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  1. F

    Research & Review - Divx DVD Karoke Player Philips DVP642K

    Good review dude.. IMO This is the most versatile player in the Indian market..
  2. F

    ARES blues...

    Waise guys, its not an sp2 error, its like a stupid protection thing, they block the max number of simeltaneous half connections. ThunderBolt, Its maybe becase ares is downloading from a courrupt source, and unlike bt/ed2k its not able to ban the source, thus keeps accepting the currupt file...
  3. F

    eDonkey and WinMX Shutdown

    The reason ed2k networks are still working are because they are decentralised, ie not owned by meta-machine. I will mourn the loss of my favorite p2p. Because of this, Overnet, the alreeady semi dead network will stop working. Emule will give u the added advantage of the KAD netwrok...