You didn't answer my question.
Simple. Post cold war Republicans are better for us than Democrats.Yes, do that. I am really curious why you or any Indian would so passionately defend a convicted rapist/politician thousands of miles away in a country
Anti jihadi and anti CCP. That straight away means good news for this country since previous administrations worked to build up our adversaries.
He changed a half century of misguided engagement with China policy into one of competition. It also means India's standing in the region goes up because without India no one else in Asia can handle China. This became clear with the resurrection of the quad into its second avatar after the CCP scuttled the first initiated by late Shinzo Abe a decade earlier. No more Asia pacific but India pacific. First coinage favours China, second India. Under Trump. This might seem like nothing but it changes mindset. Biden has built on his China initiatives which was an open question when he entered office.
A lot of restrictions that were decades old were removed during his term so we could buy American hardware that was off limits earlier. The DTI initiatives began as a result so working with the US to develop defense tech.
He worked to bring gulf countries and Israel together. Both of which we get along with. This has led to an extension of Abe's idea of confluence of two oceans into a third by Bibi via the IMEC corridor. The added synergy is a win and could only have occurred af the Abraham accords which happened under Trump. One term resulted in Israel normalising relations with four arab countries that exceeds the combined result of the previous six us presidents put together and going back to Carter.
He's against Iran getting a nuke which is in our interest too otherwise gulf countries pay beggar Pakistan to help them with nuclear which is not in our interest. India's position on this subject remains unchanged since 2005 where India voted against Iran at the IAEA much to Iranian consternation.
He's a nationalist which means no communication problems or lectures. We handled him just fine in his first term. And the thinking is if we can handle him then we can handle any other us administration too.
I like the guy as an ex New Yorker. He comes from Queens where I used to live in a former life.
Notice how I mentioned what he did and not just his personality. Your turn.
He doesn't have a problem with legal immigration. Just illegal. Democrats don't have a problem with illegal but do nothing to improve the legal part.whose main supporter base would like nothing more than all H1B visas being abolished & send back the "curry smelling" people back to their home country.
A nephew of mine got an H1B to work while Trump was in office. So whatever you heard on this topic is incorrect.
Curry smelling is due to cooking with turmeric and closed windows. Don't do it in winter. You can't get rid of the smell. No curry smell after

When asked to substantiate he is not answering. Why?
You said downfall. Very clear what it means. Again show me where that happened in his first term.
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