2 wheeler ban on JJ Flyover

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Recently the JJ flyover was banned for 2 wheelers and the reason that our traffic dept quoted was the high incidence of 2 wheeler accidents which is fairly true. But honestly do you think it is the right way to deal with the situation !! I was further ridiculed by today's article of the HC decision to uphold the ban. If anyone has read the article in today's paper then you would notice the judges statement that bikers are a danger to the society since they can kill themselves and others too. I mean WTF !! And also last but not the least they even said "like autorickshaws entry of bikers should also be banned in the city." I really don understand the point here. Are they saying its not the governments duty to ensure educating the riders about road rules when they get their licences !! Have u seen how a person gets his/her license at the RTO office. U don even have to ride the vehicle to get one..Just sit on it and start the engine, and the government is sure ur ready to hit the roads !!! how about giving some rule books or guidelines to the first time driver/rider!!?? Some mandatory tests for the same. Dont you think its a better way of dealing with this problem ?? Also how about getting rid of corruption from those cops who are just satiated with even a Rs.20 note for flouting some law.. Arent they the real reason why riders/drivers care a sh!t about road rules !!! And isnt this ban in a way promoting the use of 4 wheelers in this already choked up city !!!??? Its not that the 2 wheelers riders are not dangerous, they are at times but there is definetely a better way of dealing with this.
This maybe the worst decision ever made, but there a lot of those warm blooded bikers now a days who ride as if they are going for a race. You should come and check out my lane, which is a dead end towards the beach.

They just park their bikes there and drink to glory. After they are done with that, they show-off with some wheelies and some mores stunts which gets really annoying at night due to immense screeching noise. I feel the barring of bikers on JJ flyover is unfair to most people, but its completely fair for the people which I deciphered above.

Just my 2 cents.
I hate to generalize but bikers along with rickshaw drivers need to learn some discipline.

I've yet to see a biker who observes lane discipline and the likes and its pretty scary on the highway and on flyovers.

At least overtaking autos isn't an issue but I'm always shit scared of overtaking bikers at 60+ because you never know way they'll swerve.

Goes without saying,in most cases there is a lady involved but I've seen single middle aged bikers drive rashly too.
We cant expect the govt to do everything for us. We love to break rules. We dont want to go through the proper channels to get a license. Traffic sense has become a joke.

Unless the common man starts using some common sense and begins adhering to basic rules, we are going to face many such problems.

Couple of days back while i was on the EE highway, a bike trying to overtake my car cut madly in front of a big tractor-trailer. If the truckie hadnt applied brakes in time, the biker was a goner. And the newspapers would have squarely put the blame on the truck instead of looking into the actual facts.

And new trend has begun atleast on the Nasik-Mumbai highway. Ppl come barreling down the wrong side that to along the median, this inclues cars, bikes, tractors. The 4 laning has become a curse!

Traffic sense really has gone for a toss.
It is the most the government can do. Prevention beats the cure. You expect the government to teach us civic sense, and put road sense into driving..? Not saying all bikers (and 4 wheeler drives too) are bad, but no ones follows rules, and lanes, in India. I have heard that Mumbai is relatively better than New Delhi. The capital is a mess. Every year there are cases on the Palam - Dwarka fly over -- bikers drive off a curve..imagine the speed they are going at. I have seen bikers take their bikes on the raised foot paths to jump 10-12 cars stuck in a traffic jam. A long line follow suite -- sweet and dandy. There was such a hoo-hum in New Delhi when helmets were made mandatory for pillion riders. No one is going to teach India courteous manners, civic sense, and basic safety measures. Its what societies do to prevent elements from pissing and spitting on walls, they paint an image of a god/deity. That surely sobers people. The traffic controllers must have noticed a trend, to suggest this ban.
Arun1 said:
I hate to generalize but bikers along with rickshaw drivers need to learn some discipline.

I've yet to see a biker who observes lane discipline and the likes and its pretty scary on the highway and on flyovers.

At least overtaking autos isn't an issue but I'm always shit scared of overtaking bikers at 60+ because you never know way they'll swerve.

Goes without saying,in most cases there is a lady involved but I've seen single middle aged bikers drive rashly too.

The same applies to car drivers as well. They drive equally rash. A while back me and my friend were nearly run down at a cross road junction by a car speeding at 100+ Kmph coming in the perpendicular road. The signal has been red in his direction for 15 seconds and would turn green in 15 seconds more, but he was too impatient to wait and neither did he care about the people or the traffic policeman at the junction. This happens here all the time and I had a narrow escape again recently while using the zebra crossing near a traffic signal. The guy was too impatient to wait at the traffic signal.

As for lady drivers, be it two wheelers or four wheelers, I would not feel safe from them even while walking on an elevated footpath. They have absolutely no sense of where to drive or how to park. I was once hit by a girl speeding a Sunny on the footpath. Thankfully I was not injured, but the Sunny fell down and the front part as well as many plastic parts broke into pieces. She gave me such an ugly look as if it was my fault and started crying to gain sympathy from on lookers. If I had been in any other locality I would probably had been made to pay for her damages because she is a girl, but thankfully for me there were many onlookers who knew me and they chided the girl for driving so fast that too on a foot path.
^^ It is absolutely true.. In fact one of the major reasons why car drivers are a bit more disciplined is because they will incur a larger expense even if they have the smallest of the accidents. And hence they avoid what a biker or a rikshaw tries to do, squeeze in through the smallest of the gaps.

And no i strongly disagree with the fact that the govt has done anything at all to have avoided this mess we 're in. People wont learn until we teach them. For gods sake this is India. U have to show them goodies to get them into the classrooms. Maybe the govt is doing their best now, but its too late. We need more policing, more watchful eyes. The Mumbai traffic police managed to get hold of the CCTvs only last year i suppose. In fact there are none in the suburbs.

@ asingh - with all due respect, this is definetely not a prevention. If this is the answer to all the problems that bikers create then we shall very soon have a bike free country coz as far as i know people in the far south and north too like chandigarh are more stunt fanatics. Forget the bikers, every motorist or even the common pedestrian wants a piece of road. Look at the amount of road rage out there. Pedestrians crossing haphazardly is another big problem in our country. Its like even before their born the piece of road outside their houses goes to them as a part of their will. they can cross, spit, hawk do watever they want. And the poor motorist gets beaten up even if he as much as touches them. the worst part u cant blame them too. Our education system hardly emphasizes on following road rules. I am sure 90% of the population dont know/remember the purpose of a zebra crossing. People need to be strongly educated. there should be some focus of road etiquettes in school itself and it should carry on in form of small workshops till the time they see it necessary. Everybody blames the rikshawallahs, but nobody understands that they dont realise the consequences of their actions. If the govt. educates them before giving away those license blatantly we can have a safer road.

This post is in no way to hurt anyones emotions or views. This is just my opinion as i am completely disappointed/ disgusted with the current situation of the traffic scenario out there.

What all you have said makes absolute sense. The educating of society for betterment, and being more courteous to your fellow citizen. If I start to list the petty ill-deeds of society here, which are a pestilence, pages would be engulfed. You too are aware of them I am sure. 90% of the people DO remember what a zebra crossing is, know that RED means stop at a signal, but it is not adhered too..? Why..? That is the way our society is, this is India. Yes, we have laws, but the hands implementing them are greedy. The license you mentioned, can be procured sitting at home, just give a photo and some petty cash to a tout, and it is over. So what do we do. My post did not suggest or hint that bikers be banned. A trend was noticed, and all shall face the brunt. Bikes must have been driving haphazard on the fly over, or the think tank saw them as high - risk on a high speed stretch, and banned them subsequently. Prevention is the most our government can do. Cure is not possible on the scale of India. It is self degradation of society which is happening. Come to Delhi and see the traffic. Bet you Mumbai is better off...!

Now please no one tell me to go to another country...!
i dont know what to say here, but i have a very generalized thing coming up here. i have been riding since the past 10 yrs now. I have to agree most of the people ride like there is no tomorrow. everyone thinks they are riding their own 'haylabusa' with those 200rs. 'yoshimora' silencers. at a signal - its like start of a race. i have to agree at times, i deliberately stop at signals to let people going, or if i have a swan of wannabe throttling my ear drums next to me, clearly indicating what they want, i would ride away from there or just get out from there asap. i have heard statements like......"i have a pulsar 220, how can a splendor overtake me!???" or things like "how can i take the insult of a 100 cc overtake my 200cc"....which are nothing but clearly egoistic road rage. i mean how lame can it get. on a 4 lane wide road, with no traffic in front of you, a 100cc trying to catch up with a bike double its capacity. but no the person has to save the ego.

if u notice and compare the group of rash drivers/riders you would see the age group would be from 18 (considering they start riding at a legal age) to 25 (thats when the hormones cool down). Its more of the adrenaline rush - of pt. a to pt. b in x mins and this and that. Been there , done that.

last yr while i was on my SS practise run, i was asked if i was "racing". thats the concept people have where they draw the line between riding and "racing".

you can be fast and NOT rash. you can be fast and rash. life is too precious.....those extra few mins you would spend on the road getting to ur destination slowly is definately worth the risks.

regarding the jj flyover topic.....its a pain to drive the old way :( below the flyover towards vt. too much of traffic and take so much time.

most imp thing i feel is that parents / elders should play an important role. i dint let my younger brother touch my bike till he turned 18 and got a valid license to ride. From day 1 - helmet and all i had to tell him was 'you know what mistakes you dont have to make'. parents should ensure before giving off beastly bikes to their kids.....the newer ones , R15, 220, ZMA as first bikes for a first timer is something I would not like a parent doing. I know this may not sound right, but trust me it does make a lot of difference. You can say that it depends on how the person adapts to the bike, but have you thought, how much experience does the person have on the road ? , does he know how to deal with hand-in-#$%^^ situations ? 10 yrs back when I asked my dad for a RD350 (obviously not new ) which was then cheaper than a new splendor, now i exactly know why he had said "no, not now, later".
^^ ur absolutely right. its a responsibility of every other person to teach the new/ even learned driver the basics of survival on our roads. I have hardly seen any rider/driver telling the other person not to drive rashly, their point being its none of their concern. People (incl. me at times) show the least interest in educating others but whenever there is an accident of sorts they would definetely like to peep in. Sometimes worried, sometimes scared and hoping its not one of their kins. We are incompetent to carry out such awareness but the least we can do is pass on the word and save our family and friends. like the way u have done.

Unfortunately as Asingh has said there is nothing much we can do other than teaching a few of our own about proper road mannerisms and hoping someday the citizens of India will be educated enough as to not to fall in situations like the JJ flyover ban.
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