Israel Hezbollah Pager Attack.

To your earlier point, like all reserve currencies the US dollar will eventually die just like Britain pounds before it and all other preceding currencies, France Francs, Dutch Guilder, Spanish real, Portugal real. All of them had a combined avergae life of around 94 years, some more some less. The US dollar is on life support with full might of US military, media and sanctions keeping it alive.
The euro was the biggest challenge to the dollar when it was introduced. Circulated in a combined economy that was larger than the US. Twenty years ago the talk was how euro will become an alternative to dollars. It only ended replacing 20% of the total of global USD transactions. People like to forget this when speaking of a new brics currency.
With USD no longer the only way to pay for oil and goods and US Navy will be second best by the end of decade and de dollarization train already having left the station, dollars is soon going to be just another currency.
And who is there to replace them? Not the PLA-N who can't even support an aircraft carrier in the Indian ocean let alone beyond. The imperial Japanese hit pearl harbor with the equivalent of six carriers.

When do you think the PLA-N will have built as many.

Then manned them because presently they are building faster than they can staff them. When will they graduate a squadron of naval aviators that can take off and land on an aircraft carrier bobbing around in rough seas.

After that the crew need to survive the hardships of being at sea. Discussing with ex-USN I learnt they don't even have adequate fire drills in the event of a fire. US sailors like our guys on the border know the competences of the PLA and PLA-N ;)

Finally competent enough to fight from them.

Which year will be in by the time all steps have been completed?

It's not for nothing the saying, three years to build a ship, three hundred for a navy exists.

China will first try to get taiwan by doing a blockade
You need to look up tanker wars in the gulf during the 80s to understand how easy it is to counter such a blockade. It hasn't happened yet for a reason.
they will not even invade it, unless the US is involved in middle easy and ukraine thinning out their dwindling reserves.
They will never invade because its too difficult and only if they're prepared to lose 100k+ personell. These days with only kids military how will they do it. Seven dependents per male. Do the math.
They will not fight India, they may try to bully us but they dont have the stomach for a full on war.
They will and we must be prepared. All they need to topple the government here is grab a not insignificant chunk of land and for us to be unable to retrieve it. Domestic politics will do the rest. This will also cement their position as top dog and India will be China neutral. That is their goal. Think of ways they can achieve it. India is the only land power in the way of a Sinocentric Asia.
You were wondering in another discussion if we would ever go on the offensive. This is the main reason we have to and I have no doubt our mountain strike formations will do it. Then you have something to trade.

They may even bail on taiwan if they master all semi conductor fab technologies. I know the US will dump taiwan the moment the TSMC facilites and tech know how is off shored to other countries.
The tech is secondary. Taking Taiwan is strategic from a military sense. It bottles the PLA-N up. Once the obstacle is not there the navy is free to operate over a much larger area. This more than reunification of Chinese people or tech fabs is the reason to get Taiwan.
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It is old news as I've pointed out already.

Result if successful is American products will be cheaper to buy in the future than at present.

How many takers on this board?
This is not old news because you feel so.

It is very well expected if Trump win, there will be issues, (don't care who wins in USA because ultimately it's a wannabe imperialist country and is electing defective leaders on purpose to the benefit of their oligarchy). Whoever wins there doesn't matter much as all works for oligarchy.
If you are talking about earlier precedence on same topic, Dtrump should've known that he is two elections late and world political dynamics changed so much during that period, which his demented mind is yet to catch-up. Would like to see his whole selling point of 'the art of negotiation', to be proven as a text-book example of how not to do it. Not because Dtrump is moronic, but because USA need to learn that they need better leaders who can lead better and thus negotiate properly.
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If you are talking about earlier precedence on same topic, Dtrump should've known that he is two elections late and world political dynamics changed so much during that period, which his demented mind is yet to catch-up.
Exactly what I'm referring to when I mentioned Harley Davidson. You never heard of it?

Ofcourse he's still going to hardball us but its the same government that dealt with him before and will handle him again. Your point isn't something I would worry about at all. Because we have to negotiate the same with any government.

It will be more fun to watch how the left leaning governments of say UK & Australia handle him :joyful:
Not because Dtrump is moronic, but because USA need to learn that they need better leaders who can lead better and thus negotiate properly.
He is a better leader hands down. He keeps his opponents (internal and external) and allies guessing. Since Bush, the CCP have been adminstering the China test. Same applies to Indian army chiefs after VK Singh and on.

The test entails creating a mini crisis and then asessing how either the US president or the Indian army chief of the day handles the crisis.

Trump didn't get the China test. Instead he gave the CCP the US test :cool:

CCP and by extension XJP was too scared to give him any test. . He'd bash China on a regular basis. China virus etc. That's what you want in a US leader
You are comparing a first world developed country with a developing country with less than one fifth of GDP per capita (ppp basis). You are paying a much more electricity bill because the country cannot afford to give you cheaper rates, as simple as that.
We have the lowest mobile rates in the world. Does it have anything to do GDP per capita? No. So why do you assign it when its mismanagement of the power sector.

We have like seven different power agencies when China has just one. Yeah i can see how that would lead to more effective management.

We need power sector reforms. Don't think that happened at all after liberalisation. For the simple reason the various escoms are one among other cash cows for the political parties. That is why we pay more.
I guess you also bought into the hype of "5th largest economy".
I don't buy into it. I advocate it. We will blow away 4, 3, 2 & become 2.

Know why? 4,3,2 are all assisted economies that in addition benefitted from a peace dividend. We had no peace dividend since independence and were sanctioned by the west for several decades.

Yet we still grew. Therefore our growth is unstoppable. I don't care about GDP per capita. I want to boast & chest thump GDP. If we have a moon or mars program people will still whine about GDP per capita forgetting its only budding superpowers that have such programs to begin with.

At independence we had the highest GDP in Asia and ranked 6th in the world. It took seventy years to get beyond. We've had the largest economy in the past making up a third of global GDP at the time. Or equivalent to what the US economy was at the start of the 90s.
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Interesting map. Is Maldives green in that map meaning their gdp is higher than India's yet they get 30 billion free money from us?
Both Maldives and Sri Lanka are actually blackmailing India and paying China that ransom money.
Anyways, heard that India is opening a naval base in Maldives on an artificial island built and expanded with waste generated on other islands. Probably, this time India will handle it better.
CCP and by extension XJP was too scared to give him any test.
Covid19 is probably the Chinese way of aggression.
Wasn't it in Lakshdweep or Mauritius?
I am watching IC 814 kandhar hijack and sometimes I wish it was Israel that these Pakistanis would have try to pull such things off.
Because what you were watching came with an agenda. Why do they do this :bored:

Former RAW chiefs crticism of this series at 5:15

Clicking heels at raw?! That's what the Nazis did.

Which joker thought to mispresent us like that.

Very poor research or deliberately done.
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what the use of such thread that not concern about India and Indian, here on TE (so called Indians) more worried & busy about Israel/Iran & Hezbollah Terrorist, totally ignorant of issue in India .... Kolkatta Medics Death, Unidentified things placed over Railways Track all over India to derail trains and plan to kill thousand travelling in trains ....
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Things will return back once the Israelis make a move
Exactly the point I was going to make.

Beside what is wrong if the thread goes little off topic.

This is just discussion of worldly affairs and how India will be affected too in one way or the other.

People who don't enjoy this have other topics to discuss too.

Only issue is some people take it to too personal. That can be avoided.
Beside what is wrong if the thread goes little off topic.
Nothing. This is not help section. Going off the beaten path is always interesting if you have experienced and clued up people commenting.
This is just discussion of worldly affairs and how India will be affected too in one way or the other.

People who don't enjoy this have other topics to discuss too.
People that have contributed the least in a discussion are always first to say close the thread.

How will India be affected if Iran gets attacked?

Oil price hike in the short to medium term. So 15 - 30 days and then things return back
@mods please move this off topic discussion on electricity and Indiann GDP elsewhere and close this thread as it is now completely out of context and there is nothing much to discuss other than trying to prove who has better GK.
you would be better served just ignoring the thread. I for one am liking even the OT discussions, specially since it's not devolved into name calling yet and people are having nuanced discussion with varying perspectives
How will India be affected if Iran gets attacked?
Here, thinks that Iran will not be attacked the way Lebanon is attacked, for now. Small, contained and controlled attack to show they did something may happen.
Actual attack might be scheduled for another time-frame after things are in control.

What the ....
How the hell did Mossad/Israel they pull this off..

Pakistani and most Israel enemies would be throwing their pagers and even possibly their mobiles out of the windows by now.
You should watch the Netflix show 'the spy' from Sasha baron Cohen. They showed how mossad had shell company in Swiss, Argentina setup for just one agent to infiltrate Syria
Both articles don't mention anything about a naval base, only a deep water port. I recon, after the port is constructed, some new maldives president will ask India to get out again so they don't have to pay India for the port costs and get the port free.

Since I derailed the thread and bought electricity into the discussion, let me bring it back to the topic. Israel has made a large scale cyber attack on Iranian nuclear facilities probably after Iran tested a nuke. The reason i think Iran tested a nuke is there were no pre or after shocks as in case of a natural earthquake. Just a sudden magintude < 4.0 earthquake means it was a nuclear device imo. I could be wrong though. Remember years back when Israel did stuxnet or something on Iranian nuclear facilities? Or a minor explosion at their nuclear plant? This recent cyber attck points to Iran already having nukes or being very close to getting nukes either from China or Russia. It's probably China the world wide meddler.

Both articles don't mention anything about a naval base, only a deep water port.
"But opposition parties alleged there was a plan for a permanent Indian military base in the island nation. A leaked document released in the local media said an India-funded dockyard for the Maldivian coastguard would be used by Indian navy vessels for years.
The opposition asked why such an important deal was not debated in parliament. Solih was accused of signing a secret defence deal with India, an accusation the government denied as it accused the opposition parties of “spreading lies”.
“India has always been the Maldives’ closest ally and trusted neighbour,” a statement by the government said in November.
“Support provided by India, on areas such as search and rescue capabilities, casualty evacuation, coastal surveillance, and maritime reconnaissance, directly benefit the Maldivian people,” it said."
"But opposition parties alleged there was a plan for a permanent Indian military base in the island nation. A leaked document released in the local media said an India-funded dockyard for the Maldivian coastguard would be used by Indian navy vessels for years.
The opposition asked why such an important deal was not debated in parliament. Solih was accused of signing a secret defence deal with India, an accusation the government denied as it accused the opposition parties of “spreading lies”.
“India has always been the Maldives’ closest ally and trusted neighbour,” a statement by the government said in November.
“Support provided by India, on areas such as search and rescue capabilities, casualty evacuation, coastal surveillance, and maritime reconnaissance, directly benefit the Maldivian people,” it said."
That's just the opposition making things up. 2 Dornier aircrafts and pilots and 100 military personell =/= military base. These were just allegations. Those people don't even know how to fly that aircraft which was given to them free by India. Don't take their illiterate ramblings seriously.

India is building a naval base in India itself. No need to got o other countries.
That's just the opposition making things up.
In fact, found this information from Indian groups affiliated to local politics recently. Not directly from links I provided here.
Those people don't even know how to fly that aircraft which was given to them free by India. Don't take their illiterate ramblings seriously.
They are not supposed to utilize these kind of system anyways.
India is building a naval base in India itself.
Maldives in 754 km away from Lakshadweep, it matters.

May be time will tell, don't what is in hold for future.
You should watch the Netflix show 'the spy' from Sasha baron Cohen. They showed how mossad had shell company in Swiss, Argentina setup for just one agent to infiltrate Syria
I saw it long time back.

Yes, what sacrifice for his country.

The trees he had made them planted . Helped Israeli Air force to hit the target.

What a move that was.