Search results

  1. R

    music mixing software Should have searched a bit :)
  2. R

    A Notch Better - Cowon S9 / Samsung Yp p3 / IPOD Touch

    Have you looked at the new S9 UI, +100 for that, gor Cowon if audio SQ matters for you. It retails around 15k for the 16gb model
  3. R

    Foreign education help

    a friend of mine left for germany to pursue his MS, if you want i could ping him other then that he knew how to speak German tho :)
  4. R

    Sony Ericsson Mods/Custom ?

    any websites/forums to visit, ive a C510 which throws horrible photos in low light conditions and general photos also lack some clarity. was wondering if there are any forums/blogs for SE phones to tweak em
  5. R

    English TV series discussion

    i just went through 4 seasons of Sunny in Philly, god wonder y i missed it earlier..what a bunch of jackasses and what a show!
  6. R outwits Credit Card Fraudster

    Nice Won! I hope you get your first laptop back too
  7. R

    Sunburn 2009

    he will close the festival
  8. R

    Self Pwnage by Shivsena chief ??!!

    Dear MNS wotever: G#$d mein dum hai to Centre (Delhi) mein aake apni chalayo
  9. R

    For all those who idolize the genius named Sachin Tendulkar

    err for once DC you are completely wrong, go read the original post again. I dont think too many people can go wrong about a Man. and yea its not about the team or the winning or wotever, the skills are the finest in the game, i wouldnt care less its a team game after all.
  10. R

    PS3/360/PC Games

    hold FIFA confirming by eve today
  11. R

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    Intacto- 9/10 Intacto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia what a brilliant watch
  12. R


    Old Spice ..180 bux i guess
  13. R

    Listening Electronica

    Hez cancelled for Sunburn too :(
  14. R

    Most Underrated and Overrated

    Over rated- Harry Potter movies Under rated- Brit/Candian Cinema
  15. R

    The Flasher is here!!!!

    click pics asap..NZ is freakin beauty
  16. R

    PC Peripherals New Apple iMacs, Mac Minis, Mice, etc

    ^ Nice Read :) why dont you operate a blog..i mean seriously?
  17. R

    PC Peripherals New Apple iMacs, Mac Minis, Mice, etc

    @Anish EDITED@#$%$$% you got the new mac mini !!!
  18. R

    PC Peripherals New Apple iMacs, Mac Minis, Mice, etc

    Only if someone could explain me why ive seen a Mac at every goddamn studio ive visited, i dont even use Pro Tools :P
  19. R

    Did You feel the Earthquake?

    In Delhi at around 1:20 AM, i felt tremors..and apparently Magnitude 6.2 - HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN Did You?