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  1. C

    Who plays Parallel Kingdom? (Android/Iphone users)

    oh...that's sad... :(
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    Who plays Parallel Kingdom? (Android/Iphone users)

    what is your game Id swordfish?
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    Who plays Parallel Kingdom? (Android/Iphone users)

    im from mumbai in real but a member of kolkata city in PK....if you decide to play, do get in touch with me in-game definitely, I have never visited chennai within the game, i wonder if there is a city established there....
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    Who plays Parallel Kingdom? (Android/Iphone users)

    Which cities are you guys from?
  5. C

    Top 5 Android Games :

    Parallel Kingdom right at #1 for me. I dont even bother with the other games anymore.
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    Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warning)

    Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn I tried it out and well either it's a firmware issue or I'm doing something wrong but in the ServiceMode menu I dont see any option for 'audio'....anyone else facing this problem? I'm using the stock...
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    Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warning)

    Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn Good review Shripad, it must have been very helpful for people who wanted to know more about the phone. And with your above post you have perhaps eliminated one of my two main complaints about the phone (have...
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    Samsung Galaxy S facing reception issues?

    Well, that should put the issue to rest then :)
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    Samsung Galaxy S facing reception issues?

    I have not noticed any signal issues with my SGS at all. It works perfectly fine whether I'm inside my office or at home (my earlier LG viewty used to have trouble with the signal inside the office but none so far with the SGS)
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    Galaxy S Screen protection

    even I was wondering about the same thing...havent put a screen guard uptil now, have been relying on the supplied pouch and the screen doesnt seem prone to scratches very easily, but yes I do intend to get a good screenguard for it. Metalspree, is that zagg available in stores in india?
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    Samsung Galaxy S (i9000)

    I posted this on the android forums earlier today, about the scores given by Neocore, a graphics performance benchmarking app for androids.. I was going through the comments posted in the neocore app section, and it's clear that SGS has outperformed every other android phone quite easily...
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    Samsung Galaxy S (i9000)

    as khanvis2009 mentioned, 28.5k from alfa, mumbai
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    Samsung Galaxy S (i9000)

    I got my hands on this beauty today, havent played with it much yet....but as far as very initial impressions go, I'm really impressed with the ease of use and the brilliant screen! Will keep updating info as I get familiar with the device....