listing out all the scammers we find and ban them

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let us list out the scammers in this forum and ban them or atleast we can be aware before we give invites and make it a safer place than before
wat do u guys say??
ok now guys start listing the names of scammers u know with proofs...
i know two of them one is the_hustler
the other Lillb

don be scared guys!!
The best way is to be a regular here , and only then get access to invite .

as a personal note just stop issuing invites to people less than say 100 posts , or 200 whichever u may seem better . atleast it will discourage scammers .

my 2 pence .
sandwichman .....this ass hole never gave me my invite for bitmetv

Originally Posted by Denali.

so what do you want to do

Originally Posted by sandwichmansandwichman

sry to hear that,

if you change ur mind,

pm me back,

already have a couple of offers,

you were the first to pm so u had the first opportunity,



5 simple steps,

1)give me details,

2)i verify details

3)i send you an invite to bitmetv.

4)i have and you have bitmetv

5)we all die happy

this was sent to all the other guys who responded,

first come, first serve my friend

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Denali. said:
sandwichman .....this ass hole never gave me my invite for bitmetv
Originally Posted by Denali.
so what do you want to do
Originally Posted by sandwichmansandwichman
sry to hear that,

if you change ur mind,

pm me back,

already have a couple of offers,

you were the first to pm so u had the first opportunity,


5 simple steps,

1)give me details,
2)i verify details
3)i send you an invite to bitmetv.
4)i have and you have bitmetv
5)we all die happy

this was sent to all the other guys who responded,

first come, first serve my friend
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wat the fish if u had given me bitmetv i would have given u my account itself... i m feeling j!!:@
i will vote for a rule that members with some no of minimum post count and days or weeks of membership here only will be allowed to view the invite trade section...this will be even better than the banning idea which wont help much...anyways thanks for this thread,will help
besiktas is scammers

besiktas besiktas is offline


Join Date: Dec 2007

Posts: 1

man screen for waffles [url][/url]

need acc bithumen

Already 2 times cheated me in this forum techenclave

tranceroute acc + waffles invite sent pm your mail & data acc bithumen trust

sure ''in trance we trust''


all the american dolars back off sign in

''in god we trust''

in trance

''in trance we trust'' like that

User name: carnivore

Password: 89R6uBv2er


ok sent data acc bithumen & sent waffles invites

Do not cheat me if I warn to the staff I have another account old tranceroute

man password is a problem

Please Banned Scammers :@
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