Masters in Automobile Engineering Outside India?

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Want to go next year out of India to do Masters in Automobile Engineering.
Does anybody here know which country is good for that in terms of education and expenses?
And can i get job in any Automobile company after completing the Masters degree? I mean huge companies.

My brother said, Germany is good in terms of both. I have selected 3 colleges there based on expenses and their ranking
I dont want to work here in India after my Masters degree.
Studying in Germany is tricky as some universities require prior knowledge of German. You might want to confirm this before you select Germany.
^ well coventry is good for Transportation design rather than Transportation engg (automobile)
germany is place to go for Ame engg masters .. iam currently doin my graduation here (india :D ) in automobile engg and looking for germany or norway for future .. hey scott PM me the univ you have shortlisted ..
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