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  1. D

    TE:In need of ALL the Help u can offer.PLEASE

    Er...Sorry to get off-topic, but what was the ROFL for?
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    TE:In need of ALL the Help u can offer.PLEASE

    Sorry, I am not aware of anyone working at Bank of Baroda, but will you settle for contacting them via email or phone? Bank of Baroda - India's International Bank - Contact Us
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    TE:In need of ALL the Help u can offer.PLEASE

    If tha bank transfer did occur, the bank would have a log of the transaction. If you can acquire this log and take it to the guy at this hideout. That will be proof enough I think. An advice: Take a female friend with you and start making a scene. If something gets ugly then you can always say...
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    Comodo BOClean Anti-Malware 4.23

    BOClean used to be a paid software. The developer of BOClean had to suffer various financial difficulties, as well as staying up for 20 hours a day in order to keep up with the latest malware. Finally, it seems that the cost of getting a Vista certification was too high and hence the product was...
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    Do you believe in Astrology?

    ...and when we fall into something due to wrong science or wrong faith, we leave things to fate. :P
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    New 'super-Earth' found in space

    Desalinisation is a problem mainly due to the possible effect it is liable to have on the environment. After the desalinisation process is finished, there remains a concentrated product of everything that was removed from the ocean water in order to create the fresh, drinkable water (This...
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    A weird question!!!

    OK, I'm going to give a serious answer to this question. The chances of dying from a bullet to the head is approximately 92%, not 100%. This is because it depends on the distance as well as the direction from which the bullet was fired at the skull. Some factors to be noted when taking this...
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    Zee out to 'save' Indian cricket

    Heh, let me tell you that all of India's major politics, bureaucracy, journalism, television, operas, schools etc. are one big tragedy. I see enough bullshit to make hundreds of movies every day. :D
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    New 'super-Earth' found in space

    Nice to see an Earth-like planet being found. But what point is this discovery when we are failing miserably in saving our own Earth? Humankind is a leech, sucking the blood of one planet and moving on to the next when its done. It won't be long before we become the very aliens which we fear from.
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    Zee out to 'save' Indian cricket

    Makes me wonder whether the real intention from Zee is to make a publicity stunt or are they really interested in this. ::)) Heck, this is India, why am I thinking anyone will do good for people here? :P
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    Happy Birthday Zayni

    I'm sorry to be late, but here's a belated Happy Birthday greeting from me, Zayni. I hope you've enjoyed your day. :)
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    1 Dollar now just 42.74 Rupees (April 6th)

    Something like that....Have you heard of "The Great Jedi Purge"? Search for it on Wikipedia, and in my mind there should be a similar purge to purify the country. And the purge should not be limited to just politicians. :devil:
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    1 Dollar now just 42.74 Rupees (April 6th)

    Honestly, I have very highly extremist views on how to "cure" this country of all its evils. But you wouldn't want to hear of it I think, because it will do both good and bad, though in the end serve for a greater good. But what am I dreaming, I am never going to accomplish such a thing. :P
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    Harry potter 7 leaked?

    I don't have anything against those who like HP books, but personally I consider HP books to be average. I haven't read an HP book since I was 13 :P, and the last book I read was the third one. I lost interest in HP after that. My brother still purchases and reads all the books though (even some...
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    PC Peripherals iBall Booster 5.1 - Any comments?

    Cost me approx. 5.4K, but its not a normal model either. You probably won't find this one in most stores. :)
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    PC Peripherals iBall Booster 5.1 - Any comments?

    Well, I wanted a 4.1 setup at least, but not to worry, I didn't go for some cheapo brand. I went to a Philips Arena showroom today and got myself a nice 80W total RMS powered 5.1 setup. I even had a live demo of it and it was great, though I felt the subwoofer was a bit overpowered as compared...
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    PC Peripherals Logitech X-530 - Where to buy?

    Hello everyone, I was looking at the Logitech X-530, but I am unaware of any places where I can buy this one. I also looked at the Inspire T6060, but I think I prefer the Logitech better. Does someone know of any vendor in Lamington Road, Mumbai who sells the Logitech X-530 model of speakers...
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    PC Peripherals iBall Booster 5.1 - Any comments?

    All right, so how's the Creative SBS 580 then? Its the only other option I'm considering at the moment...apart from a Creative Inspire M5300 (which costs more).
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    PC Peripherals iBall Booster 5.1 - Any comments?

    As far as I know, the higher the RMS, the louder and cleaner sound you get. Same thing about Signal to Noise Ratio, the higher it is, the cleaner the audio produced. Frequency Response indicated the frequencies between which the speakers are able to produce audio. 20Hz to 20KHz is ideal as that...
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    PC Peripherals iBall Booster 5.1 - Any comments?

    It seems iBall has launched a new model of speakers in the market named the Booster 5.1. Strange thing is, I get it around Rs.3000 and it seems to have somewhat decent specifications for that price. Now thats strange to me. Anyway, after fishing for info on it, here's what I got from an iBall...