Israel Hezbollah Pager Attack.

You didn't answer my question.
Yes, do that. I am really curious why you or any Indian would so passionately defend a convicted rapist/politician thousands of miles away in a country
Simple. Post cold war Republicans are better for us than Democrats.

Anti jihadi and anti CCP. That straight away means good news for this country since previous administrations worked to build up our adversaries.

He changed a half century of misguided engagement with China policy into one of competition. It also means India's standing in the region goes up because without India no one else in Asia can handle China. This became clear with the resurrection of the quad into its second avatar after the CCP scuttled the first initiated by late Shinzo Abe a decade earlier. No more Asia pacific but India pacific. First coinage favours China, second India. Under Trump. This might seem like nothing but it changes mindset. Biden has built on his China initiatives which was an open question when he entered office.

A lot of restrictions that were decades old were removed during his term so we could buy American hardware that was off limits earlier. The DTI initiatives began as a result so working with the US to develop defense tech.

He worked to bring gulf countries and Israel together. Both of which we get along with. This has led to an extension of Abe's idea of confluence of two oceans into a third by Bibi via the IMEC corridor. The added synergy is a win and could only have occurred af the Abraham accords which happened under Trump. One term resulted in Israel normalising relations with four arab countries that exceeds the combined result of the previous six us presidents put together and going back to Carter.

He's against Iran getting a nuke which is in our interest too otherwise gulf countries pay beggar Pakistan to help them with nuclear which is not in our interest. India's position on this subject remains unchanged since 2005 where India voted against Iran at the IAEA much to Iranian consternation.

He's a nationalist which means no communication problems or lectures. We handled him just fine in his first term. And the thinking is if we can handle him then we can handle any other us administration too.

I like the guy as an ex New Yorker. He comes from Queens where I used to live in a former life.

Notice how I mentioned what he did and not just his personality. Your turn.
whose main supporter base would like nothing more than all H1B visas being abolished & send back the "curry smelling" people back to their home country.
He doesn't have a problem with legal immigration. Just illegal. Democrats don't have a problem with illegal but do nothing to improve the legal part.

A nephew of mine got an H1B to work while Trump was in office. So whatever you heard on this topic is incorrect.

Curry smelling is due to cooking with turmeric and closed windows. Don't do it in winter. You can't get rid of the smell. No curry smell after ;)
When asked to substantiate he is not answering. Why?

You said downfall. Very clear what it means. Again show me where that happened in his first term.
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It also means India's standing in the region goes up because without India no one else in Asia can handle China
'They do it with a smile': Trump calls India 'biggest tariff charger', vows reciprocal tax if re-elected
He praised his ties with India and hailed Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a "great man", but claimed that the country charges higher tariffs than even China.
'They do it with a smile': Trump calls India 'biggest tariff charger', vows reciprocal tax if re-elected
He praised his ties with India and hailed Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a "great man", but claimed that the country charges higher tariffs than even China.
Aka why a Harley costs more to buy in India than elsewhere? Asks Trump

Why uk scotch costs more to buy in India than elsewhere? asked Boris Johnson

Old news. We handled it.

Developing countries grow through protectionism. The US was no different back in the 19th century.
Simple. Post cold war Republicans are better for us than Democrats.

Anti jihadi and anti CCP. That straight away means good news for this country since previous administrations worked to build up our adversaries.

He changed a half century of misguided engagement with China policy into one of competition. It also means India's standing in the region goes up because without India no one else in Asia can handle China. This became clear with the resurrection of the quad into its second avatar after the CCP scuttled the first initiated by late Shinzo Abe a decade earlier. No more Asia pacific but India pacific. First coinage favours China, second India. Under Trump. This might seem like nothing but it changes mindset. Biden has built on his China initiatives which was an open question when he entered office.

A lot of restrictions that were decades old were removed during his term so we could buy American hardware that was off limits earlier. The DTI initiatives began as a result so working with the US to develop defense tech.

He worked to bring gulf countries and Israel together. Both of which we get along with. This has led to an extension of Abe's idea of confluence of two oceans into a third by Bibi via the IMEC corridor. The added synergy is a win and could only have occurred af the Abraham accords which happened under Trump. One term resulted in Israel normalising relations with four arab countries that exceeds the combined result of the previous six us presidents put together and going back to Carter.

He's against Iran getting a nuke which is in our interest too otherwise gulf countries pay beggar Pakistan to help them with nuclear which is not in our interest.

He's a nationalist which means no communication problems or lectures. We handled him just fine in his first term. And the thinking is if we can handle him then we can handle any other us administration too.

I like the guy as an ex New Yorker. He comes from Queens where I used to live in a former life.

Notice how I mentioned what he did and not just his personality. Your turn.
I was suspecting it but this line confirmed it, no wonder you are such a passionate Trump supporter. As for the rest of the text, let me just end it with a very simple yet very complicated example for you to think over. Say US is ruled by republicans who are anti jihadi & anti ccp & India has finally gotten a congress govt so as per your logic India's security is still assured because if you say it isn't then it contradicts with the earlier logic of US being ruled by anti jihadi & anti ccp republicans resulting in more security for India.

You do know that there is a large & influential bipartisan India supporting group in Congress & senate without whose support no US prez can authorize such military hardware deals only based on their own whims & fancies?

Yeah he did got Israel & gulf countries together & see the mess in West Asia today. Those Abraham accords are the reason Hamas understood other Arab nations have thrown them under the bus & one of the main reason for their violent reprisal years later. Read the Abraham accords & see what is mentioned there for final status of Palestine & Palestinians.

USA First=/=India Good. Any true nationalist will throw any other country under the bus if their own country's interests are threatened. This is in complete contrast to allies based on ideology/principles where countries are willing to make some compromises to accommodate their allies.

He doesn't have a problem with legal immigration. Just illegal. Democrats don't have a problem with illegal but do nothing to improve the legal part.

A nephew of mine got an H1B to work while Trump was in office. So whatever you heard on this topic is incorrect.

Curry smelling is due to cooking with turmeric and closed windows. Don't do it in winter. You can't get rid of the smell. No curry smell after ;)
Core MAGA republican base has a problem with all types of immigration which is consistent with their ultra nationalist mindset. H1B visas never stopped approving & neither did illegal immigration even during Trump administration because that's the hard truth that USA needs immigrants both legal & illegal. Curry smelling has nothing to do with actual thing, it is a pure racial insult for South Asians which incl India, Pakistan, SL, Bangladesh & yes a typical native US born can't differentiate between an Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi/SL.

Since it is clear that because of your background you will not be able to see any flaws of trump so let's end it here. Time is the best judge of everything & everyone will know it after 50-60 years the consequences of MAGA philosophy.
I was suspecting it but this line confirmed it, no wonder you are such a passionate Trump supporter.
It's normally said in the opposite sense because NY is a blue state.
As for the rest of the text, let me just end it with a very simple yet very complicated example for you to think over. Say US is ruled by republicans who are anti jihadi & anti ccp & India has finally gotten a congress govt so as per your logic India's security is still assured because if you say it isn't then it contradicts with the earlier logic of US being ruled by anti jihadi & anti ccp republicans resulting in more security for India.
Bush & Manmohan era? Anti jihadi yes but getting betrayed only hit them in the end. Not so anti CCP. But you got the nuke deal under Bush. Why? because the strategic community realised India would be a counter to China. In some ways this things flipping back to a time before kissinger when China was all red.
You do know that there is a large & influential bipartisan India supporting group in Congress & senate without whose support no US prez can authorize such military hardware deals only based on their own whims & fancies?
Still requires someone to push for you. And foreign policy is an area a US president can be effective.
Yeah he did got Israel & gulf countries together & see the mess in West Asia today. Those Abraham accords are the reason Hamas understood other Arab nations have thrown them under the bus & one of the main reason for their violent reprisal years later. Read the Abraham accords & see what is mentioned there for final status of Palestine & Palestinians.
Who cares what Hamas or Palestinians think. Their contribution to west Asia security is zero. Thanks to Trump ignoring the usual half century old dogma that the pals get a veto on who Israel can normalise relations with.

As for Oct 7 that is an Israeli screw up. However how they subsequently dealt with it, all the interference and witholding of arms agreed to prior is on Biden. No wonder Americans are completely in the dark when it comes to Israel's attack plans on Iran. We've not heard of them because the Americans have not been able to leak them. So much for their most important ally.
USA First=/=India Good. Any true nationalist will throw any other country under the bus if their own country's interests are threatened. This is in complete contrast to allies based on ideology/principles where countries are willing to make some compromises to accommodate their allies.
To some extent this is true. Some would go further and say there is no such thing as allies. There are only foes and vassals. Chinese view the world like that. When it comes to Europeans i think vassals is a better term to describe them these days.

India is not an American ally nor will it ever become one. We too have our own interests. We're not under any diktats so Russian oil isn't something we avoid.

This does not mean there isn't a space where interests of both align and can be positively engaged.
Core MAGA republican base has a problem with all types of immigration which is consistent with their ultra nationalist mindset.
That would be the far right who don't see Trump as any different to other politicians. And have you seen Vance's wife by any chance? Tell me how such a candidate is an acceptable vice president if according to you that is what 'core maga' wants?
H1B visas never stopped approving & neither did illegal immigration even during Trump administration because that's the hard truth that USA needs immigrants both legal & illegal.
But you can't tell me there was the same illegals problem there is now when he was in charge.
Curry smelling has nothing to do with actual thing, it is a pure racial insult for South Asians which incl India, Pakistan, SL, Bangladesh & yes a typical native US born can't differentiate between an Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi/SL.
I'm more aware of that then you are. Unless you've lived abroad like I have. I will say I faced this more in the UK than in the US. I got no abuse in the US. It was odd but then neither did I get any in France.

I'm also pointing out how to deal with it. Turmeric stinks the house up and it gets into your clothes. You can't get rid of it when there is no external ventilation as is the case in winters over there. Best place is roast turmeric is outdoors.
Since it is clear that because of your background you will not be able to see any flaws of trump so let's end it here.
Yes, when you get lied to by the media you develop a connection with the subject you are told to avoid.

This is the first time I've had to second guess Americans over what is good for them. No such problem with his supporters that are a quiet lot.
Time is the best judge of everything & everyone will know it after 50-60 years the consequences of MAGA philosophy.
Who is going to be around that long. This isn't anything new if you look at American history. There's been times they turn inwards.
This is not old news, since he said it this week.

Difference is USA set rules now, especially now that he is pre-announcing it there is more to come.
It is old news as I've pointed out already.

Result if successful is American products will be cheaper to buy in the future than at present.

How many takers on this board?
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Yeah, you go man
:joycat:. Tell us about the Haiti cuisine in Springfield Ohio too.
What about the Haitians, when you dump 3x of immigrants to the current population of 20k Springfield town, expect fireworks anywhere in any country. Similar to Jews returning back to Israel they where given a warm welcome by all of middle east.

If a convicted felon, rapist & a liar is the best chance for a country then that country is already doomed. Leaders like obama & biden are dime a dozen & come & go in every country but they never become the reason for downfall of a country.
Convicted felon, did you read the hush money case he would have been convicted much more seriously if he did use campaign finances to pay her but he didn't, yet got convicted in a court whose judge wife and his family was a never trumper. So much so that they had to delete their social media accounts.

You know what is worst than the most incompetent VP, an incompetent ex-prez who thinks he is the greatest prez ever & has a divine right to be correct about everything even if everyone else in his cabinet incl his VP disagree. Russia would clearly prefer Trump for this & as for China there will be short term pain if Trump wins but in the long term China too should prefer Trump but it is just that Xi Jinping remaining life is not that long so he cares more for short term than long term.
She cannot function without a teleprompter. She is just a face of the overlords who control the teleprompter. Trump is not perfect, no one is a fan of his ego but what matters are his policies which are by far the best since Reagan. China isn't going to prefer Trump, they never have. He put tariffs, forced companies to relocate.

USA always has the biggest debt, that's how the world economy works. Because US is the biggest consumer of products in the world & its currency is the standard so it will always have the most debt in the world.
USA had debt but not uncontrolled debt. In 4 years time the US economy will be in quick sand where its interest payments will be its biggest liability of the feds. Those 401k will be useless without money. Brics currency is not a IF but when and the international dollar reserve is at all time low since 1995 year. Those dollars purchasing power with the current trajectory can be worthless in decade or so due to the above factors and add wars to the mix.

NATO/US is nowhere near Putin/Xi level of decision making unless it is Trump in WH.
Without US, Nato is nothing. Only difference is Trump thinks for himself, where as the others like Biden or Kamala have cognitive and IQ problems respectively.

That's a good joke. You are really being naive here if you think any leader/politician is thinking about decades ahead after their death for anything let alone the future of their country. Nobody is doing Dumbledore level of planning in real world. Even if some leader/politician is thinking like that then they are either too naive or too arrogant neither of which is a good thing. Once you are dead then that is 'the end' & any plans you made prior will only depend on luck.
There are leaders who think what's personally best for themselves but there are also many who care about their legacy and as a bi product care about the country. But some truly care about their country and Putin is one such person. Without him Russia would have been split into multiple countries and Blackrock owned companies would have had a field day in Russia with all of its resources.
It is old news as I've pointed out already.

Result if successful is American products will be cheaper to buy in the future than at present.

How many takers on this board?
I think last time he called India currency manipulators (which is true) since we depreciated our currency from 45 to 60 and now close to 85 in just a few years.
Also sorry for barging in this convo, but why is Indian govt still putting huge taxes on oil imports when we are getting oil from russia on discount and another round of taxes on oil products like lpg gas, petrol, diesel which are selling close to international market rates (both state and central taxes) and still saying they are in constant loss? Don't you think that is very questionable? I think Indian govt has mastered the act of gaslighting it's citizens into paying more taxes without questioning them. this is why, in every finance budget, all we see from these FM's is a new round of taxes being laid on top of existing ones. We are always a developing nation even though our economy is 5th largest in world now. Import duties touching 48-50+ percent. USD-INR exchange value going towards 90. I think we don't take enough time to figure things out and blindly believe the govt. What i don't get is why doesn't the govt talk of reducing the taxes even once? Reduce import duties, reduce export duties, reduce income taxes, etc. It's like they have no idea of making money besides raising taxes.
but why is Indian govt still putting huge taxes on oil imports when we are getting oil from russia on discount and another round of taxes on oil products like lpg gas, petrol, diesel which are selling close to international market rates (both state and central taxes) and still saying they are in constant loss? Don't you think that is very questionable? I think Indian govt has mastered the act of gaslighting it's citizens into paying more taxes without questioning them.
They never pass on the savings to the customer. Of course I don't agree but then their job is to cushion against sudden price rises as well or its curtains for them and the country at large.
this is why, in every finance budget, all we see from these FM's is a new round of taxes being laid on top of existing ones. We are always a developing nation even though our economy is 5th largest in world now. Import duties touching 48-50+ percent. USD-INR exchange value going towards 90. I think we don't take enough time to figure things out and blindly believe the govt. What i don't get is why doesn't the govt talk of reducing the taxes even once? Reduce import duties, reduce export duties, reduce income taxes, etc. It's like they have no idea of making money besides raising taxes.
We have one taker here :)

Back in '99, India wanted to join the ITU. Condition was cost to call India from abroad had to be same as calling abroad from India.

Prior to that if you needed to call abroad it was a luxury and you paid much more. Government protested. Nothing doing.

And so the price to call abroad came down after decades of being disproportionate.
They never pass on the savings to the customer. Of course I don't agree but then their job is to cushion against sudden price rises as well or its curtains for them and the country at large.

We have one taker here :)

Back in '99, India wanted to join the ITU. Condition was cost to call India from abroad had to be same as calling abroad from India.

Prior to that if you needed to call abroad it was a luxury and you paid much more. Government protested. Nothing doing.

And so the price to call abroad came down after decades of being disproportionate.
I was just watching a live yt stream of a japanese youtuber who restores old cars and sells them. He recently moved to a huge house and his monthly electric bill was just around 10k and he has 3-4 ac's, 2-3 (3-4KW) air compressors for painting etc, arc welders, cutters, grinders, power washers etc. He had uploaded few videos this month of power washing his garage and painting it. In India i guess if we had such a setup our electric bill would be in lacs per month. This is what I don't like about this govt. They always blame us but they are the first to rob us naked. Our govt is the biggest thief here.

Govt puts 18pc luxury tax on cadbury eclairs of 2 rupees. Just think how their mindset is.

Edit: I get the poiint of cushioning. But do they still need to do it even now? They are holding almost 800 billion in USD reserves. If the USD tanks , every currency(and economy) is tanking. What will they guard us against then? I don't think they have thought about it properly. Besides USD i don't think there is another currency or basket of currencies that is stable now.
In India i guess if we had such a setup our electric bill would be in lacs per month.
They must have a flat rate for electricity in Japan like is the case in the US. We don't have that for residential where its a sliding scale. You consume more then you get penalised.
This is what I don't like about this govt. They always blame us but they are the first to rob us naked. Our govt is the biggest thief here.
Biggest problem is people not paying their bills and all those illegal power hookups. Cut those and your prices come down or you pay more and buy peace.
Govt puts 18pc luxury tax on cadbury eclairs of 2 rupees. Just think how their mindset is.
This is a different argument.
They must have a flat rate for electricity in Japan like is the case in the US. We don't have that for residential where its a sliding scale. You consume more then you get penalised.

Biggest problem is people not paying their bills and all those illegal power hookups. Cut those and your prices come down or you pay more and buy peace.

This is a different argument.
no man, for low unit consumers like me, we get penalized more than we consume. My monthly consumption is just around 45 units. Electric cost for 45 units is around 125 rupees. All the extra taxes the govt adds plus the monthly 150 rupees compulsory meter fee makes my bill around 490 per month. Really unfair if you ask me. They should just give it free or stop charging meter fees after 2 years since I'm not using too much power. But they won't because the govt company has a monopoly and like to steal money from its customers. There's a lot of stuff wrong with this country. I'm never going to justify the govt and their policies. Like how they give millions in aid to Maldives even after all the anti india stuff they were shouting, how nepal and bangladesh is doing the same. Just give money to pakistan also then. let the generals buy more houses in london while sending freedom fighters in india. why leave them out?
no man, for low unit consumers like me, we get penalized more than we consume. My monthly consumption is just around 45 units. Electric cost for 45 units is around 125 rupees. All the extra taxes the govt adds plus the monthly 150 rupees compulsory meter fee makes my bill around 490 per month. Really unfair if you ask me. They should just give it free or stop charging meter fees after 2 years since I'm not using too much power. But they won't because the govt company has a monopoly and like to steal money from its customers. There's a lot of stuff wrong with this country. I'm never going to justify the govt and their policies. Like how they give millions in aid to Maldives even after all the anti india stuff they were shouting, how nepal and bangladesh is doing the same. Just give money to pakistan also then. let the generals buy more houses in london while sending freedom fighters in india. why leave them out?
just like paying unreasonable bill of electricity at least make sure that you are getting electricity to do you work with peace of mind and easy, same way by helping other countries, India make sure that they do not 100% surrender to china or other country and export Freedom Fighters the way Pakistan doing, if other countries too did same like Pak, than just think how hard it will be to control freedom fighters from every corner of nations around India and yes India also getting lots of business from these countries, no country help others 100% on charity basis.

Adani, Reliance, Tata, M&M, Hero, Marico, Bajaj, Dabur, Escort, Kirloskar and 100's of other companies doing business with these countries and now UPI/Rupay works in Maldives also.
just like paying unreasonable bill of electricity at least make sure that you are getting electricity to do you work with peace of mind and easy, same way by helping other countries, India make sure that they do not 100% surrender to china or other country and export Freedom Fighters the way Pakistan doing, if other countries too did same like Pak, than just think how hard it will be to control freedom fighters from every corner of nations around India and yes India also getting lots of business from these countries, no country help others 100% on charity basis.

Adani, Reliance, Tata, M&M, Hero, Marico, Bajaj, Dabur, Escort, Kirloskar and 100's of other companies doing business with these countries and now UPI/Rupay works in Maldives also.
bangladesh is getting free electricity without paying money. if i dont pay 490 by due date, they will cut my electric connection within 10 days. Bangladesh has outstanding of 500+ million usd. No cut. Small people have 200 -500 rupees outstanding? Can't have that. Just cut their connections even though electric connection is a necessity like water now. To me it feels like our govt likes other countries more than their own citizens. No matter what bad things or insults they say towards India, lets give them more money. Fck Indians though. Indians don't deserve to eat even eclairs i guess. Even soft drinks is termed as sin food now in gst and charged 28% tax. So just because China is tryiong to win over our neighbouring countries that we must bear all these costs? Penalize paying customers for helping rubbish neighbours because China bad. Nice justification.
You do know that there is a large & influential bipartisan India supporting group in Congress & senate without whose support no US prez can authorize such military hardware deals only based on their own whims & fancies?
You also realize if any one goes against the MIC sales pitch they are not going to do well personally. In their perfect world if Paks where wealthy they would arm both sides.

Yeah he did got Israel & gulf countries together & see the mess in West Asia today. Those Abraham accords are the reason Hamas understood other Arab nations have thrown them under the bus & one of the main reason for their violent reprisal years later. Read the Abraham accords & see what is mentioned there for final status of Palestine & Palestinians.y hardware deals only based on their own whims & fancies?
Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran have issues, nothing stopping Iran from patching things up with Israel like it was during the Shah times. When Iran to be specific the current regime is going to be hit hard by Israel warplanes, expect nothing but crickets from MEA.

USA First=/=India Good. Any true nationalist will throw any other country under the bus if their own country's interests are threatened. This is in complete contrast to allies based on ideology/principles where countries are willing to make some compromises to accommodate their allies.y hardware deals only based on their own whims & fancies?
There are no friends in foreign relations, they are friends if both of the self interest align but not in the case with US, its either "are with us or against us".
But with next generation of US leaders with true America first policy meaning no wars, no regime changes, respecting other countries self interest and red lines. That can only happen with Trump 2.0 due to people like RFK, Tulsi and Vivek in Trump administration and all of whom can become president in 2028 above.

Core MAGA republican base has a problem with all types of immigration which is consistent with their ultra nationalist mindset. H1B visas never stopped approving & neither did illegal immigration even during Trump administration because that's the hard truth that USA needs immigrants both legal & illegal. Curry smelling has nothing to do with actual thing, it is a pure racial insult for South Asians which incl India, Pakistan, SL, Bangladesh & yes a typical native US born can't differentiate between an Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi/SL.y hardware deals only based on their own whims & fancies?

Time is the best judge of everything & everyone will know it after 50-60 years the consequences of MAGA philosophy.
I was following MAGA with a magnifying glass. MAGA is divided into two camps one is Make Trump Great Again, this camp will blindly follow Trump, even if he does a 180 and gets a Neocon in his cabinet or staff. The second camp is America first camp, this people will speak out against Trump if the need arises. This camp mainly consists of US veterans, Libertarian's, Ex-democrats or old school anti war democrats. These people love or prefer people like Tulsi or Vivek over Trump.

Then there is Desantis supporters merged with MAGA camp, these are the Ann Coulter racist types, these mainly identify with first camp. They all hated Trump, Vivek, Tulsi as early as February this year but are also true racists.

Many of the racists types on social media against Indians are not even white but are from our western and eastern neighbors pretending to be white natives online.
I was just watching a live yt stream of a japanese youtuber who restores old cars and sells them. He recently moved to a huge house and his monthly electric bill was just around 10k and he has 3-4 ac's, 2-3 (3-4KW) air compressors for painting etc, arc welders, cutters, grinders, power washers etc. He had uploaded few videos this month of power washing his garage and painting it. In India i guess if we had such a setup our electric bill would be in lacs per month.
I have all of those 2.2kw air compressor, arc welder, step drill, Chop saw, angle and die grinders, power washers etc, My electricity bill never crossed 5k a month.

This is what I don't like about this govt. They always blame us but they are the first to rob us naked. Our govt is the biggest thief here.

Govt puts 18pc luxury tax on cadbury eclairs of 2 rupees. Just think how their mindset is.

Edit: I get the poiint of cushioning. But do they still need to do it even now? They are holding almost 800 billion in USD reserves. If the USD tanks , every currency(and economy) is tanking. What will they guard us against then? I don't think they have thought about it properly. Besides USD i don't think there is another currency or basket of currencies that is stable now.
Its only matter of time middle east is going to flare up. How long will US hold of from sanctioning oil purchasers from Russia. So cushioning helps. But another motive for the government to keep fuel prices high is to help India achieve transition to EV faster. As a recent EV owner I can never ever go back to IC powered vehicles, faster India achieves this better it is for our forex reserve and also having impact on certain foreign policies which are constraint on our dependence of oil producing gulf nations.
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bangladesh is getting free electricity without paying money. if i dont pay 490 by due date, they will cut my electric connection within 10 days. Bangladesh has outstanding of 500+ million usd. No cut. Small people have 200 -500 rupees outstanding? Can't have that. Just cut their connections even though electric connection is a necessity like water now. To me it feels like our govt likes other countries more than their own citizens. No matter what bad things or insults they say towards India, lets give them more money. Fck Indians though. Indians don't deserve to eat even eclairs i guess. Even soft drinks is termed as sin food now in gst and charged 28% tax. So just because China is tryiong to win over our neighbouring countries that we must bear all these costs? Penalize paying customers for helping rubbish neighbours because China bad. Nice justification.
Even after giving them billions and aiding them and what not. They still keep working against India by allowing these Chinese spy ships near their waters and infact hate India so much that even after getting raped by Pakistanis in 1971 ... during India -Pakistan match they support Pakistan and celebrated India loosing world cup .
I am talking about Bangladesh and Maldives.

Nepal too is making issue out of little things that can easily be solved with talks.

So many nepalis work in India that numbers go in close to million. I am not talking just about Gorkha and in army.
Many other jobs too from menial to businesses.

Bhutan too is close to making a deal with China on Dokhlam. Making India's security in Chicken Neck ( siliguri) a major challenge.

After all this what we do for them. What we get...hatred or working against India whether deliberately or under pressure.
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That's why I keep advocating China like Democracy & Govt. Policy in India too.
If have tons of money in hand to shut greedy mouth no one dare to talk and works against you.
I have all of those 2.2kw air compressor, arc welder, step drill, Chop saw, angle and die grinders, power washers etc, My electricity bill never crossed 5k a month.
Nice for you. Here i'm in 2 minds about buying a single door fridge because my electric consumption will go from 45 to 75 per month and my bill will jump from 490 to ~900 per month. Ac is out of question because i've seen people getting 40k bills/month with just one ac running for 8 hrs a day.

Its only matter of time middle east is going to flare up. How long will US hold of from sanctioning oil purchasers from Russia. So cushioning helps. But another motive for the government to keep fuel prices high is to help India achieve transition to EV faster. As a recent EV owner I can never ever go back to IC powered vehicles, faster India achieves this better it is for our forex reserve and also having impact on certain foreign policies which are constraint on our dependence of oil producing gulf nations.
My question is what happens to the value of forex reserves if the value of usd falls down or goes up? Lets say ww3 started. Naturally all economies fall. In that scenario what happens to forex reserves? Does it still have that 800 billion value or now it's 2 trillion or just 400 billion? I know it will depend on India's exchange rate but India has manipulated the currency to always be lower than usd to make exports seem cheaper (but driving 200+ billion import prices higher ).

How will people move to electric vehicles when we charge them high electric tariffs? For rich people, cost of IC car is nothing. For poor people its a lot. The battery mileage is too low. 1.5 lac scooter or bike with just 40-60km mileage on a single charge. Not funny imo. I'm not touching ic bikes till they give 300+km mileage on a single charge and cost 1lac or below.

If we are such a good country and developing nation, why are the costs like a developed country? Isn't this the reason companies don't want to come here? The govt is acting like a born beggar because we had history of being under UK rule and they took everything. What now after 78 years? Are we still poor while giving out easy free money to every tom dick and harry country who comes begging to us? I just dont understand it. Either we are poor and we should save money or we are rich and give out money. Both at same time? If we are poor developing country why are we giving 700+ million uSd aid to Maldives without any chance of getting it back? China lends money but take sislands in returm. India gives money for free. No such largese to Indians though. We are like slaves in our own counrty.

About China invading us. Lets see. India and China both have almost same population. There's Bhutan and Nepal in between. Tibet was captured. Assam terrain is like amazon jungle. That leaves one corridor in montainous Ladakh where the Chinese removed their troops from. Another option is they do a naval and aerial war but their fighters and naval ships are just junk. All their propaganda is just 3d CG if you look closely. They have given billions in aid to poor countries and not getting anything back. Their economy is in tatters now. They are going extra mile than Indian govt in penalizing their citizens. From incresing electric and gas bills 10x to 200x, they are penalizing people for charging ic bikes at home. Somethig about ic vehicles going up in flames.
Do you still think such a country will openly attack India and leave itself open to attack from other countries like Japan, Australia, etc Even if no one comes in between, they will lose a lot. Even India will lose a lot. Both countries will die economically and both will lose a lot of citizens. India is sure to fire a few hundred misiles inside china and china is going to do the same. Lets say even pakistan joins in the fray. What will anyone do with a broken country? rule over it? The quality of our manpower has lot to desire imo. who would willingly subject themselves to such a torture? rule over 1 billion dumb people?
No matter what bad things or insults they say towards India, lets give them more money.
It's just their local politics runs on India bashing. If we don't step in the Chinese will and offer more. Course over time people are starting to realise China is a predator and anyone that gets close will be bitten. Also these days China is hard up so not so willing to spend abroad so we get more for what we spend at least in the short term.
So just because China is tryiong to win over our neighbouring countries that we must bear all these costs? Penalize paying customers for helping rubbish neighbours because China bad. Nice justification.
The money comes from different accounts. I can't show causality here.
My question is what happens to the value of forex reserves if the value of usd falls down or goes up?
Value rises it sucks dollars out of other countries. Makes it harder for Americans to sell abroad. More depreciation follows to preserve forex kitty.

Value drops the opposite happens.
Lets say ww3 started. Naturally all economies fall. In that scenario what happens to forex reserves? Does it still have that 800 billion value or now it's 2 trillion or just 400 billion?
Dollar appreciates in times with crisis. It's a free floating currency so market sets the rate unless the fed does something
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Nice for you. Here i'm in 2 minds about buying a single door fridge because my electric consumption will go from 45 to 75 per month and my bill will jump from 490 to ~900 per month. Ac is out of question because i've seen people getting 40k bills/month with just one ac running for 8 hrs a day.
I too am and will always be bothered about electricity consumption. To be fare, I always upgrade to the most efficient appliances or devices. The 5k bill was around 2018, after which all the fans where changed to BLDC and LED lights replaced from 80 lumens per watt to 120 Lumens/watt. Added solar water heater that really dropped the units consumed. AC in summer run for 12 hrs a day and they consume about 1 unit every 3.5 hours per AC in top most floor where roof is exposed to sun, while rooms which are not exposed to sun consume around 1 unit every 4.5 to 5 hours. All these are 5 star rated inverter AC, with a ISEER of above 5.1 ,So unless one has a pre historic window AC its highly unlikely they will get 40k bills a month.

My question is what happens to the value of forex reserves if the value of usd falls down or goes up? Lets say ww3 started. Naturally all economies fall. In that scenario what happens to forex reserves? Does it still have that 800 billion value or now it's 2 trillion or just 400 billion? I know it will depend on India's exchange rate but India has manipulated the currency to always be lower than usd to make exports seem cheaper (but driving 200+ billion import prices higher ).
If the value of USD falls then everyone with high USD forex reserves will be screwed and as they sell it, it will be a double whammy and will drop in price even further. But in the event of WW3, then USD will appreciate. But once a BRICS currency backed by set of commodities takes over as a alternative to USD and EURO. I think India will probably start dumping dollars as well just to diversify. After which if a WW3 does takes place then BRICS countries which have oil Russia, Saudi, UAE and Russia which has lot of minerals, cooking oil seeds. China which makes majority of finished products, India is currently where China was in late 90s, soon supply chains will come to India as well. So we will be in a better position than the west.

How will people move to electric vehicles when we charge them high electric tariffs? For rich people, cost of IC car is nothing. For poor people its a lot. The battery mileage is too low. 1.5 lac scooter or bike with just 40-60km mileage on a single charge. Not funny imo. I'm not touching ic bikes till they give 300+km mileage on a single charge and cost 1lac or below..
Electricity prices will fall rapidly, the cost of Solar produced electricity is very cheap. Once grid level battery storage is implemented we can get the solar energy in night. Currently if a person install a solar panel themselves at their house, it costs Rs 16 to 17 per watt just for the panels, add wires, mounts and a inverter which comes to another 16 per watt + GST. Basically instead of spending money on some stupid phone upgrade every year people can install Solar and if you get a EV, the pay back period is much much faster. Selling electricity to ESCOMS is waste and it costs more to get it up and running with all government bureaucrats leaches, jacking up the price.

If we are such a good country and developing nation, why are the costs like a developed country? Isn't this the reason companies don't want to come here? The govt is acting like a born beggar because we had history of being under UK rule and they took everything. What now after 78 years? Are we still poor while giving out easy free money to every tom dick and harry country who comes begging to us? I just dont understand it. Either we are poor and we should save money or we are rich and give out money. Both at same time? If we are poor developing country why are we giving 700+ million uSd aid to Maldives without any chance of getting it back? China lends money but take sislands in returm. India gives money for free. No such largese to Indians though. We are like slaves in our own counrty.
I agree we shouldn't be giving free money to anyone. At least we are not in quick sand like the USA who are still giving freebies but they can print money because of the demand of the dollar. To your earlier point, like all reserve currencies the US dollar will eventually die just like Britain pounds before it and all other preceding currencies, France Francs, Dutch Guilder, Spanish real, Portugal real. All of them had a combined avergae life of around 94 years, some more some less. The US dollar is on life support with full might of US military, media and sanctions keeping it alive. With USD no longer the only way to pay for oil and goods and US Navy will be second best by the end of decade and de dollarization train already having left the station, dollars is soon going to be just another currency.

Do you still think such a country will openly attack India and leave itself open to attack from other countries like Japan, Australia, etc Even if no one comes in between, they will lose a lot. Even India will lose a lot. Both countries will die economically and both will lose a lot of citizens. India is sure to fire a few hundred misiles inside china and china is going to do the same. Lets say even pakistan joins in the fray. What will anyone do with a broken country? rule over it? The quality of our manpower has lot to desire imo. who would willingly subject themselves to such a torture? rule over 1 billion dumb people?
China will first try to get taiwan by doing a blockade, they will not even invade it, unless the US is involved in middle easy and ukraine thinning out their dwindling reserves. They will not fight India, they may try to bully us but they dont have the stomach for a full on war.
They may even bail on taiwan if they master all semi conductor fab technologies. I know the US will dump taiwan the moment the TSMC facilites and tech know how is off shored to other countries.