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  1. I

    Photography Lovers

    Thats a flower alright ! :clap: (i wasn't expecting anything else) Here are a couple of pics i took last year down south. Regards Inzider
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    How good does this look

    @Switch, the bit tech site is working, although the pictures have been taken off since Piloux's FTP account was closed :P However, i did find these pics of the cabby. Hope u like them, modding buddy :P Imagesource : I thought this mod...
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    PC Peripherals standby hardware

    I have a backup P4 1.7GHz on a Mercury 850 board with 128megs of RDRAM and a RIVA TNT2 for graphics.
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    How good does this look

    That case looks very similar to the wood case made by Piloux i think a couple of months ago. Would look neat if you could pull off something at the same level as that :)
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    Straight From AK's Mouth

    ^^ If YOU don't bribe government officials , there won't be corruption. If YOU, as a citizen, decide to start a watchdog agency to keep a tab on every governmental operation, there wouldn't be any chance for corruption. Its something very hard to imagine, i agree, but writing off your...
  6. I

    Digicam decisions..

    @Masky, the tripods legs do look awefully thin. The top looks stable and strong enuff though. @Eazy - Whats yer take on my tripod. I've attached the pics. Its an old Zelox which i got with a Minolta SLR which is as old as me :)
  7. I

    Digicam decisions..

    Kewl pix masky. You better start moving around more often or yer gonna get fatter :P Cheers mate Inzider
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    Hacker on LAN

    @freekill - Disable File and Printer sharing Disable NetBIOS Disable any network services which are not being used, or are not essential to your being on the internet Get rid of Zonealarm as well, and settle for something else, cuz i've heard of a couple of ZA versions with some serious bugs...
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    Guide Intro to Telnet And Hacking

    @IR.Zeo - Most linux distros come with nmap preinstalled. So just fire up the terminal and type nmap and see what it does :) off topic @Bosky - I hear ModX got better with a few extra challenges and stuff. Check it out :) EDIT : If you want a basic probe to see what OS a webserver is...
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    Guide Intro to Telnet And Hacking

    @IR.Zero - Well installing nmap in Windows can be quite a pain at times. I've had numerous experiences where the thing just wouldn't work, and then would start working. The easiest way to use it would be from linux. Most full installations of a linux distro come with nmap. It's a wonderful tool...
  11. I

    Digicam decisions..

    Hello Maskyman, The S5500 is a nice cam, for most of the applications you intend to use it for, especially the fast cars and stuff like that. The cam is a semi pro cam, and zoom is kewl as well. What isn't very impressive is the ability, or lack thereof, to take close up shots. The min. focal...
  12. I

    Photography Lovers

    Damn !!! Post gone bad. Mods delete this post plz.
  13. I

    Photography Lovers

    Grrr. Post gone bad. Mods, plz delete this post, will post again later :huh:
  14. I

    PC Peripherals what to do with old people ? dump em ?

    I have a P4 1.7gig box to spare. I liked yer idea TechHead, might go with that. Additionally, i'm loading up a Unix flavor onto the box and hooking it up to my current rig. can't use it as a Download drone, cuz i have nothing to download :) Will probably use it for Distributed computing projects :)
  15. I

    Hi all

    Hey Alex, Welcome to TE !! Have a great time here BTW, What do ya play ? Regards Inzider
  16. I

    Magnificient Rocky Mountains Field

    I'd be willing to go to everest to check the authenticity of Masky's pictures, as long as TE sponsors the trip, and a couple of A64's for the resulting, ahem, processing of data :) and I believe it is Panoramic :)
  17. I

    Another virus for Series 60 phones uncovered - MABIR

    Damn, That Cabir was one pain to remove. Wonder if i should try and "catch" the Mabir to see if its an equal pain :P
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    Guide CyberStalking - An Article

    Thats a lot of good information. Personally, regarding Cyberstalking and stuff, i've seen that a little bit of care can go a long way in protecting one's identity and one's physical self. I used to work for an online safety organisation, and have seen many cyberstalking cases come by. I'll...
  19. I

    Officially tired of HOTMAIL

    First - Nice titles for the images :D Second - Try clearing your cookies and stuff, and try logging in with the option "Ask for username and password each time" I think the layout of Hotmail was changed a couple of days ago, or maybe a week ago. That page which you see is supposed to show up...
  20. I

    The TE Mumbai Meet(The Jealousy Thread)

    Nothing to worry about Medpal. You can think of it this way. You're the representative of your city at TE. Tis like you're Mr.President :P (Don't ask me the logic behind this one, it has none). However, nothing could have beat the Bangalore meet. There were just a few of us, but sunnyboy...