Search results

  1. R

    Which one? NE7 vs Klipsch Image S2 vs ME6

    I am looking for a good pair of IEMs for around 2k. Was planning to buy NE6 this weekend until i came across M6 offer from Mediahome today. the offer alongwith an E5 sure tempts me but i have my worries about the SQ. I am a basshead and a quick search gave me mixed reviews about the ME6. Some...
  2. R

    Light up my system

    Here this should help, a few of the stuff you can get locally .. Modding Also KMD had some stuff related to case modding but am not sure how much feasible it is to get from him at this time.
  3. R

    Car & Bike Upgrading from Honda Shine need help

    Dazzler is a very good choice. Even if what said above is true ( which occasionally is, fortunately its not every time that you would be getting a bad service) being a Honda bike reliability and durability would never be an issue particularly the engine part. I own a 2005 Unicorn and a Dazzler...
  4. R

    Bestest Ice Cream Parlour in Bangalore ?

    Its kinda true.. i have always found ice creams priced much cheaper and better in bangalore compared to mumbai. Every once in 2 months my trip to bangalore ensures a visit to corner house and to Sapphires (love that place) too :)
  5. R

    Commonwealth Games discussion thread

    Re: These common wealth are such a disgrace ^^ makes sense to the point. But with a person like that in command how will the politicians get a slice of the cake. For some reason i feel all this wouldn stop here. They are all greedy and irrespective of the embarrassment they wouldn mind going...
  6. R

    Party Speakers for 5~8K

    ^^ I thought u were unhappy with the PL11s'.. Is it the same one ?
  7. R

    IEM's 2k budget

    iphone on the cards mate hence the ne7m.. As of now using a 5233 though i assume the mic can be used for chatting on pc too.
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    IEM's 2k budget

    the mic wud be an added advantage since i can use it on my fone too.. hence the query..For the Fuze m nt sure but as Ritvik explained its just about the same price, so wudn matter or bother much.
  9. R

    IEM's 2k budget

    Does NE7m come with additional connectors like the one in MP21 for attaching to a PC or any other 3.5mm supporting device..? I had a NE6 which went kaput. so was considering ne7m since its got a mic too..
  10. R

    MTNL speed upgraded???

    I doubt its an official upgrade and i assume its more of a technical glitch.. I used to enjoy 2mbps for more than 2 yrs till one fine day their server crashed and in the process of setting it up the speed got reset to the actual 1mbps. its just a matter of time and till then make hay while the...
  11. R

    Critique plz

    Out of curiosity, what and how many lights did you use in maya ? the reflection is too sharp but at the same time its showing no sign of the spheres' image in the relfection even though it is illuminated by the light falling on it !!? Also the textures placed on the drapings on the sides doesn...
  12. R

    [Scale Model CARS/BIKES] Clearance Sale at Star Bazaar, Mumbai

    ^^ I can feel the vibes too from my R1 and Fireblade too :)
  13. R

    Tired of Traffic Police ?? Maybe this may help.

    ^^Precisely why u need to have a valid insurance.. BTW cops are not really keen to catch u unless u try to do all those unwanted things (lane cutting, boating (for bikers) atleast in their presence and as long as you wear a helmet and have fastened ur seatbelts. I have noticed whenever there...
  14. R

    Car & Bike Bike advice for novice

    Karizma was always on the list of the bikes that could handle well in the traffic n through my personal experience Pulsars are yet to reach that level and that includes P220. M sure the ZMR has the handling qualities too like the Karizma. Although the fairing is unwantedly huge it does look good...
  15. R

    Car & Bike Bike advice for novice

    ^^ I agree with kauzy but cant deny TTM's point here. the fact remains that these bikes are monsters waitin to be unleashed and they need to be tamed. TBH Busa is not very difficult on the rider but if u really wanna test a riders skills then it has to be the Ninja. Havent really had a chance to...
  16. R

    LED neon light

    checkout prime abgb wensite. Modding section to be more precise.
  17. R

    Car & Bike Suggest a good Bike . Budget 70k !

    Avenger can be a pain to ride on in the Mumbai traffic. Also just to addon the avenger that i frequently ride had started giving problems from the very first year itself. Although the bike looks and 'sounds' awesome the weight of the bike is too much for the large rear tyres to handle and hence...
  18. R

    Car & Bike Bike advice for novice

    The OP should simply avoid taking anymore advice from this thread. He's got the best advice already. Just go for dazzler. I had owned a unicorn for more than 5 years and now have booked a dazzler too in my hometown. Simply because the engine goes on and on without giving you one reason to...
  19. R

    SoundMagic Earphones - PL11|PL30|PL21|MP21 - All In Stock!!

    need to order a PL21. Have sent u a pm. Pl check n reply. thanks