made after China's rise. USA created many monsters (best known of which is Pakistan) but China is not one of them. It is just bad luck & fate that China is enemy with India else considering they are the oldest two civilizations in the history of humanity, they should be allies.
Helping a nation having almost one fifth of humanity achieve prosperity is creating a monster? This is an example of "negative nationalism". China may be many things but there is no denying the fact that without it the world's economy would not have made such progress that it made after China's rise. USA created many monsters (best known of which is Pakistan) but China is not one of them. It is just bad luck & fate that China is enemy with India else considering they are the oldest two civilizations in the history of humanity, they should be allies.
Helped millions to prosper?!...That kind of argument British rulers and their supporters still continue to use for giving us Railways..

China's problem is not just with India.

It has now being openly bullying almost every neighbour .
No neighbour feels safe with China around.
There constant damaging of boats and denying other nations in South China any resources . Taking livelihood of thousands of fisherman, damaging their boats , keeping Taiwan in constant fear of invasion. Sending fighter jets , major navy fleets loaded with missiles continuosly to a small tiny nation.
Grabbing lands in Bhutan and forcing them to compromise.

If all this is not signs of monstrosity then what is?.

It is not for the sake of nationalism I make this anti China comment.
Infact at many times even just past day on my WhatsApp..I posted admiring China. I admire what they have achieved and how far they have gone ahead coming from even worse conditions than us Indians.

But I also clear believe they are a bully.
Unlike India which has always respected International rules.
When International law when much in favour of water dispute with Bangladesh.
We respect it.

Indus water treaty is much in favour of Pakistanis. Yet we continue to respect that though we want changes to be made now.

So they maybe oldest civilization but they are already showing sings of being another bully like USA.
Helped millions to prosper?!...That kind of argument British rulers and their supporters still continue to use for giving us Railways..
British exploited India no doubt but their rule also has some significant positive points too not that it justify their rule & nowhere British claimed to "prosper India" as far as I know rather they claim to have "culturally improve" India during their rule.

China's problem is not just with India.

It has now being openly bullying almost every neighbour .
No neighbour feels safe with China around.
There constant damaging of boats and denying other nations in South China any resources . Taking livelihood of thousands of fisherman, damaging their boats , keeping Taiwan in constant fear of invasion. Sending fighter jets , major navy fleets loaded with missiles continuosly to a small tiny nation.
Grabbing lands in Bhutan and forcing them to compromise.

If all this is not signs of monstrosity then what is?.
That is common to every nation who amass great power, UK & USSR did it in the past & USA does this in the present but on a remote control level as there is no one to bully on their own continent (Canada is practically USA's brother).

Unlike India which has always respected International rules.
When International law when much in favour of water dispute with Bangladesh.
We respect it.

Indus water treaty is much in favour of Pakistanis. Yet we continue to respect that though we want changes to be made now.
Harsh truth but that is because of having "no choice". If India has same amount of power as USA & China then it too wouldn't be as "friendly" as it is now.
Harsh truth but that is because of having "no choice". If India has same amount of power as USA & China then it too wouldn't be as "friendly" as it is now.
India , if ever becomes a super power(don't think I will see that in this birth) but just maybe by some miracle hogaya , we may become little more assertive but India will never be a straight out bully.
China's 9- dash line is so close to Philippines and other countries waters and so far from China that they have left nothing for any of these small countries.
India , if ever becomes a super power(don't think I will see that in this birth) but just maybe by some miracle hogaya , we may become little more assertive but India will never be a straight out bully.
If world have to admit a country is powerful enough, that country at least have to show some passive aggression. China know this very well, hence their 'wolf diplomacy' in weaker countries which some in west were calling serious aggression. China haven't been running around and bombing countries, yet.

Our EAM worked in the middle of locals in Sri Lanka helping them during their dire times, and here is the result:

Soft diplomacy will not work with corrupt thankless leaders, people in those countries will suffer forever.
Rather, India did right action with Maldives by taking that artificial Island for our naval usage.

Arms deals are paying haftwa to the bully world police. See how just few months / weeks before announcing big contracts to China, China raise some comments about states in Indian border. That is the reality about it. India even offered to permanently settle border issue with China, that region is almost useless for them, but they were not interested in that. Because, they can get much better leverage keeping our insecurities alive...
If world have to admit a country is powerful enough, that country at least have to show some passive aggression. China know this very well, hence their 'wolf diplomacy' in weaker countries which some in west were calling serious aggression. China haven't been running around and bombing countries, yet.

Our EAM worked in the middle of locals in Sri Lanka helping them during their dire times, and here is the result:

Soft diplomacy will not work with corrupt thankless leaders, people in those countries will suffer forever.
Rather, India did right action with Maldives by taking that artificial Island for our naval usage.

Arms deals are paying haftwa to the bully world police. See how just few months / weeks before announcing big contracts to China, China raise some comments about states in Indian border. That is the reality about it. India even offered to permanently settle border issue with China, that region is almost useless for them, but they were not interested in that. Because, they can get much better leverage keeping our insecurities alive...
India was offered by Zhou Elai in 1962 to accept China's claim of Aksai Chin in exchange for Arunachal Pradesh.
But short sighted Nehru thought we might take it back and refused the offer. forget about taking Aksai Chin back we are already in trouble waters in Arunachal.

India never had visionary leaders or real strong willed leaders. Some who came never governed for long time to make a real difference.

China even took Rajiv Gandhi for a ride. he was told to lets continue business and let the border dispute be handled by future generations. In meantime China continued growing powerful and made billions from trade deficit with India making India depend heavily on China's manufacturing.

So what leverage will we have when country is run by such leaders who would keep loosing every opportunities coming there way.
In meantime China continued growing powerful and made billions from trade deficit with India making India depend heavily on China's manufacturing.

So what leverage will we have when country is run by such leaders who would keep loosing every opportunities coming there way.
These two sentences are what matters all about China. Whatever we say, they leaders did bulldozed forward into development.
In present situation, lamenting about past failures is not going to do help, probably our leaders have time to learn from those mistakes to take things forward.
Chinese development did not out phase India alone, but most of western countries too. We as Indians stayed with Indian way of growth, unfortunately.
In meantime China continued growing powerful and made billions from trade deficit with India
Majority misunderstand the concept of "trade deficit" & for a good reason because it kinds of goes against the typical person's common sense. Trying to explain it in a very simple manner, why India buys from China & the answer is because it is much cheaper because of their internal policies which India doesn't have. Now how does India pay for Chinese imports & the answer is US Dollars which neither India nor China controls. Now imagine India stops buying anything from China & instead try to manufacture everything on their own but at a much costlier rate because it can't exactly duplicate the same Chinese policies because of being a democracy. Now again imagine Indian ppl willing to buy all that costlier products for national reliance but then even govt can't print unlimited money so the end result would be Indian economy still losing more than what it would have while buying from China the same stuff because of inflation/lost opportunity costs. Another often misunderstood concept is currency exchange rate which too goes against "common sense". Without going into details, Japan which is one of the world's most developed & advance economy prefer its currency to not be valued too high against US Dollar while India had the exchange rate of $1=Rs.1 around the time of its independence.