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  1. blr_p

    Daily Memes Thread

  2. blr_p

    Israel Hezbollah Pager Attack.

    There would be no consensus and the only way was for the PM to overrule the military. So to oppose the PM it is arranged to leak info about the pager operation to one of the Israeli papers. If you make public these plans then it cannot be carried out. This is treason. No, it's the opposite...
  3. blr_p

    The Enshittification of Swiggy

    Walk to the restaurant Wait for them to find a seat if they are busy. Wait for a waiter to get the menu Wait for the food to be prepared Eat in a room full of strangers Walk back I don't find the time spent or experience worth it. Where I can watch or read something and have the food delivered...
  4. blr_p

    Israel Hezbollah Pager Attack. I can understand the Americans not getting this one right but Israeli intel too :rolleyes: The only reason the Israelis went into Lebanon was because the PM decided the price was...
  5. blr_p

    Israel Hezbollah Pager Attack.

    The US relies on a kurdish group inside Syria known as the PKK to guard ISIS prisoners and keep a control. This policy dates back to the Obama era. The Turks consider PKK a seperatist/terrorist group that at all costs must be kept away from their border and defeated. What a betrayal of an ally...
  6. blr_p

    The Funny Thread

  7. blr_p

    Daily Memes Thread

    Most oddly named towns around the US :hilarious:
  8. blr_p

    How will Trumps threat on 100% tariff on BRICS pan out

    So finally we get to the crux of it. He's going to be playing this same game with everyone including us. Look for a deficit and work it He seems to have a particular distaste for Trudeau as he's dealt with him before in his first term.
  9. blr_p

    The Enshittification of Swiggy About food from the 10 min section being unhealthy
  10. blr_p

    Starlink in India soon

    If the drones are small they would have to be launched inside India. Yeah drones have a limited range If they are big they will be slow moving snd show up on radar. Which means easy to take out The paks have been using drones to deliver drugs and weapons for a while now. But its small amounts.
  11. blr_p

    iOS 16 pro cases

    Protection? Its so thin
  12. blr_p

    Starlink in India soon

    Installation cost of equivalent half a lakh means few will be able to afford Illegal use of starlink already happening...
  13. blr_p

    How will Trumps threat on 100% tariff on BRICS pan out

    The opposition is focusing on unimportant things. Who cares where the mountain is. That he's chosen to interact with Canada's government in this demeaning way is what you focus on Good
  14. blr_p

    The Funny Thread

  15. blr_p

    Daily Memes Thread

  16. blr_p

    How will Trumps threat on 100% tariff on BRICS pan out

    He's trolling Canada. That was his upload :D Swiss mountain? I was thinking more like the below
  17. blr_p

    How will Trumps threat on 100% tariff on BRICS pan out

    Second time he's referred to the PM as a governor. Implying Canada is not an independent country but a state of the US Will be great news if he does :woot:
  18. blr_p

    UnitedHealthcare CEO's Murder - Looks like everyone is celebrating

    This person had all that one wants to have but he hated everything to the point of shooting someone
  19. blr_p

    Whatsapp getting hacked more frequently

    Got this from a contact of mine I've done it.
  20. blr_p

    Events & Meets Nostalgia: pls link me to the old memorable threads on TE

    Members that aren't active anymore can't be tagged. I tried a few names and they don't show up