Laptops Resale Price on Mac Book Air??

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Hey guys,
like the topic reads, am looking to get the approximate price i can expect if i put my macbook air on sale, basically its less than one year old and has the 80gb hdd.. although it does have a few scrathes on top.. !

so what do you think i should get if i do put this up for sale? u think about 50k acheivable? considering the fact that a new one costs close to double tat amount?

Thanks mate! :hap2:
guys come on.. soo many views an not a single reply?? whers the tech wisdom? or is it tat people here dont like the mb air?
The MBA is a niche item and it is kind of difficult to suggest a seconds price

Although if it it's in good shape, 50K is fair price to ask

However, finding a buyer for the MBA will take longer than a buyer for say a Dell Studio or a regular Macbook
finally, the czar has spoken! ;)

Thanks sc!

So a 50% loss in one year, man tats worse than my stock portfolio! ;)

anyways will post it in the market soon and lets c the response!
So a 50% loss in one year, man tats worse than my stock portfolio!

two catches, limited market and the fact that the new MBA has the 9400

having said that, Macbooks (incl. the air) retain their price well in the US given a strong demand for them and the aspirational value associated with them

can't say the same for India, but I'd say list it on for 65 odd or so instead of posting it here and getting the M$ fanbois crap your thread
I would agree with superczar, There are hardly a few people who would actually find utility in getting the MBA considering its price premium. MBA's true target market is a very limited population and the rest buy simply because it has the apple branding and they are super rich apple fanboi's

Most knowledgeable/well informed people would rather get a regular mac book or any other lappy with better specs and new to boot. It wouldn't be easy to sell this on TE considering almost all members are knowledgeable and there would very very few who would find real utility in such a lappy and most who do probably have one already.

Put it on as czar suggested. You will have a larger audience there and there would also be a lot of 'Rich apple fanboi out to buy everything apple' category there. A 65k price sounds just about right considering that Apple lappies have good resale value regardless of which ever category the buyer is. Had it not been for the newer MBA, you could have gone even higher on the price.

Btw, why do you want to sell it? Insanely priced stuff like these are meant to be bought only if you have real need for it. They are not easy to sell off, Its good that since its an apple product, you at least have some decent market to sell. Had it been a Dell or Sony, you would be lucky if you even manage to sell it off. If you do not really need money or something, I would still suggest that you keep it rather than go to the trouble of selling it.
A little OT but : I had purchased a year old Sony TZ ( the person bought it for 1.15l) for 33.5k some time back.... i.e. less than 1/3rd the price...

I think u should be happy if u could sell it for anything above 50k...
hmm.. well dont have a reason to sell it really... just that im nt really making use of it.. though il buy a mac book pro by selling my mba and adding in another massive load of money! lets c..
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