Search results

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    WTB Looking for Bose QC 35 ii / Bose QC 45

    Lift to top. Catch me if you can.
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    is Web Development the best way to go if someone does not have a degree?

    +1. Web development has the most number of jobs right now and isn't going anywhere anytime soon. On side note if are just starting, try to learn something which is in demand right now. C# and .NET as of today is only limited to enterprise. On other hand JavaScript and related backend frameworks...
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    WTB Looking for Bose QC 35 ii / Bose QC 45

    Looking for used Bose QC 35 ii / Bose QC 45. PM your offers.
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    WTB 1 sata SSD 250-500 GB/ HDD 1 TB

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    WTB Used RTX 3xxx card

    Bump. Payment made to @powervgx for an in warranty RTX 3060. Awaiting shipment.
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    WTB Used RTX 3xxx card

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    FS: Video Card Nvidia RTX 2060 HP OEM 6 GB

    Card picked by @Adithya_babu 's friend as requested by him. Awaiting feedback.
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    WTB Used RTX 3xxx card

    I want to buy used RTX 3xxx card preferably with warrenty left. My budget is max 17k. Please dm your offers.
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    FS: Video Card Nvidia RTX 2060 HP OEM 6 GB

    Holi Bump. 11k shipped with DOA warranty. Payment received from @Adithya_babu . Waiting for picku.
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    FS: Video Card Nvidia RTX 2060 HP OEM 6 GB

    Bump. 11.5k shipped with DOA warranty.
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    FS: Video Card Nvidia RTX 2060 HP OEM 6 GB

    Adding images with username and date.
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    FS: Video Card Nvidia RTX 2060 HP OEM 6 GB

    Thanks a lot. I am unable to edit the post now. @puns can you please give edit access for re-uploading images or delete this thread so that I can start another with pics as per rules?
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    FS: Video Card Nvidia RTX 2060 HP OEM 6 GB

    It is an OEM(HP) RTX 2060 6GB so it looks little different than the other 2060 designs primarily due to single fan. The condition is very good as can been seen in the images and is dust free. I had bought this used card recently locally and have used it exclusively for training deep learning...
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    31-40k Suggestion for a laptop for a friend.

    Have a look at Lenovo Ideapad 3 AMD Ryzen 5 5500U on Amazon. It is priced well, has good processor, upgradable RAM, backlit keyboard and 2 year warranty. Alternatively Dell Vostro 3420 Laptop,12th Gen has solid specs, upgradable RAM but without backlit keyboard.
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    WTB 1 sata SSD 250-500 GB/ HDD 1 TB

    If you got one please dm with the price including shipping.
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    Hello there

    I stumbled upon this great community recently when I started building my PC. I am bit shocked how I wasn't aware of its existence till now given the amount of time I spend on internet. Looking forward to having good time!