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  1. R

    Stone Falling from Sky, Still can't believe.

    People should have heeded Stephen Hawkings warning.. Now we have to face the wrath of the stone yielding "aliens" :rofl: Anyways back to topic, this is an interesting read. I used to alwys wonder why aliens are not a topic in the GT section :ohyeah: M sure there are some with their own...
  2. R

    Car & Bike Recommend me new bike

    congos.. u won regret it ;) Also don gorget to get the teflon coating done.. BTW those FZs look amazing.. I think there is even a white one out there..It looked reqally sporty too.
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    Car & Bike Red Bull Chris Pfieffer Show Coverage

    ^^cool.. U have pretty much captured everythin from start to end.. :)
  4. R

    Car & Bike Red Bull Chris Pfieffer Show Coverage

    He was supposed to come down for a photoshoot. or atleast thats what one of the organizers had told me.
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    Car & Bike Recommend me new bike

    ^^ I too have one since 2005. from the very first lot. A very much proud owner of one. Have done torturous things to it. But now its almost time to move on. just waiting to "upgrade now" :ohyeah: unfortunately thats true.
  6. R

    Car & Bike Red Bull Chris Pfieffer Show Coverage

    Ya i was there too.. :ohyeah: i have real crappy snaps thanks to my cell :ashamed: he was supposed to be there from 7 to 10 today too but i missed that one.
  7. R

    Graphic Cards Graphic card buying advice

    Re: The Graphic Card Advisor ur best options according to me are: 9800 Gt - Approx. 6.2k ATi 4850 - Approx. 7.5k GTS 250 - approx. 7.2k The 5 series card are there too but i don think u wud wanna go for them unless u want DirectX 11. U can wait for more expert opinions on this though.
  8. R

    Plz advise, wana buy new processor

    Op: u need to invest in a better graphics card. something like Darkangel has suggested 5870. Also the proccy is still gonna be a bottleneck. Try and get urself a quad. It will help in most of the games being played currently. If budgetwise its not feasible to buy both proccy and 5870, then go...
  9. R

    Protect your Privacy: Save yourself from the prying eyes.

    Not everyone is good with computers mate. many of us out here know these facts but for the ones who dont its kind of a boon. If ur aware of these facts then just let it pass by, u don have to look. In fact u never know but there might be a few pointers which have been new to u as well. Its not...
  10. R

    Car & Bike Recommend me new bike

    ^^ FZ is definetely great for city riding. I myself could zip through traffic with ease eve though it as my first ride on the bike. A great handler. the only other bikes with which i could do all these zip zap was on a Karizma and the Unicorn. OT: if budget is not a contraint then i wud like to...
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    Car & Bike Recommend me new bike

    Hero Honda - CBZ Xtreme Good bike but not the best seller, in fact not even comes close to the era the first generation of CBZs created. I could only touch upto 120kmph. Fuel efficiency is also not to be boasted about. I personally din like the looks too. And ya Off topic - the worst part, the...
  12. R

    Cold Cathode Pair Kit

    Modding Everything as per ur need :) call n confirm with them about availability and m sure they will ship it to ur place too.
  13. R

    RC cars (indoor and outdoor)

    Sure mate do that. Will help u guys to the best of my knowledge although am also pretty new to the whole RC game :) u can PM me whatever queries u have regarding the pricing and availability or anything else too. Cheers
  14. R

    2 wheeler ban on JJ Flyover

    ^^ ur absolutely right. its a responsibility of every other person to teach the new/ even learned driver the basics of survival on our roads. I have hardly seen any rider/driver telling the other person not to drive rashly, their point being its none of their concern. People (incl. me at times)...
  15. R

    2 wheeler ban on JJ Flyover

    ^^ It is absolutely true.. In fact one of the major reasons why car drivers are a bit more disciplined is because they will incur a larger expense even if they have the smallest of the accidents. And hence they avoid what a biker or a rikshaw tries to do, squeeze in through the smallest of the...
  16. R

    2 wheeler ban on JJ Flyover

    Recently the JJ flyover was banned for 2 wheelers and the reason that our traffic dept quoted was the high incidence of 2 wheeler accidents which is fairly true. But honestly do you think it is the right way to deal with the situation !! I was further ridiculed by today's article of the HC...
  17. R

    Archos 504 PMP

    TE Market Rules 5. Quoting Price is mandatory. Please stick to the rules stated.
  18. R

    RC cars (indoor and outdoor)

    Ohh boy am still in the past :) ":::::::::::::::::::Current News: UPDATED: 29/11/2010:::::::::::: " Sato plz make the necesary changes to the main post. Also FYI guys u can make most of the RC cars drift anyways if u have a flat n smooth surface. in fact my buggy does better drifting than...
  19. R

    Thank you Pakistan, says Facebook

    unfortunately/fortunately the fate of our country lies completely in the hands of media. People wouldn wanna show ignorance or acceptance by their own thoughts but by what the media shows them. Unless the media doesn publicize on more concerning matters we indians will always be more keen to...