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  1. R

    Listening Electronica

    Ok whoz up for a Sunday Night Set, i just buyed a bag full of choons! @DC hvnt finalized the TL yet, im very picky about tunes so will record as soon as ill zero on to 10/15 tunes for the season :)
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    Listening Electronica

    heck Myon and Shane 54 FTW! the choon of the set is Stadium 54
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    Listening Electronica

    if someone is up - Get your own FREE online radio! its live now!
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    Best Italian Restaurants in New Delhi

    I'd recommend Manre on Wednesday Nights, they offer huge discounts/buffets
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    The Art of Seduction.

    a BB ..well done!! suits u damn good :) Discard the Armani :P P.S- Gift it to some Dumbie!
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    Laptops Resale Price on Mac Book Air??

    You will have to sell it and i mean really sell it at 60-65k here. albeit wot superczar said..ebay is your friend
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    Listening Electronica

    naah im preparin a recorded set, will post a link here soon
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    Listening Electronica

    10:30/11:00 PM IST Good?
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    Listening Electronica

    Doin a Sunday Night Radio Broadcast, Who's up for it ? Trance and Prog!!
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    LanFragger 24Hrs LanParty only for elite gamers!!

    ^ :P ImtoobusyforaLan Party leaving a retarded comment
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    New SE Phones Offering Network Play with PS3 announced

    New Phone offers PS3 Remote Play - News at GameSpot Sony Ericsson makes Idou official; announces Yari and Aino phones | Crave - CNET Interesting, the phone looks fugly tho!
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    LanFragger 24Hrs LanParty only for elite gamers!!

    1000 Bux! people would rather bring there PC neway im not coming P.S- Smiley u slimy b**ch how have u been :P
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    The PSP Buy Guide - Thread

    Re: The PSP Buy Guide - Thread [All Qtns Answered Here] ^ 6.5-7k i guess
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    English TV series discussion

    Re: Please suggest an english TV series ahh my bad! I want more of Andy and Doug
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    English TV series discussion

    Re: Please suggest an english TV series Weeds Season 5 is starting on 6th June :)
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    Dota with GG Client

    Id: DizzyMau5
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    Listening Electronica

    @Faheem DEEPGOA’s Electronic Sessions Yes you can Rep me :P
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    Microcontroller projects

    Dude i always wanted to build a custom midi controller, can you help me out and i think you should post in the Consumer Electronics section
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    Listening Electronica

    Jon is live guys, tune in Afterhours - Leading Trance Radio
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    FS: 2nd hand BPL Refrigerator @ Rs.2699. (170 ltr)

    err, your girfriends have vibrators boy u guys must suck! Also i think selling a refrigerator is fine, cammon we had a lighter up for sale sometime back