Search results

  1. avi

    Goodbye, Gurgaon. Khattar government renames it Gurugram

    Change of name is waste of public tax money (and corruption)
  2. avi

    H265/HEVC Android Box

    Yes it will. And most of android boxes do.
  3. avi

    I don’t ferry fat people: Auto driver tells woman

    When Asmi Shah asked the auto driver to stop so she could pick up her mother, he asked if she was as fat as her, then told her to get off as she was slowing down his auto. An auto driver forced a travel agent to get off half-way to her Juhu office telling her that she was slowing down his auto...
  4. avi

    Goodbye, Gurgaon. Khattar government renames it Gurugram

    Gurgaon will now be called Gurugram. The corporate hub, home to some 250 Fortune 500 companies, is being renamed for its perceived epic roots, turning on its head the very concept of a Millennium City of the future. The name change was announced in Chandigarh on Tuesday by the Manohar Lal...
  5. avi

    Review How's Infibeam now compared to rest of the competition?

    - bad prices - bad CC - delayed deliveries based on last month's experience. So I would avoid Infibeam.
  6. avi

    Recommend me an Air Conditioner

    Thank you all! Bought - Carrier 2 Tons 3 Star
  7. avi

    Recommend me an Air Conditioner

    hey - size of room I have given in OP - AC won't be used in daytime, so issue about installation direction/place check OP please, I have given all info :)
  8. avi

    Vu 80cm (32") HD Ready LED TV 13,289rs

    Vu 80cm (32") HD Ready LED TV 13,989rs (Use any credit/debit card to get extra %5 off - 13,289rs) Flipkart TV Days - Upto 30% off on selected Tvs and get 5% (max 1500) using any debit/credit card
  9. avi

    Any Nintendo 3DS owner?

    ^Sure. Check PM
  10. avi

    Recommend me an Air Conditioner

    Can anyone help with tonnage? 1.5? 1.8? 2?
  11. avi

    WTB PS3 slim

    wow so fast! can you post details if you don't mind
  12. avi

    Query about Sharp Inverter AC and Daikin Inverter AC

    hey you are right, I read it as 22ft instead of 12ft
  13. avi

    Query about Sharp Inverter AC and Daikin Inverter AC

    1.2ton will be less. OP needs 1.5Ton
  14. avi

    Any Nintendo 3DS owner?

    Yes, good game
  15. avi

    A noob's guide on buying consoles!

    Nice guide @Aman27deep :happy::happy::happy:
  16. avi

    How do I avoid downloads on PS3

    I haven't tried, but some posts were suggesting its stopped working. And also it requires PSN+ subscription
  17. avi

    WTB PS3 slim

    Have you checked local OLX listings?
  18. avi

    WTB PS3 Controller

    BUMPU :D