Self Pwnage by Shivsena chief ??!!

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Yet another excuse to ignore the problem. It won't matter whether the states you mention run better, the gap will be made up by ppl coming from elsewhere.

The net result in mumbai remains unchanged :(
Once people drop the "mumbai sabki hai, indians are free to work anywhere they want" pretense, only then can the actual problem be discussed.
broadway said:
Once people drop the "mumbai sabki hai, indians are free to work anywhere they want" pretense, only then can the actual problem be discussed.

Great !! Broadway is apparently advocating that ppl must get visas to visit Mumbai from Lucknow.....Right ? And apparently to him, it is only just.

And what the hell is the real problem ? I suppose it is that you can't tolerate your own countrymen in your city..... hats off man....

whatever happened to "Hindi hain hum watan hai, Hindostaan hamara" .....

I thought the big elephant in the room is mismanagement and corruption in UP and Bihar. Thatz the reason why people have to leave those states and settle somewhere else.

^ @ Hacker: You're spot on man... but that can not be a reason to justify assaults on people from the two states.
Neotheone said:
And what the F*** is the real problem ?
I've already said this before. The real problem is "uneven" development where one state moves forward while the other doesn't or fails to move forward because of its political mess. This causes an exodus of migrants to other states looking for jobs and in india's case it's mostly to mumbai being it's the financial capital, bollywood la la land.

The several incidents in mumbai have more than once tried to tell that there's a problem. People in the media and most on this forum have continued to look at this through a variety of angles but none of it has been viewed through the maharashtrian angle.

Look at this through a larger perspective and try not to state the obvious.

but that can not be a reason to justify assaults on people from the two states.
This is the OBVIOUS reaction.

Mr. A hit Mr. B.
Don't you want to know why?
MNS and Shiv Sena are bunch of idiots, look at us in Haryana and Punjab, we have more Biharis than native residents, hell if u go in Punjab now, half of the Sikhs u would find, are migrant Biharis who took up Sikh religion, but Sikh or non-Sikh, no UP or Bihar resident ever faced any problem here in these states. Correct me if I'm wrong :)
Ryunosuke said:
MNS and Shiv Sena are bunch of idiots, look at us in Haryana and Punjab, we have more Biharis than native residents, hell if u go in Punjab now, half of the Sikhs u would find, are migrant Biharis who took up Sikh religion, but Sikh or non-Sikh, no UP or Bihar resident ever faced any problem here in these states. Correct me if I'm wrong :)
Have you read "the white tiger" from a man named aravind adiga? I'll quote one para from his book.
"The thing is, he probably has…what, two, three years of schooling in him? He can read and write, but he doesn't get what he's read. He's half-baked. The country is full of people like him, I'll tell you that. And we entrust our glorious parliamentary democracy"—he pointed at me—"to characters like these. That's the whole tragedy of this country."
only possible solution to control immigration is a passport.. united states of india...where only state asking for passport would be maharashtra...or rather... only mumbai..

mumbai is business capital because of immigration... politicians and Alphadogs create cheap opportunities..obviously locals dont want a 3rd grade of society comes and grabs the opportunity... well the time passes...and now these 3rd graders are offered incentives,aids,special policies... because ofcourse...they contribute to the vote banks too... and who is pissed off ??!! the locals who were too ashamed of taking the opportunities in the 1st place..

Even today,a middle class /higher middle class resident in mumbai would rather take up a 'professional' job which pays 6-7k odd...but would not start a damn Vada-pav business (be it a stall)...which can give him 1k per day... why ??!! because it is not professional, it feels cheap... But when a bihari does it; everybody is angry.

Would you sell peanuts in your own locality ? Would you iron cloths of people in your locality? (not the laundry)

This what MNS should ask themselves.

1 of the MNS candidate wear a kilo of gold (well atleast it looks like a kilo)

How would a person like that can think at a level of a slum dog ?

The truth is that they all send their children to convent school, strive for their management in abroad... but they cant stand to it when a slum dog is being offered something good. . . be it for the votes.
broadway said:
Once people drop the "mumbai sabki hai, indians are free to work anywhere they want" pretense, only then can the actual problem be discussed.

Why does mumbai have a problem that other Tier-1 cities don't ?

Actually leave out the others and just go with Delhi.

broadway said:
The real problem is "uneven" development where one state moves forward while the other doesn't or fails to move forward because of its political mess. This causes an exodus of migrants to other states looking for jobs and in india's case it's mostly to mumbai being it's the financial capital, bollywood la la land.
As i said earlier, there are still more states in need of development. As long as mumbai continues to grow it will attract migrants like any other city. If you notice BT has been in business since the 70s. In those days it was ppl from somewhere else. Now if BT is anything to go by then RT will be no different, because 20 years from now they will STILL be complaining about some one from yet another place. This is the common pattern.

RT, BT only scratch at the surface while milking ppl's frustrations for personal benefit, ie keep themselves relevant but never offer a solution or a path to one because to do so would make themselves, ultimately, redundant :(

All they ever amount to is a tease!

broadway said:
most on this forum have continued to look at this through a variety of angles but none of it has been viewed through the maharashtrian angle.
Why dilute the problem to the state level, when you can focus on just the mumbai angle :)

Neotheone said:
Great !! Broadway is apparently advocating that ppl must get visas to visit Mumbai from Lucknow.....Right ?
Not visas but residence permits and not only for ppl from Lucknow but from anywhere but Maha. This would be an extreme solution for a problem that has gone past chronic. If nothing changes then at a later date this may be the only way to deal with the problem. Govt likes solutions that increase bureaucracy and provide excellent bribe opportunities, how much much would such a permit go for ?

However I have no idea whether the centre would allow it tho.
Why does mumbai have a problem that other Tier-1 cities don't ?
I think your trying to find out whether it is mumbai who has a problem or RT or both. While it is very mellowing to hear that other cities don't have a problem, but yes, mumbai does have a problem. And RT using that problem to gain mileage for himself is an issue i hope you will leave aside just for the sake of the argument.

And obviously, the trickle down will continue. I don't have a solution to the problem. Im not expecting UP/Bihar politicians to start fixing there respective states after the mumbai incident. But there's a problem and people here seem to think that it's a RT problem alone.
broadway said:
but yes, mumbai does have a problem

Agreed, because otherwise BT & RT would not be in business.

broadway said:
people here seem to think that it's a RT problem alone.
Agreed again.

braodway said:
I don't have a solution to the problem.
If i'm not mistaken, the answer lies in finding space to accomodate these ppl. That's how you reduce it. I think this is how Delhi has been able to manage.

Of all the party manifestos in the recent election did a single one have the word 'crowding', 'congestion' etc in it ? Until words to that effect appear it will be same old, rinse & repeat and every single party is part of the problem instead of the solution :)

Questions to put to your leaders
- How does the city continue to grow without accomodating its citizens ?
- What does the city intend to do about it ?

You've got a contact at the city council, put these questions across and see what the response is.
ReekingArchvile said:
Dear MNS wotever:

G#$d mein dum hai to Centre (Delhi) mein aake apni chalayo
He he he..nah nahi aayenge..apne gaali mein toh MAANUS bhi sher hota hai:ohyeah::ohyeah:
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