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  1. S

    Greedy Torrent

    sory for the mistake its not more no. of seeders its more no of leechers Dudes the safest way is to use this for downloading torrents with more no. of leechers so tat u wont get noticed while doing so.... But i prefer the hard way seeding properly till u maintain ur ratio!!
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    Greedy Torrent

    ya i think his accnt was banned... i think he used it too much... or used it for a torrent without any leechers
  3. S

    Greedy Torrent

    This works fine with utorrent,azureus... i dono abt other clients..
  4. S

    Greedy Torrent

    Dudes the safest way is to use this for downloading torrents with more no. of seeds so tat u wont get noticed while doing so.... But i prefer the hard way seeding properly till u maintain ur ratio!!
  5. S

    listing out all the scammers we find and ban them

    wat the fish if u had given me bitmetv i would have given u my account itself... i m feeling j!!:@
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    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    Cinematik :: Signup 5,197 movies.
  7. S

    Hubs in Santacruz West??

    I think this is not the right place to start this thread ????
  8. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread :: Signup 3.538 torrents files.
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    Post Sites open for signup Thread Site has almost doubled the amount of torrents in the past couple of weeks from around 550, too 992 files. User limit is 10,000. They now have 9,878 members. Get in while you can. TorrentsLord - Account Management Romanian tracker w/1,474 files. Tune Bully :: Signup Music tracker...
  10. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    iMTorrents - Forum Rules WitchTracker :: Inschrijven Dutch tracker with 1,290 torrents.
  11. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    :: Galactic Central :: 1,044 torrents. Net13 - Account Management Romanian tracker w/2,546 torrents. Infierno-Advitam : Enregistrement French tracker with 3,850 torrents. BitHQ :: Signup
  12. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    DVDQuorum Tracker :: Crear Cuenta
  13. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    ClawTorrents - Where u want to be :: Signup (724 torrents) Swebits are open...for now. THEMUSIK :: Signup WOW-- up to 1,146 torrents and all are on free leech.
  14. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    AvatarBG.INFO :: Signup Bulgarian tracker with over 4,045 torrents. :: Signup Just opened back up. 1,667 files. :: Signup is open too,w/ 4,188 torrents.
  15. S

    I have Bwtorrents invites.

    Nice giveaway !!
  16. S

    blackcats-games invite

    Blackcats announcement!! Announcement: Removed Accounts The site is completely closed for now, and all current accounts are stable. Do not ask anyone, anywhere on the site and it's areas about getting invites, or your peers' missing account. No deleted or disabled accounts will be...
  17. S

    Whats your gaming config this winter...

    E6750 core2duo 2.66Ghz nvidia 8600gt 512mb RAM: 2gb DDR2 1024*768 Win vista
  18. S

    Top Upcoming Games On PC !

    Crysis And Assasins Creed!!
  19. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread :: Signup 4,544 dl's for your um...iPod? BitT.Tv :: Signup Almost 900 files. They lost a few torrents server change - "Some are missing again but too much traffic at the moment to take site down to fix so they will all be back later, all new ones are still there. New server on...
  20. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    TVtorrents r open for only few hours get in fast!!