Israel Hezbollah Pager Attack.

With the conditions of nato help not allowed to be used deep into the Russian territory which is as good as fighting with one hand tied behind their back against Russia. Wars are not won simply by missiles & bombs unless it is nukes. It is always the ground forces that decide the final lasting outcome.
The scalp and storm shadow missiles have been intercepted more often than they are not in Ukraine territory held by Russians. Its basically a cat and mouse game whether they can cover every target with layered AA cover. Even to score a hit on a infrastructure, Ukraine is forced to do a saturation attack that overwhelms the air defenses. This cannot be sustained in the long run. Since there are very few of those low RCS missiles in Ukraine inventory and the Nato production of those are small.

Ukraine is destined to lose this war if they can't even destroy/attack Russian forces in advance coming to attack them from within Russia until they are face to face with them inside their own borders.
Ukraine is going to loose the war regardless. They don't have air power and currently the MIC of Russia is outgunning Nato entire production capacity.

Russia too has been scraping supplies from NK, Iran & China.
Except that Russia has always been firing 4x to 10x more artillery shells per day compared to Ukraine.

All those systems are for "defense" not "offense". Like I mentioned above, if not enough/capable ground forces then everything else is not of much use. Long gone are the days of countries occupying territory hundreds of KMs away from their borders. USSR learned this lesson the hard way in Afghanistan after USA learned the same lesson but in a bit less hard way in Vietnam.
And that defense system is whats keep Nato from declaring a no fly zone over ukraine. Russia is outnumbered 5 to 1 in combat aircrafts vs Nato.

Remember just before the russia-ukraine war, Ukraine was the 2nd largest military in Europe after Russia in many fields such as air defenses, tanks, artillery. Ukraine had more air defense systems than even India. Ukraine military was also undergoing Nato training since 2014. All of Nato tactics and training where defeated by Russians.
Huh, Russia is currently defeating the military industrial complex of NATO and from the entire NATO real time reconnaissance from Awacs and sattelites.

It will take years for NATO MIC to match Russia current production capacity. Nato has been scraping artillery supplies from South korea and even India.

The only area where Russia are behind is aircraft numbers. But if NATO is directly involved with air power. Those NATO bases and factories producing aircrafts in Nato countries will be bombed by Russia and with nukes if things really look dire.

Even if the Nato airforce is directly involved like in Yugoslavia, the serbs took down stealth aircrafts with pre historic AA weapons and at that time Russia was not in a position to help serbs.

The cost Russia can inflict on Nato aircrafts from ground based mobile AA will be devastating.

All the so called game changer western weapons Patriot, IRIST, Himars, Javelin, JASSM, M1A1, M2A2, Lepoards, Challenger, have been destroyed or made them irrelevant by Russia.

The moment a F16 or mirage 2000 or a Typhoon climbs to 1000ft or above, there will be a missile heading towards them. To launch a stand off missile at meaningfull distances, the aircraft needs to be really fly high, higher then a airline. Russia still has the world's largest AA defenses that has become stronger with latest variant of missiles and software algorithms from the lessons learnt with facing off Nato weapons.

This is about right.

People here don't seem to understand war, only politics.
I missed this post earlier
Quoting from Wikipedia here...

In the 1920s, the British imposed restrictions on Jewish immigration to Palestine and the ability of Jews to buy land, claiming that these decisions were taken due to concerns over the economic absorptive capacity of the country. In the 1930s, British authorities set a quota for immigration certificates and authorised the Jewish Agency to hand them out at its discretion. Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, the British introduced the White Paper of 1939. The White Paper rejected the concept of partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab states and announced that the country would be turned into an independent binational state with an Arab majority. It severely curtailed Jewish immigration, allowing for only 75,000 Jews to migrate to Palestine from 1940 to 1944, consisting of a yearly quota of 10,000 per year and a supplementary quota for 25,000 to cover refugee emergencies spread out over the same period. Afterward, further Jewish immigration would depend on the consent of the Arab majority. Sales of Arab land to Jews were to be restricted.
About rejection of the partition of the mandate in 1939. It already happened earlier which of course your wiki does not mention. Where do think Jordan comes from? Carved out of 75% of the mandate without any consent from the jews.
In reaction to British restrictions, illegal immigration to Palestine began. Initially, Jews entered Palestine by land, mainly by slipping across the northern border, where they were aided by the border settlements. In the early 1930s, when crossing the northern border became more difficult, other routes were found. Thousands of Jews came to Palestine on student or tourist visas, and never returned to their countries of origin. Jewish women often entered into fictitious marriages with residents of Palestine to be granted entry for family reunification purposes. In 1934, the first seaborne attempt to bring Jews to Palestine happened when some 350 Jews of the HeHalutz movement in Poland who were unwilling to wait for certificates sailed to Palestine on the Vallos, a chartered ship. Two more ships carrying illegal immigrants arrived in 1937, and several more arrived in 1938 and 1939. These voyages were mainly organised by the Revisionist Zionist Organisation and the Irgun.

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When you say the British blocked immigration to Palestine, you're not giving the entire picture, are you? It looks like the period from 1930-1940 experienced the greatest explosion in immigration of Jews, much of it illegal.
You need to see where the jews were coming from. Your wiki article makes it look like they were coming from Europe alone? Fact is jews were getting ethnically cleansed from around the arab world. Starting with Iraq in the 30s, Yemen, Libya and others. From where they had been living peacefully for centuries prior but as happens with jews over millenia, they live at the whims of the host population. All the more reason to set up your own country where you can defend yourself and be safe, one whose land you solely bear connection to for three millenia.

If you want to know more then checkout these videos. They are all legally sound.

Private jewish initiatives to educate the public because the Israeli government stinks when it comes to hasbara. Can you believe they didn't even have a foreign language spokesperson on Oct 7. Meaning one who could speak english without that heavy Israeli accent.
Those are heavy, positively apocalyptic numbers for a country of 752k population in 1920 that can rapidly change demographics. I'm not sure how one looks at the Zionist camp and their mostly transparent goal of overrunning Palestine with Jewish migrants over the course of decades and takes a sympathetic view.
Get your facts right and its very simple. There never was a Palestine. Before the jews migrated there so late 1800s there wasn't much of a population there to begin with. All changes in the 20s where with investment the need for labour goes up and arabs from neighbouring areas move to for employment. Which then creates friction with the existing ottoman landlords.
Not sure about Israeli Arabs, but Palestinians living under occupation in Israel do not have freedom of movement.
As do Israelis in Judea & Samaria or Gaza. No jews allowed. They'd be lynched. But tens of thousands of gazans were allowed to come and work in Israel. All history now. Indians will replace those Gazans along with other Asians.

Yeah better go learn about Israeli arabs because blacks in erstwhile south africa were certainly not treated with any equality or allowed into white society.
Israeli military checkpoints heavily restrict their access to other areas and to public services. Restricting or controlling people's movement and therefore access to jobs, government services and social mobility is one of the primary ways in which apartheid works.
You don't think two intifadas had anything to do with it? The second was particularly bad where suicide bombers would show up at restaurants or public buses and cause mayhem. And now ask yourself how it was even possible for these people to reach those places at all. Because until intifada they had more freedoms which they abused as they have ever since.
Look at what they did to Jews with designated ghettos in Nazi Germany, or how South Africa used to function, or Uyghurs in China. Based on their respective track records, one might want to meet a CCP soldier before they meet an IDF soldier. Because at least the CCP don't have a record of shooting at children.
You need to learn more of the Israeli side of the story. They're the ones who had to pay in blood. They always wanted to live in peace when the other side wants them gone.
The things they're doing in the illegally occupied West Bank are even more morally repugnant.

It's not illegally occupied. The whole basis of that spurious and poltically motivated charge stems from article 49 of the geneva convention which says states may not forcibly move a population into an area.

The Israeli government has not forcibly moved any Israelis into Judea & Samaria. Settlers (which is a misnomer since its the arabs that are not native and are the settlers there) have moved there on their own will because the price was low and out of religious conviction.

Judea & Samaria are biblical Jewish lands where access is restricted to jews according to the Oslo accords that divide up the areas into three zones A, B & C. One of them the arabs have full autonomy. They have their own police and administration that they used to vote for. Was this possible in townships of South Africa. No it was not.

The next zone is mixed and the last is under Israeli control. This is the area with new jewish housing development.
Nah, you're wrong.

I'm passionate about high speed trains connecting people. Among other things. You're passionate about Israel. Probably among other things. Different strokes for different folks.
Nah I'm right. I've already discussed this high speed train story with clued up Americans a decade back that told me it would not happen anytime soon.

Because it won't be economically viable based on habitation patterns. Your passion about the topic isn't going to change ground realities.

Course stories that it will happen etc has been going on since the 90s. I lived in France where it was a thing since the 80s. I used to hear how there was this upcoming project for the french tgv in texas (of all places). Thirty years later there still isn't one.
That's a lot of links to go through. And I'm not that dedicated. I saw the first video you posted and it did not teach me anything new, in fact, it was transparently propaganda to my eyes. So I wasn't going to go through the rest, sorry.
I don't buy this lame propaganda objection. Who else then is better qualified to explain Israel's contributions than a former ambassador? That he took the trouble to make videos about them to inform the world is commendable. I certainly learnt a lot from them and will continue to use them to rebut these ignorant statements.

You just don't want to see the truth. A similar charge was made to an Israeli spokesman on tv debate recently and his quick reply was if you knew of Israel's contributions you wouldn't be saying this.
Even your points here aren't really changing my mind because when I investigate them a little further, the reality is more complicated. Even the combatants to civilian ratio, I think this is just a broadly applied statistic to hide behind and perhaps even justify more civilian deaths.
Those deaths and of Israelis forced to defend are entirely the fault of Hamas. You dont get to start a war, get your ass kicked and then play victim. Not complicated at all.

I've said earlier the casualties are a lot lower than if NATO were fighting this war. But of course the biased pro pal media twists it like everything else.
Because you have the Israelis using the equivalent of ChatGPT to make decisions on bombing people, only spending 20 seconds evaluating each target before sentencing entire families to death. To the point that their intelligence officers wracked with guilt become whistleblowers.

“There were regulations, but they were just very lenient,” another added. “We’ve killed people with collateral damage in the high double digits, if not low triple digits. These are things that haven’t happened before.” There appears to have been significant fluctuations in the figure that military commanders would tolerate at different stages of the war.
Be careful of these so called whistleblowers. There are a number of them all funded by Qatari money to betray their people. Only requirement is to be an Israeli

And one thing I've noticed is there is no shortage of Judases. Former officers taking up partisan positions? If an indian officer did that in his pension would be under review. Academics like Ilan Pappe who exemplify what the term self hating jew means. Son of an idf general is another. It's sad. But these people are liberal so all sorts of crap is tolerated.

Do you understand now the amount of lies that is fabricated against Israel? It's a cottage industry going back half a century. Lot of it Soviet inspired because their arab clients were getting beat up by western proxy using western arms.
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Judea & Samaria are biblical Jewish lands where access is restricted to jews
Just to say:
The Bible is approximately 77% Old Testament and 23% New Testament.
The Old Testament began with the books of Moses about 1,200 to 1,300 B.C. and reaches to Malachi about 445 B.C. for a total of about 750–850 years.
The Old Testament is Jewish Tanakh, aka teachings.
The New Testament (after birth of Jesus) covers about 60-65 years.

There were several other religions in that region which were always in fight with Jewish people.
Mohammedanism came much later in history, ~610 CE.
There were several other religions in that region which were always in fight with Jewish people.
Mohammedanism came much later in history, ~610 CE.
Yes, that is why they have two destroyed temples, five centuries apart. But the jews were the only people attached to that land and retained their culture. Others were defeated and converted out.
The scalp and storm shadow missiles have been intercepted more often than they are not in Ukraine territory held by Russians. Its basically a cat and mouse game whether they can cover every target with layered AA cover. Even to score a hit on a infrastructure, Ukraine is forced to do a saturation attack that overwhelms the air defenses. This cannot be sustained in the long run. Since there are very few of those low RCS missiles in Ukraine inventory and the Nato production of those are small.
I am talking about using F16 & ballistic missiles to hit targets deep inside Russia without which Ukraine won't even have a small chance of victory.

Ukraine is going to loose the war regardless. They don't have air power and currently the MIC of Russia is outgunning Nato entire production capacity.
Nato isn't going to dip into their own critical reserves to arm Ukraine. Whatever Nato is giving Ukraine is over & above what it already use.

Except that Russia has always been firing 4x to 10x more artillery shells per day compared to Ukraine.
See above. China, Iran, NK don't have the obligations of nato so obviously they can afford to dip more into their own reserves to help Russia.

And that defense system is whats keep Nato from declaring a no fly zone over ukraine. Russia is outnumbered 5 to 1 in combat aircrafts vs Nato.
It is the nukes of Russia that is keeping anyone from declaring no fly zone over Ukraine.

Remember just before the russia-ukraine war, Ukraine was the 2nd largest military in Europe after Russia in many fields such as air defenses, tanks, artillery. Ukraine had more air defense systems than even India. Ukraine military was also undergoing Nato training since 2014. All of Nato tactics and training where defeated by Russians.
The fact that Russia is still not able to claim "victory" against Ukraine is itself the proof that Russia is just a pale shadow of erstwhile USSR with nothing much but mainly nukes as its greatest strength. Don't forget the Chinese propping of Russian economy & MIC without which it would have been in a much worse situation. Former USSR is never coming back, at best China might be able to take its place if lucky but forget about Russia ever gaining the position of former USSR. Last but not the least, Putin might persevere against the entire world but in the end he too will face the inevitable fate of facing the end of life. After Putin, Russia might even slide back to its worst days after USSR breakup.
ut the jews were the only people attached to that land and retained their culture. Others were defeated and converted out.
Jews were enslaved and exiled in Egypt for long time (The Exodus), also in Babylonia. By Rome, by Mohammedanism, etc.. They were one of the foremost tribes originating from that region indeed.
I am talking about using F16 & ballistic missiles to hit targets deep inside Russia without which Ukraine won't even have a small chance of victory.
F16 isn't going to change a thing, there is nothing that a ukrainen Mig29 can't do that a F16 can. Nato has been already using standalone systems like a tablet which then communicates with custom made pylon, to launch every ground to air stand off missile that F16 can launch. The only thing they can't launch are laser and TV guided bombs which is only possible against Taliban or against a country without air defenses. For stand off weapons the Mig29 and Su27 already fires Scalp and storm shadow.

As far as ballistic missile, the only weapon that can strike within Russia that is on offer to ukraine is Himars variant ATACMS which can launch at higher ranges. But based on western media itself, the Himars and air launched JASSMs have been useless since 2023 due to Russian electronic warfare jamming. ATACMS is just is a bigger missile with more solid propellant but with the same electronics for navigation as the smaller Himars.

All the other ballistic missiles in Nato are bigger nuclear tipped ones. If russia detects a launch of those it will be a nuclear response.

See above. China, Iran, NK don't have the obligations of nato so obviously they can afford to dip more into their own reserves to help Russia.
Based on US congressional hearing, currently Russia outproduces NATO combined artillery uptill 2026. This also only stays true if Russia doesn't further ramp up by 2026 to counter Nato increased production lines in 2026. So Russia still can outgun NATO with or without Chinese or NK supplies.

It is the nukes of Russia that is keeping anyone from declaring no fly zone over Ukraine.
Nukes won't be used for NO fly Zone over ukraine. Russia doctrine doesnt allow for nuclear response unless the very state of Russian territory is threatned. So if Nato aircrafts are flying over Kiev or Lyiv or Kharkov those provinces are not Russian annexed territory yet.

USSR still had less aircraft than NATO, it's their layer air defenses that kept NATO out from even spying. Unlike the USSR, the USA always wants to peek inside soviet air space with either U2, A12/ SR71.

The fact that Russia is still not able to claim "victory" against Ukraine is itself the proof that Russia is just a pale shadow of erstwhile USSR with nothing much but mainly nukes as its greatest strength.
How long has it taken Israel to even capture the tiny Gaza, it's been a year and they still haven't. Ukraine is not Afghanistan or Iraq which had no meaningful AA or trees and building cover to hide those mobile AA.

Former USSR is never coming back, at best China might be able to take its place if lucky but forget about Russia ever gaining the position of former USSR. Last but not the least, Putin might persevere against the entire world but in the end he too will face the inevitable fate of facing the end of life. After Putin, Russia might even slide back to its worst days after USSR breakup.
True. But if you ever see the memes in Russia about Putin and Medevev. It's Putin who is softer and more calculating 5D Chess. While Dmitry Medvedev who is the second most powerful person in Russia wants to give a powefull military response to Nato, he wants to go all they way to Kyiv or Lyiv to get rid of Banderas/Nazis. While Putin is very very patient who is willing to negotiate even now.
The Israelis want hezbollah disbanded. They can remain in politics but will no longer have a military arm.

Disband hezbollah was part of the UNSC resolutions 1559 from 2004 and 1701 from 2006.

One disarmed hezbollah and the other created a buffer zone of 30km inside Southern Lebanon.

Nothing of the sort happened. The unsc did not pass these under article 7 but article 6 which means the P5 would not be responsible for its enforcement. That role was for unifil who are only capable of defending themselves and enforcing nothing.

How is Israel to get this done? In theory this situation should not even exist if the job was done properly since 2006.

They have a month until the US elections conclude to hit hezbollah as hard as they can.

To remove Hezbollah as a fighting force?
F16 isn't going to change a thing, there is nothing that a ukrainen Mig29 can't do that a F16 can.
This is pure hypothesis, practical reality can not always be 100% simulated by a hypothesis. Maybe F16 won't do a thing or maybe they do but unless they are used one can't say that for sure.

Based on US congressional hearing, currently Russia outproduces NATO combined artillery uptill 2026. This also only stays true if Russia doesn't further ramp up by 2026 to counter Nato increased production lines in 2026. So Russia still can outgun NATO with or without Chinese or NK supplies.
Russian economy limit is much lower than combined economic limit of nato. If push comes to shove nato can outmatch Russia in any production field at the cost of huge economic losses. It is just that such a shove is very unlikely to come.

Russia doctrine doesnt allow for nuclear response unless the very state of Russian territory is threatned.
And that is determined by one person in Russia so practically as good as that person's mood/mental state.

How long has it taken Israel to even capture the tiny Gaza, it's been a year and they still haven't.
Israel is not exactly fighting a war, it is basically a calculated massacre in Gaza which takes much more time & planning even if the outcome is certain.

But if you ever see the memes in Russia about Putin and Medevev. It's Putin who is softer and more calculating 5D Chess. While Dmitry Medvedev who is the second most powerful person in Russia wants to give a powefull military response to Nato, he wants to go all they way to Kyiv or Lyiv to get rid of Banderas/Nazis. While Putin is very very patient who is willing to negotiate even now.
Typical good cop bad cop thing. Putin needs to have Medvedev play the role of bad cop so he can act as a good cop as the face of Russia. Don't forget that a dictator never allow a "second most powerful person" unless he is close to dying or that second most powerful person is direct family.= (aka NK).
It needs a miracle for Trump to get elected.
First time since a month and the last debate I'm seeing the betting markets are favouring him.

What a relief :playful:
If Israel subdues Hezbollah, before election day, will be massive win for Democarats.
I'm starting to believe this is possible given the past few weeks. They are taking out replacement and their replacements for the top leadership. If it doesn't qualify as 'subduing' nothing else will.

But latest I'm hearing is the war goals have expanded. They will be at war with Iran. It won't be a response of a day, a week or a month. But a campaign that ends with Iran no longer being a threat to Israel and by extension the gulf arabs.

Iran's idea of defense is strategic depth via proxies so they don't have to fight themselves. This is a big problem for them as was seen in Syria where they forced Afghan immigrants and hezbollah to fight instead. The Iranian public is very sensitive to body bags.

The Israelis apprehend that as Iran's proxies fall away that they will rush to become nuclear. So its now or never to strike that capability whenever. Its not off the table.

The claim that hezbollahs missiles have been reduced to 20% seems a bit fantastic. Or what took twenty years of stockpiling was destroyed in two weeks. Seriously?!

As far as munitions development go they have more now than was the case a year ago and will continue to develop this capacity. So basic munitions for arms, tank rounds & artillery. Russia has become the inspiration here.
Personally, I wish Trump is elected and stops funding these wars.
Depending on who wins. An administration that will partner with Israel in mutual interest to denuclearise Iran or one that appeases and wants ceasefire means the Israelis will go it alone. There is a high sense of confidence they can win and this means they should go for the top prize.

This all sounds like manoeuvring where you negotiate with everyone, allies, neighbours and adversaries from a position of strength. They will try to knock you down so the asking price is set high at the outset.
Him winning the prez election second time will mark the beginning of the downfall of USA in the long term. Russia & China will celebrate for sure.
I don't know if putin would prefer he wins this time. He certainly would the last time around.

China & Iran would certainly not want him.

Downfall of US at least the perception as leader of the free world began with Obama and continued with Biden. That is twelve years of backseat driving. Trump is their only chance to right this imbalance.
Him winning the prez election second time will mark the beginning of the downfall of USA in the long term. Russia & China will celebrate for sure.
How so, Kamala win is guaranteed to make downfall much faster. She is the most incompetent VP ever. Russia prefers Trump for ending the ukraine war, but both Russia and China would prefer Kamala win, since it would implode the US from within due to DEI, WOKE hiring in every field including their military.

This is pure hypothesis, practical reality can not always be 100% simulated by a hypothesis. Maybe F16 won't do a thing or maybe they do but unless they are used one can't say that for sure.
The F16 that they are getting is the early model ones with inferior engines and avionics, the only thing it will add is aircraft numbers to ukraine airforce.

Russian economy limit is much lower than combined economic limit of nato. If push comes to shove nato can outmatch Russia in any production field at the cost of huge economic losses. It is just that such a shove is very unlikely to come.
USA is already in a massive debt, its single biggest liability in its budget will be the interest paid on the debt. Even now nato countries are not contributing 2.5% of their share in spending, that NATO treaty requires. So if push come to shove, those governments in EU are going to get toppled in the next election cycles.

And that is determined by one person in Russia so practically as good as that person's mood/mental state.
It goes both ways, to the person in NATO/US to risk it.

Israel is not exactly fighting a war, it is basically a calculated massacre in Gaza which takes much more time & planning even if the outcome is certain.
Call it what you want but urban warfare is slow.

Typical good cop bad cop thing. Putin needs to have Medvedev play the role of bad cop so he can act as a good cop as the face of Russia. Don't forget that a dictator never allow a "second most powerful person" unless he is close to dying or that second most powerful person is direct family.= (aka NK).
Putin was a KGB officer and later on become the FSB director. So he is thinking Russia future into decades ahead long after his death.
How so, Kamala win is guaranteed to make downfall much faster. She is the most incompetent VP ever. Russia prefers Trump for ending the ukraine war, but both Russia and China would prefer Kamala win, since it would implode the US from within due to DEI, WOKE hiring in every field including their military.
Yeah, you go man
:joycat:. Tell us about the Haiti cuisine in Springfield Ohio too.
I don't know if putin would prefer he wins this time. He certainly would the last time around.

China & Iran would certainly not want him.

Downfall of US at least the perception as leader of the free world began with Obama and continued with Biden. That is twelve years of backseat driving. Trump is their only chance to right this imbalance.
If a convicted felon, rapist & a liar is the best chance for a country then that country is already doomed. Leaders like obama & biden are dime a dozen & come & go in every country but they never become the reason for downfall of a country.

How so, Kamala win is guaranteed to make downfall much faster. She is the most incompetent VP ever. Russia prefers Trump for ending the ukraine war, but both Russia and China would prefer Kamala win, since it would implode the US from within due to DEI, WOKE hiring in every field including their military.
You know what is worst than the most incompetent VP, an incompetent ex-prez who thinks he is the greatest prez ever & has a divine right to be correct about everything even if everyone else in his cabinet incl his VP disagree. Russia would clearly prefer Trump for this & as for China there will be short term pain if Trump wins but in the long term China too should prefer Trump but it is just that Xi Jinping remaining life is not that long so he cares more for short term than long term.

USA is already in a massive debt, its single biggest liability in its budget will be the interest paid on the debt.
USA always has the biggest debt, that's how the world economy works. Because US is the biggest consumer of products in the world & its currency is the standard so it will always have the most debt in the world.

It goes both ways, to the person in NATO/US to risk it.
NATO/US is nowhere near Putin/Xi level of decision making unless it is Trump in WH.

Putin was a KGB officer and later on become the FSB director. So he is thinking Russia future into decades ahead long after his death.
That's a good joke. You are really being naive here if you think any leader/politician is thinking about decades ahead after their death for anything let alone the future of their country. Nobody is doing Dumbledore level of planning in real world. Even if some leader/politician is thinking like that then they are either too naive or too arrogant neither of which is a good thing. Once you are dead then that is 'the end' & any plans you made prior will only depend on luck.
If a convicted felon, rapist & a liar is the best chance for a country then that country is already doomed. Leaders like obama & biden are dime a dozen & come & go in every country but they never become the reason for downfall of a country.
Are you a fortune teller now?

What downfall did US experience in his first term.

Prior to that all the chicken littles were having a field day.
Are you a fortune teller now?

What downfall did US experience in his first term.

Prior to that all the chicken littles were having a field day.
Would you like a convicted felon rapist & a liar as PM of your country, there is your first answer. Did you or anyone predict the Capital Riots on 6th Jan during Trump's first term, there is your second answer. I really don't know why you or anyone would defend so "passionately" any politician or leader let alone one from a country situated thousands of miles away across oceans convicted of felony & rape & a certified liar. Just a suggestion, stick to defending so "passionately" only dead people because that comes with a no strings attached sympathy card.

Btw, everyone in this thread incl you are doing fortune telling only because that is what a common man is capable of. Netanyahu, Trump, Putin etc don't care what common people say in the first place regarding national policy matters once they are in power.
Would you like a convicted felon rapist & a liar as PM of your country, there is your first answer. Did you or anyone predict the Capital Riots on 6th Jan during Trump's first term, there is your second answer.
Those are not real answers. Forget his personality. I want you to point out what he did wrong when in office. Can you do that.

He's not convicted until his appeals process is done.

I really don't know why you or anyone would defend so "passionately" any politician or leader let alone one from a country situated thousands of miles away across oceans convicted of felony & rape & a certified liar. Just a suggestion, stick to defending so "passionately" only dead people because that comes with a no strings attached sympathy card.
Do you want me to answer this or not?
Btw, everyone in this thread incl you are doing fortune telling only because that is what a common man is capable of. Netanyahu, Trump, Putin etc don't care what common people say in the first place regarding national policy matters once they are in power.
Where have I done that? Give me quotes.

As I don't know what you are referring to.
Those are not real answers. Forget his personality. I want you to point out what he did wrong when in office. Can you do that.

He's not convicted until his appeals process is done.

Do you want me to answer this or not?
Yes, do that. I am really curious why you or any Indian would so passionately defend a convicted rapist/politician thousands of miles away in a country whose main supporter base would like nothing more than all H1B visas being abolished & send back the "curry smelling" people back to their home country.

Where have I done that? Give me quotes.