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  1. V

    Air cooler suggestion needed !

    I live in BLR too and I recently got a cooler since I didn't see the point in investing in an AC as of now. It's a Bajaj Cooler something, about 3.5k. It isn't the most effective thing in the world but it helps me sleep comfortably at night. If you have the moolah, get an AC.
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    Linux Simple bash script to shutdown a system during power outages

    ^^ Gaurish, on Arch you need to install it. pacman should fetch it for you :)
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    Linux Simple bash script to shutdown a system during power outages

    I have the misfortune of owning one of those el cheapo UPSes (500VA) which don't allow for a USB/serial connection. I run a small home server that stores my data and allows me to tunnel out of restrictive networks (thanks SSH). My problem is that when the power goes out, the UPS lasts about 40...
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    Nokia E66/E71 added to the lucky list : Free OVI maps

    Just downloaded the new version for my E71! Have yet to load maps, but I'm guessing this is gonna be really awesome (the new version deleted your old maps). One more reason not to upgrade to a new phone.
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    BB Bold 9700 - worth it? And a few noob questions.

    I would recommend the E71 over the E72. I own an E71 and got to use the E72 for a week or so. I've had annoying issues with the jog dial thingie that is newly featured on it. On the E71, the default browser is shit (Opera works well on it), have used excel a bit and it is usable to an extent...
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    an auto backup software

    My favourite : Unison File Synchronizer I'm not really sure if there is a way to trigger file replication automatically if filesystem changes happen on Windows but I think having a 5 min window between replications should work just as well. For linux system you can probably use a bash script...
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    Automating Torrents

    You could disallow IDM from downloading torrents at all. You can associate/disassociate filetypes in IDM Options -> General. Or when you're downloading torrent files, just press control when you click on the torrent link which will bypass IDM. I prefer using the watch folder method too, it is...
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    HUGE PRICE DROP!! - Antec Tricool 120 MM Fans|Megaworks THX 550|Antec Sonata 2

    Re: Megaworks THX 550|Antec Sonata 2|Antec Veris Premier|Sandisk Vmate would be interested in 19in monitor and chair when it comes up :D. If only there was way to get notified immediately when the sale comes up. i'm from bangalore.
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    Microsoft Lifecam

    ^^ Can't find any conclusive evidence of that. It seems that you need a separate mic to go with it. Can you read the packaging and let me know? Thanks.
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    Microsoft Lifecam

    Does it have an inbuilt mic?
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    Novel and Books?

    ^^ Bookz on undernet used to my favourite hangout too. If the quality is anything like it used to be, you will not be disappointed in terms of collections.
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    Triggering files using C

    AFAIK it's VB code that you can run with wscript filename.vbs. It supercedes the dos batch file as it provides more interfaces to WMI, ADS. I've done very basic stuff with it like identifying PC name etc. Sadly I don't have Windows to test or help you out with this right now. But this should...
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    Triggering files using C

    If you're planning to run it on a Windows platform, have you considered using wscript? Or I suppose Powershell could pull this off quite easily too.
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    Linux Amarok 2 - Whats wrong with audio & linux?

    ^ If only the GUI was the only problem. It's not even feature complete!
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    Triggering files using C

    How about system("c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /k start blah.txt") Not sure if you need to escape the slashes etc.
  16. V

    Triggering files using C

    How about system("c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /k start blah.txt") Not sure if you need to escape the slashes etc.
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    Linux Amarok 2 - Whats wrong with audio & linux?

    It's quite possible it didn't work. PPAs do that sometime :(
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    Dota with GG Client

    i will add you. please, no pwnage. have yet to learn how to play properly :D
  19. V

    Dota with GG Client

    You got in to the beta? You lucky person you. I am dying to play that game!
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    Linux Amarok 2 - Whats wrong with audio & linux?

    Thanks, will try it once I get home. Found a PPA here I think it's a version behind the latest release though.