Self Pwnage by Shivsena chief ??!!

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madnav said:
if we go by SS ideology then all indians are Biharis for countries like USA and Australia..!!

EXACTLY! But WTH there are idiots all over to understand this simple thing!

Neotheone said:
This is democracy....there are always a few (say 2%) who would fall for such antics and 2% is a BIG vote-shift..... That is why I believe that democracy can never really succeed in the long run. It has to be something like a democracy where one must earn the right to vote and the right to contest an election (maybe by psychological tests in the later case)

So true!

chiron said:
^^ and the people who make such a test would be totally unbiased?

Well at least there are hopes in this case unlike the current system! :bleh:
Neotheone said:
This is democracy....there are always a few (say 2%) who would fall for such antics and 2% is a BIG vote-shift.....

It's a big shift, because fewer ppl are voting.
Neotheone said:
That is why I believe that democracy can never really succeed in the long run.

Compared to what ?

If you look at history, a democracy even a bad one is STILL better than a dictatorship. In the sense a democracy delivers on peace & economic growth better than any other combo you can think of :)

Neotheone said:
It has to be something like a democracy where one must earn the right to vote and the right to contest an election (maybe by psychological tests in the later case)
The onus should be on the voters, what you suggested 'earn the right to vote' was the case in the early stages of democracy. You had to be amongst the elite to be able to vote, then it shifted to landed elite (those who own property), then to free men (not slaves), all men and finally incld. women or one man-one vote. This is a natural progression because a minority cannot and must not be allowed to solely determine who gets to rule over the masses.

Democracy demands that voters be aware first & foremost. Just voting on its own isn't enough. In the case of mumbai, with low voter turnouts, you give the politicos no incentive to improve whatsoever and yet at the same time blame the system when in reality its you the voter that is to blame.
Sorry my friend...I dont agree with you on the democracy thingy. Take a look at some of the other countries in SE Asia, including singapore, malaysia, indonesia and even china. The quality of life is way better in most of theese countries. Now there are pros and cons to every system, but for a country like india, either u make sure elections are actually a free and non bribe affair, or have a dictatorship....

Right now we have people selling votes openly for sarees, tv's, rice etc etc...and this ensures that you will only get the worst people elected, who have to make up all that money 10 times over before they lose their seat..
mav2000 said:
Sorry my friend...I dont agree with you on the democracy thingy. Take a look at some of the other countries in SE Asia, including singapore, malaysia, indonesia and even china. The quality of life is way better in most of theese countries. Now there are pros and cons to every system, but for a country like india, either u make sure elections are actually a free and non bribe affair, or have a dictatorship....

Right now we have people selling votes openly for sarees, tv's, rice etc etc...and this ensures that you will only get the worst people elected, who have to make up all that money 10 times over before they lose their seat..

AFAIK iran and north korea arent democracies and doesnt have high standards of living...and the economic development in SE asia looked on to Japan (democracy) for linking type of gov and economy isnt practical
There is actually a very thin line that has to be maintained at all times. If that is done, then having a single party or single head will be better..

But like I said there are pros and cons to all ways of governance. Its just that a country like India, with the level of education and poverty needs to evolve a better way before we can be a full democracy...but thats just my thinking.
mav2000 said:
Sorry my friend...I dont agree with you on the democracy thingy. Take a look at some of the other countries in SE Asia, including singapore, malaysia, indonesia and even china. The quality of life is way better in most of theese countries. Now there are pros and cons to every system, but for a country like india, either u make sure elections are actually a free and non bribe affair, or have a dictatorship....

But those are only a handful of countries, why do you ignore the vast majority of other countries that have similar systems but consistantly fail to produce the same result. Your argument essentially is that the exception makes the rule when it ought to be the other way around :)

See this paper if you care to know more.

mav2000 said:
Right now we have people selling votes openly for sarees, tv's, rice etc etc...and this ensures that you will only get the worst people elected, who have to make up all that money 10 times over before they lose their seat..

We STILL are a one party country, sad to say. The true test comes when the incumbent can be unseated. We have not evolved to the point yet where there is a viable opposition. If the incumbent cannot be unseated then change comes at a slower pace :)

Japan only just managed to kick out their incumbent party since WW2 in their last elections.
No to offend anyone but we too have a Shiv-Sena -MNS activist amongst us ;) Last month, I was issued warning by him for using Hindi in one of my post, reason was cited that using Hindi is against forum rules. lazy as I am, I didn't double checked the rules but heeded the warning and now post strictly in English. :)
sohail99 said:

Every person has the right to say what he friggin wants to!!

Who's bal thakrey to say whats right and whats wrong! :@
Isnt Statement 2 a contradiction of Statement 1 ?
In the end, does it really matter what these guys say?

Look at what these guys do when in power, and frankly NDA, Shiv Sena didnt do much wrong when they were in Power themselves. In fact the whole Hindutva issue was on sidetable whole time they were in power and they actually did lot of good to put our country on right track in terms of policy decisions and actions.

THere are 2 devils. 1 is NDA and other is UPA. And as long as there is parliamentary democracy in India, you have to choose between these two devils in the near future. And from what I have seen in my lifetime, I will still choose NDA over UPA in an election. They did lot more good in 8 years they were in Power in Maharashtra than 52 years of Congress.

What NDA is doing lately is shooting themselves in the foot when they are already handicapped by loss of their top leaders and Vajpayee from active politics.

These same goons we are now cursing for this Marathi issue saved countless non native and Muslim lives during 1993 riots and Mumbai floods and blasts and during last years Terror attacks directly or indirectly.

I dont care about what these people say about Sachin's statement. Thats just for attention and publicity. They know it, Sachin knows and and for the sake of god, we must know it :P
I dont know the mentality of these shiv saniks and MNS people.

What benefit they are foing for marathi manoos or a common man, by changing bombay's name to mumbai they think they have done great work in country's progress.

Then By changing name board of shops from english to marathi they are helping the marathi manoos.

I know a lot of local maharashtrians who keep on complaining about mis-deeds to them by these parties.

In order to win the elections and the local people they need to help the common man and not just change the name plates of shops
These same goons we are now cursing for this Marathi issue saved countless non native and Muslim lives during 1993 riots

I beg to differ on this issue (personal experience)hence they never receive my vote

Btw Riots happened in 1992 late...1993 happened the horrendous 11 bomb blast
^^ well I too am speaking from personal experience.

These guys used to escort muslim workers who worked in our hospital and shops to and from their home during those riots and bomb blast period voluntarily. Its these people who started Mumbai's blood drive back in those days.

My area received heavy brunt of riot and destruction during those days. This used to be a major wood seller / storage area. And they were all set a blaze by mobs. ( That killed that industry here ). And local SS Nagarsevak and their men were on road helping people during those days and their ambulances never stopped working here even when most private and NGO operators shut down their operations.

Its not about changing name of Mumbai (we always called it Mumbai in marathi and bombay in english, so does not really matter. the same way our country is called Bharat and India ). But there was lot of field progress done in Mumbai during SS BJP rule.

They started and completed most flyovers which made life that little bit easier for road travellers, same goes for changing most main roads including S V Road and Link road surface to cement one from tarmac which reduced that yearly monsoon pothole nightmare atleast on main roads.

Its easy to ignore all those good deeds in current situation. Lot of young people and kids havent seen those days as well.

They are themselves done more harm than good to malign their image though.
came in today's Mirror


Shripad said:
In the end, does it really matter what these guys say?

Matters very much what is said and not only by these guys but even those that oppose them because both parties are dodging the REAL issue :(

The problem is RT & BT are framing the arguments and the others are just reacting instead of taking the initiative!

Its not about India or even Maha, its only about mumbai. Its not about where migrants come from or 'correct' sequence of country, state or town or even language, which only serves to divert the topic when their supporters go offf on a useless tangent.

This is only about overcrowding, the big elephant in the room that no party dares to say anything about.

blr_p said:
This is only about overcrowding, the big elephant in the room that no party dares to say anything about.

I thought the big elephant in the room is mismanagement and corruption in UP and Bihar. Thatz the reason why people have to leave those states and settle somewhere else.
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