Search results

  1. Dinesh_Malhotra

    The DEXTER thread!

    Actually travis saw gellar, and dexter just followed his directions.. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  2. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Dell Studio 15 - Intel C2D - T6600, 3GB RAM, 320GB HDD, ATI Mobility 4570 GPU

    U stay at navi mumbai rite. I might pick it up from u. Mind if i see ot in person before i decide to make d purchase? Pm me ur contact details Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  3. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Hp touchpad 32gb bundle!

    U want to sell or not buddy... No replies yet Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  4. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Hp touchpad 32gb bundle!

    Plz pm me ur contact number asap. I will most probably buy it. Plz do so. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  5. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Samsung Captivate i897

    Screen has scratch or is it that the screenguard has scratch. Lemme know. If its the latter i m buyin the phone. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  6. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Samsung OEM Headset (Bundled with GALAXY S II)

    i am buyin it plz pm me back with ur account details will transfer money asap. warm regards
  7. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Amzer Skin Jelly Back Case for Apple,BB,Nokia,Samsung,HTC,LG and Many More

    i have an newly purchased ATRIX`s OTTERBOX commuter case for sale, let me know if u need it. willin to let it go for 850 Rs shipped !
  8. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Motorola Photon 4G (mint condition) with all accesories n defectless !

    Hello Guys :) well everything hasnt been well with my atrix purchase. hence leaving the atrix field already and want to purchase Motorola Photon 4G in mint condition along with all the accessories. kindly PM asap to close the deal as i need one asap. no phone as of now, using micromax phone...
  9. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Motorola ATRIX 4G Plus Otterbox Case.

    Lol i totally missed to see that it is actually you who has created the thread. Sorry missed to see ur handle as an OP hre.. Btw best of luck fr the sale. Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  10. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Motorola Atrix or Motorola Photon or Samsung Galaxy S

    Got it today.. The phone is un good condition except the battery cover which the seller has obliged to pay for, if i do not raise a cimplaint at I m already orderin 2 bck covers for 1500 total from usa, let me know if u want one fr 750rs.. Sellr payin me 700bcks fr one cover. The...
  11. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Motorola ATRIX 4G Plus Otterbox Case.

    Is it otterbox commuter? Wanna a sell it alone? Price wid mumbai shipping? Plz pm Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  12. Dinesh_Malhotra

    ..the aliens have arrived

    Congratulations :) thats one good laptop !
  13. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Motorola Atrix or Motorola Photon or Samsung Galaxy S

    i bought one for 20.7k utilizing WD500GB coupon code.. so in the end that makes it 18200/- all inclusive with buyer protection through and also return policy if the phone is not in proper condition makes it a lucrative deal. Mint Motorola Atrix 4G 16GB GSM Android 2.3 & 1Ghz dual core...
  14. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Motorola Atrix or Samsung Galaxy S

    anyone helping out ?
  15. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Motorola Atrix or Samsung Galaxy S

    what about the camera quality of atrix ? has it change for good after GB upgrade ? is there a scope by any means for the custom roms devs to fiddle with the camera settings or drivers to create something good out of the muddy camera ? plz guys.. me buying one within a day.. plz let me know...
  16. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Motorola ATRIX ! in mint condition with all accesories

    Hello Guys :) i have sold off my captivate and want to own a Motorola ATRIX :) the phone should be in mint condition (that is without any scratches, smudges or usage marks) with all the accesories and BOX that comes with the phone. i do understand that the phone will not have any kind of...
  17. Dinesh_Malhotra

    Internet works without any APN in Android - why is that

    He is asking abt the general tendency of the Android functionality to actually make the vodafone mobile connect work with a vodafone live plan, which normally wouldnt work in any other phone... atleast not without settings ! btw i too have Vodafone Live UL plan @99 (corp) but it was...
  18. Dinesh_Malhotra

    iPhone 4 16 GB + "Gevey Ultra" + "Otter Box"

    the seller is behaving crazy.. what should i do ?
  19. Dinesh_Malhotra

    iPhone 4 16 GB + "Gevey Ultra" + "Otter Box"

    Well, it has not been all hunky dory with the purchase of this Iphone 4 !! the phone was purchased on 19th of Aug 2011 around at 11am in the morning when the buyer and my brother (who wanted to buy) met at a venue comfortable to both of them. BTW the phone didn`t come with the 'Gevey SIM' as...