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    Amazon India lightning deals

    Sorry for late reply guys. Install hike app and within the app there is a section for coupons. Within that there is an amazon 10% coupon for mobile accessories. Don't know if it's unique for each user.
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    Amazon India lightning deals

    ^On top of that there is an additional 10% off through a hike promo code. It's a steal at 5850. Just bought it.
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    Storage Solutions 1 TB portable hard drive.WD elements or Seagate backup plus

    Hi, I am confused between these two drives.Seagate is Rs. 400-500 more expensive.Please give your suggestions.
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    Buying an imported TV from Ebay

    How to check if the product is refurbished?
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    Need Mi Fitness Band

    I have ordered one today but just read about YuFit. Now i am confused between the two.If I change my mind about the Mi Band,will let you know.
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    Buying an imported TV from Ebay

    I am interested in this as well.But price seems too good to be new.
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    Nook HD+

    How about Mi Pad??
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    WTB kindle

    Check out kobo as well.Kobo touch is really cheap on ebay. ~3.2k
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    Need FUP-less plan in West Delhi

    Minor ones average 3-4 times a week and last less than 10 mins.Major ones occur once in about 2-3 months but get resolved in a day.Its usually at their side.What helps is that my neighbour and i use same plan and its very rare that both connections are down.
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    Need FUP-less plan in West Delhi

    I am using reliance in gurgaon.Downtimes are common but not that bad.Customer service is good enough.But the best part is no FUP.I am getting 2Mbps in 699.
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    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    Please add me to the india specific list.Thank you!
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    Chromecast - Do you use it ? If yes then how ?

    ^videostream chrome extension Also,if your chromecast heats up too much,there may be a problem with your unit.
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    Chromecast - Do you use it ? If yes then how ?

    There is a chrome extension called videostream.It can stream content from PC.
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    New DSLR for beginner

    Check out the hourly deals on snapdeal.I have seen it around 23k a couple of times.Also you can consider nikon D5200 with kit lens.It was available for 29k.
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    Chromecast - Do you use it ? If yes then how ?

    I mostly use youtube and stream movies/TV series from my laptop. Stop thinking about what all you can do with it.Think about what you want to. P.S-Google music app doesnt work.Maybe due to country restrictions.There are alternatives though.
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    Getting a Weight Lifting Package

    Get them from sadar bazaar.Rubber ones are Rs 25/kg.Steel are 90/kg and cosco hex ones are 150/kg
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    Dont know about the philips one but the samsung is crappy.If you want over the year,you could try PL30.But it is neutral. And you dont have to worry about your ears getting hurt as those earguides are generally cushy.
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    Sennheiser lower end earphones have a reputation of bloated and muddy bass.Soundmagic cheaper models compromise on build but you do have 1 yr warranty.