How good does this look

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Well... After a lot of search and a lot of thinking i am planning to build a case from scratch. The main reasone behind it is that i dont wanna spend 10K on a good casing when i can make something almost for 1/4th of that price...

I had earlier chocked down the idea on the paper and then further i had chocked down the idea on a piece of ply. The dimensions are 19" top depth, 19" height, 24" bottom depth and 8" wide...

The casing will me made out of wood and acrylic mainly... The original idea is taken from a lots of different mods from the web... I am stilll a bit confused about the front looks... I have decided on the isdie looks though... The front dosent seem so impressive as of now... Just give me some good ideas on how to go about it...

The side panel will be totally of scrayilic and the figure you see inside the pic will again be acraylic but painted... The fan would be fitted on that only... Front panel will be made of strips of wood and acraylic jointed togather(i still dont know how will i be able to manage that). Just tell me how good does the idea look as of now... I am going ahead with the fabrication of the frame... The frame i had initially thought of doing it in Wood but now i think i will be doing it in aluminium...

The case will be designed in such a way so that the air flow inside the case is just about perfect with two 80mm fams pumping fresh air from front and one side panel fan and one 120 MM rear fan does the exaust job.

The side view of the case would be something like this.

The front view...

I know this looks ugly as of now thats why i need some ideas on that.... Also the mounting of the DVD rom wold be a tuff task. The ideal DVD drive would be one with the slide in design and not the tray design. Well this i will have to procure some how....
switch, the sidepannel idea rox, totally luv the design, front, well, dosent look impressive.

maybe i'll try and sketch a few front pannel designs and post em here ;)

regarding the paining thing, well, i didnt get you, u want to paint the wooden part kya? :S if thats the case, i wud advice you against it, wood's orignal colour rox.

and using of ply too dosent look impressive, try to use oak or Teak wood, strips of wood on the sidepannel wud look cool. ply dosent really do justice to the time and effort ur putting into this case.
Guys, Guys, Guys... This will definately be not done on ply... I will be using solid rubber wood for the front... Also the aluminium will be used for the very basic structure of the casing... And the idea is just been chocked down on the ply... I wanted to see how will it look with the actual dimensions... And yes by paint i meant polish... Nobody paints wood... Atleast not me ;)...
sidepannel looks good, fornt part sux :P
oh and what about the list i gave you switch, any further devolopments on that?
That case looks very similar to the wood case made by Piloux i think a couple of months ago. Would look neat if you could pull off something at the same level as that :)
Yup! Thats inspiration by piloux only... The only problem is that i am not able to access the database as bittech is going under renovation... I forgot the modders name good you reminded me that was by piloux... If anybody gets the pics of the same please pass it on to me...

P.S. Dont you worry... i will not be able to pull off something as good as done by piloux... He is god when it comes to modding computer cases...
@Switch, the bit tech site is working, although the pictures have been taken off since Piloux's FTP account was closed :P

However, i did find these pics of the cabby. Hope u like them, modding buddy :P

Imagesource :

I thought this mod was an amazing one.

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make it little bit taller and wider. It will give ya nice room to work with. It helps a lot to have that extra room.
The stacker which just landed here is soo much bigger than any other cas ei saw before in my life.
Planning to start a business? ;)
@Inzider Hey thanks pal... But i am definately not doing that front anyways... let me think of something else... That's not so impressive... Also you guys with wavemasters can you give me the exact dimensions of the case ...
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