Search results

  1. R

    SoundMagic PL 11 and Philips SHH8008

    Hi, I have a couple of earphones / IEMS which i want to get rid of so i can use the money to upgrade to something preferrably in the lines of PL 30 or even better and at the same time reduce the no. of unwanted/ unused items lying on my desk. Check below for more details : Philips SHH 8008...
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    Car & Bike P135 or CB Twister

    Nice pics.. Congrats again and the bike looks stunning :) Whats the mileage quoted for the bike? Anyways m sure the engine would hardly give u any complaints even after years of riding.
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    Need help for PL-30

    ^^ it looks more of a physical damage.
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    Intel core i7 920 (D0)

    ygpm .......
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    Legend or Nokia X6 or Spica or N97 mini

    ^^ SPica is android at a decent price and it also meets ur req. albeit with lesser amount of features. As u mentioned 6 months later maybe u can invest the extra money and get an iPhone 4g :)
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    Suggest me an illuminated keyboard

    ^^spending 4 just for backlit is not worth it unless he wants a gaming specific kb too. I suggest the Op look at OCZ illuminati. Also saitek eclipse is a cheaper option.
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    Car & Bike P135 or CB Twister

    Congrats.. i haven seen the bike properly yet so some close up snaps wud be appreciated.. :)
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    50K All Purpose Rig!

    OP, just go for 5850 and VX550. if budget allows then settle for a better PSU. The rest of the config is good to go :)
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    2009/10 English Premier League and Champions League Thread

    Chelsea :clap::clap::clap:
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    PC Peripherals How to revive my desktop

    ^^ 512 wudn make a significant difference. To see noticeable performance increase atleast 1gb is required.
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    2009/10 English Premier League and Champions League Thread

    The big day and no comments !!! i guess its Chelsea FTW :P:P:P
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    Graphic Cards Graphic card buying advice

    Re: The Graphic Card Advisor ^^ chill.. just get the card that fits ur budget. don xtend the budget for the card as there is no future proof card out there :cool2: In the meantime save for a while and upgrade again. :) Just try n squeeze out the most u can out of it. and pray that the games...
  13. R

    PC Peripherals Leaning PC!! ;)

    ^^precisely.. there wouldn be a problem with the position of the cabby. I have seen some age old PC's with their horizontally placed cabbies still going strong. And the hard disks are fine as long as they are not subjected to any kind of shock or movement.
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    PC Peripherals How to revive my desktop

    ^^ Although u haven mentioned the primary purpose of the PC, m sure an additional Ram of 1Gb + will help for basic tasks. i had one too a year back and i managed to squeeze out a lot from it, although i had added a low end GFX card too for the same. And just to add to this DDR1 is kinda...
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    Storage Solutions Suggestion Regarding HDD

    U have already specified what u want o buy i suppose, so what are the suggestions ur looking for !!? if its the place , then just head over to Lamington rd, check the prices in a few shops (atleast 4-5) and then narrow it down to who gives it to u for the cheapest price :) Also while ur there...
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    Graphic Cards Graphic card buying advice

    Re: The Graphic Card Advisor ^^ next few yrs !! nope it won.. the card will sustain u for a year at the max if ur gonna game on 19".. then as time passes u ll have to play from the highest settings to the lowest ones but that will happen before a year itself.
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    ~ The Mobile Phone Advisor ~

    ^^ mate just go for nokia 2730c. its ur best option in that budget. If u can wait for nokia c3 then that too is a feature rich cell albeit 3g is not a feature. :)
  18. R

    Suggest a cabinet for 2-3K

    then ur possible options are CM elite 310 /360. since ur going to the shop itself, m sure Amarbir will help u decide whats best for u. try taking ur cooler alongwith u n then decide for urself. Have no clue about gigabyte cabinets though. Checkout this review, the pics show clearly a cooler...