Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warning)

I've been using sgs for the past couple of weeks.and I'm still beddazzled by it. Lol. Apart from a few glitches like the afore mentioned ones, which are according to me not deal breakers, its the best phone ive ever had!

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk.
Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn

yogi7272 said:
My personal take on GS- Yes the battery cover is very cheap when removed. But when fitted does not feel that bad. I am pretty ok with its build quality, its not that bad btw. Sound quality is very good but Wave is even better. Two areas where I am feel a bit letdown is battery life under heavy use and camera. Wave's 5mp camera is better. Samsung should have put a single powerled flash like Wave which btw is pretty strong for a single led setup, on Galaxy S. They have put that led flash, 5 row slideout keypad plus physical camera shutter key on sprint's Epic 4G, then why not on GS. Atleast a led flash and physical camera button should have been there. A ver with slide out keyboard is Galaxe S pro which may or maynot come out later.

On a hardware side- cpu,gpu, ram etc this phone is the king now..
The audio difference in wave and SGS is not because of difference in hardware.

On SGS, phone changes its audio profile once it senses its connected to headphones. It gives better sound when connected through amp or even when connected to powered speakers / line in of a system.

There is a fix for this to prevent it from changing the frequency response when headphones are connected. Makes it sound much better after the fix ;)

Its there on front page on XDA dev i9000 section.

25% of the phone's RAM is at the moment unused, there is no JIT. I/O performance is crap (fixable, but you need an additional SD card and custom kernel for that ).

Froyo should improve things a bit, but JIT wont be as optimised for A8 as it is for snapdragon. At least its not at the moment.

As I mentioned, lack of LED flash is a bummer. I dont really think flash is a needed too on phone's camera. But I think its useful to have it there. Comes in handy when you can use it as torch in the middle of night or those rare flash photography occasions.
Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn

You have summed up most of it almost perfectly. Esp the build quality part. Samsung has dealt with that trade off in the display quality I guess. :p
Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn

^^ Another advantage they got from using flimsy plastic is the lower weight. Despite being a phone with one of the biggest displays currently in the market, its thinner and weighs lesser than most of the competition. There are people who gladly approve of this trade off, but as far as I am concerned, I would not have minded a slightly thicker and heavier phone if that meant better build quality. Captivate looks like a much better design although I can't say the same about the placement of capacitive buttons on that version.

Also regarding the point put worth by Shripad about the power button, I would like to add that while its a must to have a power/display button that does not get activated easily, I personally found it near to impossible to switch on/off the display with single handed operation. One of the free falls that my phone had happened when I was trying to power up the display. The phone simply slipped out of my hand. I would much rather have a spring loaded Silde switch (similar to what you find on the Nokia 5800 for lock/unlock) a bit towards the lower part of the phone.
Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn

Awesome review Shripad da :D

Amazing pics and the phone looks too bright and colorful for my taste :p Can you post some showing HD video (nhd?) playback ?
Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn

Lord Nemesis said:
Also regarding the point put worth by Shripad about the power button, I would like to add that while its a must to have a power/display button that does not get activated easily, I personally found it near to impossible to switch on/off the display with single handed operation. One of the free falls that my phone had happened when I was trying to power up the display. The phone simply slipped out of my hand. I would much rather have a spring loaded Silde switch (similar to what you find on the Nokia 5800 for lock/unlock) a bit towards the lower part of the phone.
It wakes up by pressing home key as well. Just for manual locking you need to use the power key.
Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn

@Shripad- I meant to say out of the box with same earphones Wave sound better than Galaxy S , even that can be confirmed by Gsmarena reviews of both these devices. A single led flash is useless for phone camera, its real use is for torch purpose only. You need xenon flash of N82, C905 , pixon 12, strong ones or in rare case, third gen dual led flash setup of N86, only these make some sense on a phone camera.
Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn

Shripad said:
The audio difference in wave and SGS is not because of difference in hardware.

On SGS, phone changes its audio profile once it senses its connected to headphones. It gives better sound when connected through amp or even when connected to powered speakers / line in of a system.

There is a fix for this to prevent it from changing the frequency response when headphones are connected. Makes it sound much better after the fix ;)

Its there on front page on XDA dev i9000 section.
Good review Shripad, it must have been very helpful for people who wanted to know more about the phone. And with your above post you have perhaps eliminated one of my two main complaints about the phone (have been using it for a month now).

1. I had found that the audio quality was pretty average on a decent pair of IEMs like ultimate ears. I didnt really bother much about it since I have a pretty good pmp for music and didnt mess around with it much. Now that you bring up this point about the change in frequency response, will try giving it a try through my powered speakers tomorrow.

2. My second main complaint is that the menu and back touch-buttons are too sensitive and very easy to hit by mistake while using the phone single-handedly. It makes it very hard to do anything involving lot of typing if you are moving around a lot. But well that is a problem, though to a lesser extent, with touchscreen fones anyway.

These are my only two gripes against the phone. Yes, the build quality isn't the best, but it's light and it doesnt feel brittle. I actually like the smooth and light feel of the plastic. Yes, there are lags sometimes, especially caused by some errant apps, but nothing that a restart doesnt fix and I dont find that to be too much of a bother.

Apart from that, I just love the phone. The plus points of this phone seem to be worth much more than the negative points so far.
Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn

Good review Shirpad, I have been procrastinating on the Galaxy for nearly a month now and 3 weeks ago I nearly picked it up, but every time I test it I get put off with the looks and build quality and lose the desire to spend 27.5k on this.

The specs are great, however Samsung should be ashamed of the build quality and making it look like an old iPhone. For those of us using iPhone for the last 3-4 years its too much dejavu.

But with its own forum at XDA and developer support assured, and the outstanding specs the phone is a compelling buy.
Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn

Shripad said:
The audio difference in wave and SGS is not because of difference in hardware.
On SGS, phone changes its audio profile once it senses its connected to headphones. It gives better sound when connected through amp or even when connected to powered speakers / line in of a system.
There is a fix for this to prevent it from changing the frequency response when headphones are connected. Makes it sound much better after the fix ;)
Its there on front page on XDA dev i9000 section.
I tried browsing through the forum but couldn't find it. Can you please post the link? thanks in advance
Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn

Shripad said:
I tried it out and well either it's a firmware issue or I'm doing something wrong but in the ServiceMode menu I dont see any option for 'audio'....anyone else facing this problem?

I'm using the stock firmware, i.e

Firmware version: 2.1-update1

Baseband version: I9000DDJF3

Kernel version: 2.6.29 #2
Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn

cynick said:
I tried it out and well either it's a firmware issue or I'm doing something wrong but in the ServiceMode menu I dont see any option for 'audio'....anyone else facing this problem?

I'm using the stock firmware, i.e

Firmware version: 2.1-update1

Baseband version: I9000DDJF3

Kernel version: 2.6.29 #2
I never really tried it on JF3. I am running JPJG8 which is worth flashing just for the improved smoothness of the TWUI and app launcher.

The Audio option is there and it does make a difference ( using Nuforce NE6 )
Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn

Against all CONS, I find it as BEST mobile phone so far after using more than 40 phones in a decade
Shripad summed it up perfectly. Touchwiz can be got rid of, and the build quality is not that great. But the pros easily outweigh the cons for me. Can't wait for froyo and cyanogen mod..

On Vibrant
Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn

720P good light video sample added to first post.
Bad light condition sample coming soon.
Re: Samsung Galaxy S. User experience, The good,The bad and The ugly! (6.5MB pic warn

the video quality is good enough to reinvent the word mms :p

as for theme, try standard gray theme within TapaTalk settings.

TouchWiz UI sucks, i hated it on SPICA, i didnt even know it was TouchWIiz UI initially... but after using custom roms and launchers im kind of happy that i removed TouchWiz.

The phone is a great device but does not justify a flagship model at 27k with that build quality as you put it.