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  1. neerajvohra

    The Definitive iPhone Thread

    Sorry for offtopic, but I saw your ID playing shadowgun dead zone. Is it you?
  2. neerajvohra

    The Definitive iPhone Thread

    I just use it for push notification. For the second one: Yes.
  3. neerajvohra

    The Definitive iPhone Thread

    You guys should try out the default Gmail client for push, and manual setup on the default mail client. I do the same, and I see iOS is a bit faster in notifying the new email as compared to my Note 2 or Nexus 7. Only problem I face these days is one email is notified to me on 4 different...
  4. neerajvohra

    HomeShop18 - Coupons & Deals

    Not sure but it seems they are not willing to ship few items to your place, cause they are actually dependent on the third party seller who I guess is not willing to send it for few zip codes just like Pune. FK story is completely opposite if you compare the prices with Homeshop18.
  5. neerajvohra

    Apps Deals thread

    Than you won't be charged, sometimes it takes 2-4 weeks. Check Google groups for the same issue.
  6. neerajvohra

    Apps Deals thread

    Check the status in your Google Checkout account to confirm that the order is marked as cancelled? Also, the refund process can be initiated only once, if you subsequently purchase the same app again, you wont get any refund.
  7. neerajvohra

    HomeShop18 - Coupons & Deals

    Try removing your old address, and adding it again.
  8. neerajvohra

    Apps Deals thread

    I never come across any which I downloaded for free, and than it was paid.
  9. neerajvohra

    Apps Deals thread

    I have actually purchased all of those. I'm sad to see not much sale for Android apps as compared to iOS. Only app I didn't purchased was Swift key tablet, though I have purchased Swiftkey phone version, but that doesn't work on tablets. Most of the apps in iOS were free today. Many are still...
  10. neerajvohra

    HomeShop18 - Coupons & Deals

    GC3U5E5UG4V1 Superdeals - Deals that last only minutes This is one of the crazy deal after Note 2. Both colors are in stock. I ordered white.
  11. neerajvohra

    FS: Tablet Brand New Nexus 7 16gb

    SOLD. Mod please delete the attachments, I cant delete it. Thanks to all for looking.
  12. neerajvohra

    HomeShop18 - Coupons & Deals

    f**K...ordered white one for my little sis. Thanks.
  13. neerajvohra

    The Definitive iPhone Thread

    Is it worth to upgrade from 4S to 5 ? considering you have dock of old usb connector. If you're going to buy the iPhone, you better go with 5. However, if you're using you think it's worth to upgrade?
  14. neerajvohra

    Using streaming services in India

    Have you folllowed the steps mentioned above? You need to follow that from a web browser. Once, your account is active, Google will prompt you to download music uploader. Or if you use team viewer, DM me your gtalk ID, I can remotely setup for you.
  15. neerajvohra

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    Received 5% off max 2000. Its account locked I guess.
  16. neerajvohra

    HomeShop18 - Coupons & Deals

    That deal has also been expired. That Rs.33899 is the lowest offer now. Go for it.