Superdeals offering Galaxy Note 2 @ 32500rs
Galaxy S2 @ 22499rs
Galaxy S Advance @
Galaxy S2 @ 22499rs
Galaxy S Advance @
HTC Desire X @ 17700rs
Superdeals offering Galaxy Note 2 @ 32500rs
Galaxy S2 @ 22499rs
Galaxy S Advance @17499rsHTC Desire X @ 17700rs
Deal already expired yesterday, but you can order Note2 from eBay for 33k.
Can you please provide the link? As the lowest I can find is 35899 - 2000 (coupon) = 33899/-
Iphone 4s available for 32k
Its available at 38499 .Iphone 4s available for 32k
Its available at 38499 .
Which coupon code to use, i didn't find any ?
I wanted to buy Samsung Galaxy S Duos which is currently under super deal. But it is not allowing me to ship it to Pune city, giving error message that it can not be shipped to this address. I stay in Pune city (Kothrud area to be specific). Similar case is happening to Sony Tipo (which BTW I don't want to buy, but I tried just to confirm).
Does HopeShop18 ship some products to specific areas in country?
HomeShop18.com Superdeals - Deals that last only minutes
^^ I tried that but no success. I also tried to add my office address as another shipping address.
I tried to pick some another phone which is not under super deal like Samsung Galaxy S2 and I am able to ship it my address.
Don't know what is happening.
Update: Strangely Pune is not included in the list of 'Delivery Areas' for Samsung Galaxy S Duos. Same case with Sony Tipo. And even Samsung Galaxy S3 :O. What is HomeShop18 thinking by not covering Pune for these phones? Its one of the most populous city in the country (and may be 2nd or 3rd in Maharashtra). Even Nagpur is not included in that list same as Pune. Such as thing is certainly not the case with Flipkart.