Self Pwnage by Shivsena chief ??!!

I guess what they say is true... "Budhapa dusara bachpan hota hai" (Old age is like second coming of childhood).... he's just behaving like a stupid stubborn kid day after day.

So Maharashtrians will be disappointed in Sachin because he puts his country above his town or clan? Damn... BT is gone totally Senile!!
sohail99 said:

Every person has the right to say what he friggin wants to!!

Who's bal thakrey to say whats right and whats wrong! :mad:

both the statements negate each other...

rajan1311 said:
Now guys be careful with what you say, if an MNS worker sees this thread, tracks your location, you better run for your life ! :bleh:

we all wish politicians were smart/educated enough to track someone on the internet by self :p

Peace :cool2:
Both RT and BT are traitors to the country and they have openly proved that on several counts with their statements. More over both have indulged in activities that can only be described as terrorism. They ought to be hanged, but yet they get away with all that just because there are lots of idiots who still back these guy's. The country invests so much on defending form cross border threats and yet these in house terrorists go scot free.
Params7 said:
Thackeray ki maa ki. He's got nothing else to do really.


kauzy said:

Got this in my email today.. thought of sharing.. :p

Question : Why the cyclone didn't hit mumbai..



^^lol :rofl:
rajan1311 said:
Now guys be careful with what you say, if an MNS worker sees this thread, tracks your location, you better run for your life ! :bleh:
ill gladly disclose my location ...
lets see what they come and do to me here in delhi ...


I dont understand how people support such entities , its only by the people's support that such beings become powerful enough to blabber around like this :no:
Seriously I haven't seen such idioticity in any other state. What's the fuss with language and regionalism :|

Someone should kick these pigs out of the country. We all are inidan irrespective of the place/state we belong, we shouldn't be focusing on such useless matter. Someone please teach those illiterate that we get nothing by running over regional stuff :p I wonder if mumbaians are supporting him :p
Dark Star said:
Seriously I haven't seen such idioticity in any other state. What's the fuss with language and regionalism :|

Someone should kick these pigs out of the country. We all are inidan irrespective of the place/state we belong, we shouldn't be focusing on such useless matter. Someone please teach those illiterate that we get nothing by running over regional stuff :p I wonder if mumbaians are supporting him :p

Darky their is nuthin like supporting them...

Only people who have no work or thinks hitting or kicking somone makes and feel them strong does that...they have no other job..they themselves never reach any point in life and their bosses comes to power makes 1000-lakhs of crore for themselves.....than thrown out .They come again and say give us 5 more years on the contrary they ruled and ruling present local bodies for past 15-20 years....but have done nuthin enough...all their bodies run in loss(e.g b e s t bus service).....We face double tax because of octroi...which even after GST wont be abolished as that earns the highest income to them though illegal (its still not included and VAT octroi both charged))

A typical mumbaite like me aand others dont care what they say we busy in our life trying to earn and create more money

Their is no much point discussing about a foolish comment Its just a waste of your valuable time.....

SS old defination of marathi manus was one is staying in mumbai for past 15 years and have domicile certificate...Now they say definition is child born to a maharashtrian parent(becoz abu azmi qualifies 1st criteria)...They do not know what they want where is the point to comment on any fool coment

Rajev shukla rightly said...when sachin says mumbai is of every indian it means every indian including mumbaite have every right from kashmir to kanyakumari and can ask any such stuff within the country
@malhotraraul : It's not this thread that needs to be buried... I'm sure we all know what and who needs to buried for the sake of keeping Mumbai clean. :p
kauzy said:

Got this in my email today.. thought of sharing.. :p

Question : Why the cyclone didn't hit mumbai..




oh my, now we know how Mumbai missed the brunt of the cyclone.....
Shripad said:
oh my, now we know how Mumbai missed the brunt of the cyclone.....

extended version of that joke would be claiming that the fishermen which are missing were employed by him ..they basically were from bihar...


that apart..

i stay in navi mumbai, most of political leaders.. the top one's.. used to be SS leaders 8-10years ago.. they all changed party after that SS incident when they blackened all shop names which were not in marathi... in navi mumbai. Leaders here have respect for all masses, they understand that immigration is a part of developement... if we go by SS ideology then all indians are Biharis for countries like USA and Australia..!!
This is democracy....there are always a few (say 2%) who would fall for such antics and 2% is a BIG vote-shift..... That is why I believe that democracy can never really succeed in the long run. It has to be something like a democracy where one must earn the right to vote and the right to contest an election (maybe by psychological tests in the later case)
now they will say change our pledge :S wat crap people they are willing do anything for publicity... :|
sachin was not wrong at all from any angle.
chiron said:
^^ and the people who make such a test would be totally unbiased?

They should be biased against idiots who sell their votes for sarees, colour TVs, arrack, etc....

I'll declare here and now. Make me the all powerful ruler of this country and see your dreams come true. These BT/RT wont even survive for 20 days after i become king. Same goes for all these morons who think they have the god given right to loot our country.