Bitgamer closed?

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Yep just tried to log in and bam, a farewell speech and it's done. WTF?

This was my best games tracker. What a way to start 2013. F*ckin' hell! :sad47:
Ya man @Ethan_Hunt
I am pretty fcked other source apart from BCG.

Any one has invites to Underground gamer?
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Whatever was there at bitgamer is at underground gamer.
AFAIK Underground gamer only has older games(before 2004 if i remember right), and bit gamer had newer games and is from the same team as UG. How is it the same?I remember getting free invite to BitGamer when i started from UG staff.
Thanks to dinjo I have BCG...but too scared to use before I build a buffer in that

Planning to get the snes pack worth 8GB ...all zipped and properly ordered
I gave up more than 10 invites of BCG at yesterday so no invites now, gazelle games is accepting new users join them.

And whatever is there on bitgamer only 20% of it is there on underground gamer especially if you consider this gen console games.Underground Gamer is more for older games than newer games i.e released more than 5 years ago.

You guys must not worry since BCG has got all the uploaders from BG so everything which gets uploaded on BG would be here on BCG going forward , BCG is also looking to modify there uploading rules to allow ease in upload [ There upload rules are quite strict, no game cover bamm... torrent gets deleted ] and BCG is ratio free which is the way forward for private trackers many trackers have started to take this route , don't be surprised if IPT goes ratio free in next 6 months

Thanks to dinjo I have BCG...but too scared to use before I build a buffer in that

Planning to get the snes pack worth 8GB ...all zipped and properly ordered

There is no need to build buffer(Its a semi-ratio free tracker) just keep client active and your will receive upload without even uploading single KB read the SP wiki there
Its going on and off the site cannot really handle the no of users now , the codebase of BCG is pretty much ****ed up the website is crawling like hell they should try and move away from this design.
I had got accounts of BCG at 2 different times did you lost the second time too ? ;)

I'll get around 5 invites by next week
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