Search results

  1. aZZu

    FS: Mobile HP PRE 3 16 gb

    super bumpz
  2. aZZu

    FS: Mobile HP PRE 3 16 gb

    jeson will be champion next year bumpz
  3. aZZu

    Masters in Automobile Engineering Outside India?

    ^ well coventry is good for Transportation design rather than Transportation engg (automobile) germany is place to go for Ame engg masters .. iam currently doin my graduation here (india :D ) in automobile engg and looking for germany or norway for future .. hey scott PM me the univ you have...
  4. aZZu

    FS: Mobile HP PRE 3 16 gb

    price reduced and negotiable .. im me ur quotes guys .. gotta offload this soon ..
  5. aZZu

    FS: Mobile HP PRE 3 16 gb

  6. aZZu

    FS: Mobile HP PRE 3 16 gb

  7. aZZu

    FS: Mobile HP PRE 3 16 gb

    send me offers ... gotta offload this soon
  8. aZZu

    WTB Hp pre3 or veer

    well i have a almost new HP pre3 16gb with touchstone charger.. IM me if intrested
  9. aZZu

    FS: Mobile HP PRE 3 16 gb

    ^ PM'ed u
  10. aZZu

    FS: Mobile HP PRE 3 16 gb

    bumper ... cmon guys
  11. aZZu

    WTB IEM (earphones

    want to buy an Mic'ed IEM send me your offers max i can afford : 2k .. open to all options
  12. aZZu

    THE SPIRIT comes home :)

    That looks just awesome .. 6 litre twin turbo v12 .. aah thats just plainly awesome .. enjoy the spoils mate :D , would love to touch that excellent inside leathers if i wud hav been in Kolkatta..