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    2.0 Speakers: Active Bookshelves Or Passive BS + Amp

    thanks for the inputs guys...but yeah, as Chaos pointed out, i am gonna do near field listening mostly :) how expensive are those Adams?
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    NuForce uDAC II ,IEMs-NE700X , Brainwavz M2,M3.

    ^erm, no PM recieved :| later edit: got it
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    NuForce uDAC II ,IEMs-NE700X , Brainwavz M2,M3.

    interested in uDACII. shipping to Bangalore ok?
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    2.0 Speakers: Active Bookshelves Or Passive BS + Amp

    Hey guys, was thinking of buying a 2.0 speaker setup for me PC. mostly to be used for listening to music + odd gaming (not interested in directional sound, don't play FPS anyway) + Movies (once in a while, mostly watch movies on the TV screen) so here's the thing, i'd thought of buying a pair...
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    Maverick Audio D1 - Headphone amplifier , DAC and Preamp - with upgraded tube

    interested. what will be the cost shipped to Bangalore?
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    audioengine or m-audio dealer in bangalore

    bumping the thread..OPs qriginal question...can anyone help?
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    Microsim cutter for iphone 4

    sorry for bumping an old topic, but wasted one sim already ;) am gonna try my luck with airtel for a new micro sim card. one question though, can we activate the regular ol' 3G plans on this card as well? or do i have to necessarily take up the 600 bucks iphone plan?
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    Zotac GTX 580 1.5 GB

    Card recieved :-) Will leave itrust rating as soon as i can access the forum from the laptop Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk --- Updated Post - Automerged --- feedback updated for deal.
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    Cooler Master HAF X

    Re: HAF X, Scythe Kaze Server Fan Controller and IC Diamond interested in HAF X...and you got pm :)
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    AMD 3000+ CPU + Mobo | DDR1 RAM | HD4850 | Cooler Master PSU | Sony PSP 2004

    all PMs replied :) yaya! TE is back online :)
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    CORSAIR - SMPS | Rams - Best Prices !!

    need a Corsair 850HX 850W 80+ Silver Certified Modular Power Supply - delivered to bangalore. Please update on price sent you a PM as well..but no reply :|
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    Intel Xeon W3520 + Asus Rampage III formula + Patriot Viper II DDR3 2000 CL8

    i'll take the whole thing, just have a few questions though. shipping to bangalore sending yuou a PM