English TV series discussion

Twin Peaks is one of the most extraordinary series I've watched, and the art/thought behind it has only made a deeper impression since the time I watched it.

David Lynch had (RIP) one of the most fascinating minds ever.
This makes it more interesting..Gonna watch soon.
Even Chatgpt said Twin Peaks is complex and mind-bending like Dark.
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Twin Peaks is one of the most extraordinary series I've watched, and the art/thought behind it has only made a deeper impression since the time I watched it.

David Lynch had (RIP) one of the most fascinating minds ever.
I'll say..

^Never watched it but this bit is well known
Absolutely hated S2 of twin peaks including the out of ass writing in the last episode.
Complete waste of time nonsensical writing. S1 was very good.
Maybe i didnt get it, but wont bother again. Director can be good though, Mulholland drive was very good.

Same thing happened to Battlestar galatica that went from a 10 for 2.25 seasons or so, and went to 0.
Absolutely hated S2 of twin peaks including the out of ass writing in the last episode.
Complete waste of time nonsensical writing. S1 was very good.
Maybe i didnt get it, but wont bother again. Director can be good though, Mulholland drive was very good.

Same thing happened to Battlestar galatica that went from a 10 for 2.25 seasons or so, and went to 0.
It's magical realism - you either love it, hate it or grow to love it. Was the latter with me.

S3, a conclusion I never expected despite what was said by one of the characters at the end of S2, is some of the greatest storytelling ever on TV.

But the key with Lynch is his stories never explain, but always evoke. Akin to a novel.
Absolutely hated S2 of twin peaks including the out of ass writing in the last episode.
Complete waste of time nonsensical writing. S1 was very good.
Maybe i didnt get it, but wont bother again. Director can be good though, Mulholland drive was very good.

Same thing happened to Battlestar galatica that went from a 10 for 2.25 seasons or so, and went to 0.
There is a reason for the downfall in the story. By 1991 the show has reached to the larger audience with the whole US wanting to know who killed Laura Palmer, so the Network pressurised Lynch to reveal the killer in the start of S2 which he never intended and wanted to keep it a mystery for a long time (maybe ever).
You will find a few episodes even feeling non-lynchian because he left the show midway due to artistic differences with the Network. Those episodes were directed by someone else, which don't even compare with the original S1 episodes.
Have you seen S3? Because according to many, that is the best season of the series.
Have you seen S3? Because according to many, that is the best season of the series.
No, i lost interest and its been few years since i watched it and don't want to look at it again.
I dragged through S2 hoping that it gets better but it was terrible throughout (or atleast most of it, dun remember) and just ended horribly.

I think that last episode is one of the worst thing i have ever seen. That episode was evil itself. lol
Some people love S2 ending, and it was from lynch so i am just taking that as clue that this is not for me.

I did not understand Mulholland drive initially either, but it was still very well made and once you figure out what actually happened that movie became a classic for me.
Twin peaks, not so much. Did not like his Dune movies either.
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I hated mullholland drive immensely back when I watched it long time ago. Not sure whether I should try again.
Watch once, read about it, watch again. That worked for me.
I watched it many years back, but the problem was that you don't understand exactly whats happening and the state of Naomi watts' character.
One of the best movies for me. But i guess same as twin peaks, some love it some hate it. I am in one camp for MD and other camp for TP.
Zero Day On Netflix

too stretched , good for a one time watch
I read that story is similar to what happened in 24 US elections. Dementiated white old man goes out as president and a black woman wins the election, Is it true? In reality, Harris just didn't win. Series was conceived way in advance of the events, too eerie if true!
Reacher Season 3 has kicked off pretty well. Then again, Persuader is one of my favourites. Season 1 was a great start but they kinda let the throttle die in Season 2.
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