Search results

  1. neerajvohra

    FS: Tablet iPad 2 16GB and Nexus 7 2013 16GB for sensible offers.
  2. neerajvohra

    FS: Tablet iPad 2 16GB and Nexus 7 2013 16GB

    Keeping the tabs. Thanks.
  3. neerajvohra

    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    It would be easier if you can add more details instead of brand new like how many months old or unopen box etc. S4 1-2 months old should be somewhere around 25k. I find it hard to sell mine to local shop for 28k, though it was 2+months old product and had few scratches. Good luck finding a buyer.
  4. neerajvohra

    FS: Mobile Apple iPhone 4 Black 16GB Factory Unlocked

    For me, you are the best seller here on TE for Apple products. :) Yes, the price will fall down to 15k max and Apple is trying to grab leftover iPhone 4 from all over the world to dump here. So, the already available iPhone 4 8GB price will also go down. Wait for a week to see the price drop. :)
  5. neerajvohra

    FS: Mobile Apple iPhone 4 Black 16GB Factory Unlocked

    Being an Apple dealer, you're posting it here even knowing that Apple is going to launch iPhone 4 8GB model for 14-15k which will include 1 year warranty. As a friend, as I have purchased some stuff from you earlier, I would suggest to sold this asap on olx, here etc. Good luck and free bump. :)
  6. neerajvohra

    eBay India - Coupons & Deals

    STERLING08 is working, 7% maximum 750rs. I just used one to order some stuff.
  7. neerajvohra

    eBay India - Coupons & Deals

    Though not the right section, you can buy the same from Amazon and save 1k. Ebay price @31k, Amazon @30k. (Amazon fulfilled order) :)
  8. neerajvohra

    eBay India - Coupons & Deals

    No problem. I have gathered more which are valid till 31st Mar 2014, same 7% coupon, ping me if you need more. :)
  9. neerajvohra

    eBay India - Coupons & Deals

    Edit : Shared the coupons on social sites.7% Flat discount on any product, maximum discount 750rs : C17YO1K9VI J4X5YTO6F5 GYWIBGPTS7 1E9AMFR139 W6E0R7DDTU Z3UCKAO2EE
  10. neerajvohra

    WTB AppleCare Protection Plan for iPhone 5

    I'll wait till Jan as Apple increased the warranty of my iPhone for a month. I can easily find it next month. Thanks all for the help and pm's.
  11. neerajvohra

    WTB AppleCare Protection Plan for iPhone 5

    I am even ready to pay 4.5k here, but its no where in stock. I didn't asked for price here.
  12. neerajvohra

    WTB AppleCare Protection Plan for iPhone 5

    Since I was not able to find it anywhere, called the Apple care and they sweetly increased my warranty period for 1 month so that I can find the Protection plan whenever possible. Mods can close this thread as I will check out local stores in Jan. Thanks to everyone for looking. Cheers! btw...
  13. neerajvohra

    WTB AppleCare Protection Plan for iPhone 5

    Thanks for the price information, but I already know the price. Are you offering me Apple care for 3900rs? I can transfer neft, ebay or whatever payment you like, and you send me the kit or the registration number. If you like to charge anything extra for your service, do let me...
  14. neerajvohra

    GOSF 2013 - deals, links

    I was also looking for constant iPad Air discounts, but whenever I searched either the coupon doesnt work, or the product goes out of stock. It's PIA to sell the products you love. I don't buy every iPad as I missed iPad 4. Currently, I have iPad 2, iPad 3, and now iPad Air and hopefully will...
  15. neerajvohra

    GOSF 2013 - deals, links

    yeah saw that, but croma increased the price to 2k in retail price so in short after applying the coupon, it would be the same price. Anyway, I already bought, and waiting for saving some bucks on iPad mini retina. I'm sure My fam would kill me with 4 iPads at home, but I want to try mini too.
  16. neerajvohra

    WTB AppleCare Protection Plan for iPhone 5

    I need Applecare protection plan for my iPhone 5, not going to upgrade to 5S and the warranty expires on Dec 30, 2013. Anyone has extra which he wants to sell? I can't find it online, and the Applestore is far away from my place. Any help to direct me to a seller would be appreciated. Thanks.
  17. neerajvohra

    GOSF 2013 - deals, links

    ahh crap man, I never found eBay listing of iPad Air at the retail price. Unlucky me. I am also looking to buy iPad mini Retina 16gb wifi only model, if you find any listing on eBay please let me know.
  18. neerajvohra

    GOSF 2013 - deals, links

    No discounts on iPad Air this time, disappointed that I did purchased by paying full price. Last year I bought iPad 4 at a discounted price. :(
  19. neerajvohra

    Android Nexus 5 announced - To be launched soon

    Congrats. welcome aboard.