Search results

  1. Channu

    JioFiber vs BSNL Fiber

    I've had zero downtime with Airtel fiber in last 2 months and the experience has been somewhat similar for Jio although I've heard how it varies from location to location and that's a real factor but there's one thing that hasn't varied from location to location is the sheer incompetence on...
  2. Channu

    Nintendo Switch lite controller Used this to setup my PS5 controller wirelessly with switch! Working like a charm. Couldn't be happier
  3. Channu

    Nintendo Switch lite controller

    Switch is pretty terrible ergonomically :-/ (Switch lite must also be in the same league) Without a grip modifier/after-marker controller, in less than an hour level of discomfort shoots up for me! I'll advise you to look for 8bitDo dongle using which you can play using any of your existing...
  4. Channu

    Airtel Xstream Fiber Experience (Direct Cities)

    This was just a temp issue that I faced. All good with superb reliability of the connection & equipment for the first month. So happy to get a reliable connection in tier 2/3 city outskirts :)
  5. Channu

    Am I paying too much RO water maintenance?

    The same issue happens at my native place. It's our own deep boring for water and a UF setup for potability. Since we only visit less than once an year so haven't got any other measure in place but might have to do it eventually since. I have a suggestion for RO though. We used to have Kent and...
  6. Channu

    Mouse Switch Replacement - Solder Advice

    I play Dota quite a bit, like, currently at approx 4000 Hrs and still no mouse has died on me! Only replaced my G400S (bought in 2015) last year after killing it due to an accidental extreme pull on wire. Got g402 which is again like 18 months old. Prior to all these, Since 2006, ran through 2...
  7. Channu

    Sharing MS Office 365 with 1TB cloud storage - ₹500/year

    I was planning to take the cloud subscription but I just uploaded an excel file with macros in it & it's not working! It says "Excel for the web does not support running or interacting with Form Controls. To use Form Controls, open this file with the desktop app." :-/
  8. Channu

    Airtel Xstream Fiber Experience (Direct Cities)

    Errrm... this just reminded me that I'm using as my DNS in phone but this may not be a reason since videos on twitter/reddit work perfectly fine on mobile data and/or VPN. Will do some shuffling and report.
  9. Channu

    Airtel Xstream Fiber Experience (Direct Cities)

    Finally got the Airtel connection in my home city. I just used to keep trying in Airtel app since last 1.5 yrs ever since it reached in my city, got lucky this time. Although Jio was available since last few months but terrible quality of Jio router kept me from opting for it. Put the query for...
  10. Channu

    FS: Consoles Logitech F710 Gamepad - In warranty till July 2023

    Sold on a different platform. Thread can be closed Sriman @puns . Thank you
  11. Channu

    FS: Consoles Logitech F710 Gamepad - In warranty till July 2023

    Bumppp New ones selling for RS 3995 on Amazon & FK
  12. Channu

    DualShock4 Repair Help

    Thanks for the offer Joy. Won't bother you with it for now as it's only my laziness that's stopping me from working on fixing them up! If I get on with it and get stuck then will ping you up (Maybe to help arrange a controller since fixing it up is actually *SOME TASK*)
  13. Channu

    DualShock4 Repair Help

    Great work here @joy.das.jd :) I feel sorry that I destroyed 2 of my DS3s when they exhibited some sign of malfunction which could have been easily fixed by some cleaning. One I opened & never reassembled until parts got lost and in second case I knew the film was an issue and chose to clean it...
  14. Channu

    Amazon India lightning deals

    Careful with ordering this on amazon. Until a few months back they were mentioning clearly on their website in bold that no home services for product bought on amazon while they used to provide it earlier. Many customers faced this issue. I just rechecked their site but that proclamation is gone...
  15. Channu

    Review Courier Service Feedback

    DTDC is turning out to be worse these days. I ordered a PS5 controller with a seller in Ahmedabad. It reached Delhi in a day and after that it cooled off for 7 days in their local office! No way to reach DTDC CC either. CC number sometimes didn't connect, at other it kept me on hold for 15 mins...
  16. Channu

    iOS iPad unlocking service-centre in Mumbai

    Back in the day, I had a gevey sim unlocked iPhone 4 which I later got factory unlocked by paying a small sum($20-25 maybe) to some 'then reliable' agent. After few days I was asked to connect to itunes and restore. That was it but they did ask me to be sure before giving for unlock that it was...
  17. Channu

    DU Meter Family Pack @19.90 for 5 users

    That's a very old post. I'm currently using a trial on Win 11 and it is currently a work in progress due to changes in windows taskbar UI. As of now 5 user license is available for $12 (using the method @RS4 revealed to me years ago in a DM :D )