Okay or else I will pay cable guy some extra money or something and request him again.
btw so many free channels - http://www.freetoair.in/p/i.html
I thought only 7-8 are FTA :-O
Which one to get and where can I get one? I prefer indoor and smaller one, however wouldn't mind if its big or needs to be fixed on roof.
Something like this would do? - http://www.amazon.in/August-DTA230-Digital-Antenna-Television/dp/B004QAJ7ZE/
if matters, this is the tv -...
Tronsmart Ara X5 Plus for $99 - http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Tronsmart-Ara-X5-Windows-10-Smart-TV-Box-Intel-Cherry-Trail-Z8300-Quad-Cores-1-8GHz/32461482168.html?
Okay now I am wondering if I made a mistake buying larger one. I ordered 2Ton Ac (cooling capacity 6000W) and its not shipped yet. So I can cancel if its too big. Following are the room specs:
Room dimensions: 10.8 ft (width) * 22.4 ft (length) * 11ft (height)
Temperatures: In...
I don't know, but with his logic, if the area is large, AC also will run for longer time and hence dehumidifies.
OTOH, larger AC's do have bigger dehumidifier and so work without any issues, as per logic.
we need an AC expert. I summon @Superbad