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  1. D

    Graphic Cards DAAMIT! AMD's DX10 is not up to scratch

    Well, this looks interesting. GeForce FX story repeated? :D
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    1TB email storage for free!

    United email systems. Can't say I liked it at all, it was the least reliable email service I have ever used. As for inbox space, well, on Windows Live Mail I've already used up 11% of the 2GB space :D
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    Just Finished My Last Engg Paper

    I can't wait to retire :P
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    Just Finished My Last Engg Paper

    To be REALLY honest, the best days of my life was when I was in 7th std....Man those days rocked. And now everything looks as if its falling down on you, with the pressure to perform well, and all the FUD assosciated with post-Xth std. studies :(
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    Help with xXx logo

    Thx! That will do, but I'll still appreciate some more cool looking logos like that one :)
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    Help with xXx logo

    Hello guys, I was wondering if any of you could help me. I want some variations of the xXx movies logo (You know, the secret agent movies starring Vin Diesel and Ice Cube). Logo only, I want to use it as a forum avatar (not here, somewhere else). Size doesn't really matter, but the logo should...
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    w00t! Raining in TOWN! (Mumbai)

    Think of it this way: Either burn to death or get the cool stinky effect from your sweat :P Deos are there to take care of sweat anyway. :)
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    New 7 Wonders - vote for TAJ MAHAL

    There is something I don't understand here. Theoretically, in any vote or poll, one person should only be allowed to vote once. Anything more than that should be considered cheating. There is no doubt that Taj is a great monument, and I absolutely love it, but how ethical is it to cheat and do...
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    It's time to say...good bye friends....

    Faheem, do well and rock da house man! It will be worth it to see you back on TE with a wide smile on your face, knowing that you've done great! :)
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    w00t! Raining in TOWN! (Mumbai)

    Light rain currently in Anushaktinagar. VERY strong winds and comfy climate. :hap2:
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    Happy Birthday to TheMask

    Re: Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to TheMask Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary, TheMask! :D Here's wishing you a great future!
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    Ashampoo Burning Studio 6.5 free till June 21, 2007

    Did I say I use Ashampoo man? :) I mean, there will always be people who prefer one product over the other, and people who like Ashampoo will appreciate this offer, right? :)
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    Ashampoo Burning Studio 6.5 free till June 21, 2007

    Well, you heard it, Computeractive is offering a full commercial version of Ashampoo Burning Studio 6.5 for free as a download. The offer expires on June 21 so get it quick! :) Ashampoo Burning Studio 6.5 - Computeract!ve The latest version of Ashampoo Burning Studio is 7.0 but this version is...
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    Another example of TBism

    To be frank, I didn't really get the "HI" joke because I'm not much of a sports fan. But I thought you were making some comic relief there, so I put in the "Hi yourself" comment. :)
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    Another example of TBism

    Well, I am an A+ grader in the English language after all :P BTW, Hi yourself! :D
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    Raining in Mumbai!

    Yeah, its back to being bright and sunny right now. My sources say there's chance of a drizzle tomorrow, but I wouldn't be so sure of that...
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    Another example of TBism

    TBism - A practice often seen in forums or other forms of literary work which involves frustrating people by not understanding the issue at hand deliberately, by spamming for the reason of increasing the post count and by frustrating and/or providing enjoyment to innocent bystanders by his/her...
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    Raining in Mumbai!

    As I write this at 3:59 AM in the morning, I am seeing that in my colony (Anushaktinagar) in Mumbai, there is fairly moderate rain at this moment! YAY! THE RAINS ARE FINALLY HERE! :hap2: Edit: Now the rains have become fairly heavy and lots of lightning and thunder as well! :ohyeah:
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    Exam results tomorrow

    Thats what I'm thinking to. I guess its best to let it go because 79 is a pretty decent score. :) Don't tell me about those muggers! I don't mug ANYTHING up, I always try to understand the subject and write stuff to my understanding. I NEVER write any answers in my book when the teacher...
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    Exam results tomorrow

    I'm considering giving it (my social paper) for rechecking but some people are scaring me saying that it is possible you may actually lose marks after rechecking. What do you say about that?