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  1. manusag

    PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

    Anyone here on Rogero 4.3 v2.05? Sorcery and sports champion 2 not working on mine
  2. manusag

    Favourite Gadget

    Gnex for me rokz
  3. manusag

    Plan to buy a new phone

    Well i upgraded to galaxy Nexus three months back after using S1 for like 1.5 years. And believe me S1 is very slow as compared to this dual core 1 gb ram phone. I still have s1 with me which I use to listen to music coz it has voodoo sound implementation which is nonexistent in galaxy Nexus...
  4. manusag

    Good Time to Sell Your Nexus 4???

    Well you should keep it. Its an awesome phone. Even if Nexus 5 comes out, N4 will still be good in terms of h/w and s/w. Just enjoy it without thinking too much
  5. manusag

    FS: Mobile Galaxy S3 White with 5 months Warranty.

    I think he meant that once you open the box the rating is 9 coz its a used piece. He is deducting one more point for back panel condition and thus arriving at 8/10 rating
  6. manusag

    Need a Seedbox

    ^yup seedroots is good. Used a 15$ per month plan and was able to build a buffer of 5 TB in one month :yahoo:
  7. manusag

    Review Samsung LCD Monitor issues - Excellent service by Samsung

    Have the same model purchased some 3 years ago. During warranty period replaced the lcd screen twice free of cost. The on site warranty is superb.
  8. manusag

    FS: Mobile Samsung Galaxy Nexus Extended Batteries (Original with NFC capability)

    hmm did a little research and it appears not to be compatible with the gsm version.
  9. manusag

    FS: Mobile Samsung Galaxy Nexus Extended Batteries (Original with NFC capability)

    mAH? Are these compatible with non sprint phones? I have a I9250 gsm model
  10. manusag

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    Yep, tried in the afternoon. Got into both of them
  11. manusag

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    Tried already. It's closed now
  12. manusag

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    Guys looking for a good game tracker invite after my beloved bitgamer is gone. Will post my ratio proofs too
  13. manusag

    Bitgamer closed?

    noooooooooooooo :bye2: My only game tracker is gone.
  14. manusag

    PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

    @Ethan_Hunt: only base file? 4.16 can i use multiman 04.14.00 + mM 04.14.01 update?
  15. manusag

    PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

    Ethan_Hunt I have games installed in my ps3 running on 3.55cfw. Do i need to remove all of it before updating to Rogero's ? .Also your multiman download link is not working
  16. manusag

    Mobile portability - MTNL Delhi to Vodafone

    Not true at all. You can easily port from your MTNL number to any other service provider. My friend switched from MTNL to Vodafone :D