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  1. klk

    Storage Solutions whats the difference between this two hdd

    @Rickyk thanks bro , contacted theitdepo , they said it was a mistake and corrected it and made it 5 years thanks again for all the info, Ordered the hdd :) the 1003fzez mode
  2. klk

    Storage Solutions whats the difference between this two hdd

    Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB SATA Hard Drives (WD1003FZEX) Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB SATA Hard Drives (WD1002FAEX) wd 1002 is for 6.1k and offers 5 years warranty wd1003 is for 5.8k and offers 3 year warranty both are black so they should have 5 years warranty right ? i was...
  3. klk

    Graphic Cards ASUS GTX 660TI : Should I go for RMA ?

    yes got the card on weds sorry was too busy in admiring the beauty of card lol got the card and now back at home just arrived at 8, too tried now so will post the pic tomorrow of unboxing and also how it looks in the system :)
  4. klk

    Graphic Cards ASUS GTX 660TI : Should I go for RMA ?

    the card arrived on Monday but since Tuesday was holiday in Hyderabad for some counting purpose of telangana , I'm going to their office now and will take the card will upload the pic ;) soon and finally i can go back to home
  5. klk

    Graphic Cards ASUS GTX 660TI : Should I go for RMA ?

    here are the updates I went on 14th to digi comp. took the RMA approval slip and went to Rashi for replacement and as I thought there was no product :P they were only having 750 and 750ti , They asked me which card would I like , I asked for 780 dc2oc and the guy said he would confirm it...
  6. klk

    Graphic Cards ASUS GTX 660TI : Should I go for RMA ?

    ok here is my experience gave the card for RMA on 28th july and on 1st august the card was in Bangalore and on 4th august when called the hotline thanks to @jaydipmori for the idea they said the card is still under REPAIR status after that i came back from hyd. to my town and called them...
  7. klk

    Graphic Cards ASUS GTX 660TI : Should I go for RMA ?

    gave the card for RMA last week, still waiting for their reply , got no updates till now
  8. klk

    Graphic Cards ASUS GTX 660TI : Should I go for RMA ?

    25k is on the bill amount ,Hyderabad South Regenersis (India) Limited. they gave me this address for rma
  9. klk

    Graphic Cards ASUS GTX 660TI : Should I go for RMA ?

    thnks for the idea, i will surely suggest them and yes i agree these latest gen card are bad my first card was gt 220 local market with 1 year warranty but i was so damn nice that it worked for 4 years and now this 660ti its been only a year and now i think whenever i buy a new card will always...
  10. klk

    Graphic Cards ASUS GTX 660TI : Should I go for RMA ?

    wow the gtx 780 was a good offer man, why didnt you took it my card doesnt work in *16 slot and works fine in *8 and *4 slot i have been in contact with asus since 4 mnths was hving exams so didnt rma it , yesterday mailed them again and said i will do RMA in 2-3weeks they informed the hyd...
  11. klk

    Graphic Cards ASUS GTX 660TI : Should I go for RMA ?

    so how much refund are you getting ?? and which edition of 770 they offered you ?? I will be doing the RMA in next 2 weeks in hyd.
  12. klk

    WTB 775 Motherboard

    i was confused too thts why gavc u screenshot and every bit of data he gave me , the guy is not much into computers so asking him was like explaining him all stuff i think american megatrends is manufacturer of mobo not sure will pm u his number contact him directly and ask for whatever...
  13. klk

    WTB 775 Motherboard

    Intel(R)pentium(R)dual cpu E2180@2.00GHz Brand:American megatrends inc Version:080015 Chipset: P35/G33/G31
  14. klk

    Graphic Cards ASUS GTX 660TI : Should I go for RMA ?

    yes go for 760, i think i will wait a few more months and let the 800 series release and then RMA and will hope to get a 860 or 870 lol
  15. klk

    Graphic Cards ASUS GTX 660TI : Should I go for RMA ?

    i Dont think they give replacement according to money , i think they give replacement according to performance though not sure , let me know what you get from RMA, so i can do mine too ;)
  16. klk

    FS: Video Card ASUS NVIDIA GTX660TI DirectCU II 2GB TOP OC Edition (Bill,Box and 2 Yr Warranty)

    coz its been more than a month , i think not sure :P hope u get a buyer soon :)
  17. klk

    PC Peripherals Led strip

    wow thts awesome bling :) , would try the local ones for sure :)