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  1. R

    surveillance system

    we needed to install surveillance system in our factory for remote viewing recording is not much of a priority so i guess ipcameras would be required?h can someone please share some info regarding te same would we require a pc at the origial place of installation or only some independent...
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    (Exclusive) Try Times Of India App

    Samsung galaxy 3 2.1 eclair Vodafone edge /wifi Sent from my GT-I5801 using Tapatalk
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    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    5% off max discount of rs 1000 Only on emi products Valid till 16 mar Q0RCPVRKWZ Sent from my GT-I5801 using Tapatalk
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    Top-10 Android Apps Thread

    Whozzat for sending sms over gprs Cricscoredroid Ttorrent Premier league and fotmob for soccer updates Sent from my GT-I5801 using Tapatalk
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    Movies/Videos on Conspiracy theories

    hunting party starring richard Time paas comedy flick
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    Best Android India GPS mobile app?

    @^^^ i am assuming u must have copied the sygic folder to ur sd card and installed the app u will have to copy the folders 'drive' 'res' and 'maps' and 'setup.apk' to the root of ur sdcard i.e. sdcard/Drive sdcard/maps sdcard/res then instal the app it will ask you to activate map select...
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    Monitors Connecting Hd setup box to monitor

    this article may be of help Connecting HD TV STB to your HD Monitor do click the links for pics
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    Ebay GLOBAL EasyBuy Hot deals and coupons

    add 0511geb003 and 0511geb006 also to it it seems these are in series so one can try different numbers also decoding it means 5th week of 2011 on global easy buy followed by the number
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    Recommend a Dual SIM Phone

    i am also looking for a dual sim how is micrmax x260 Micromax X260 Price: Buy Micromax X260: Price, Reviews: Flipkart Mobiles does both the sims work live on it,i.e. if there is call on one sim then the call on other sim comes as waiting.
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    Top-10 Android Apps Thread

    @kooldude both are free and available in market they are very basic apps also there is top india stocks
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    Top-10 Android Apps Thread

    not in any particular order tune in radio world newspaper wordmate and advance english dictionary (offline dictionary) unblock me skyfire quicksettings score mobile fc nse mobile and stock india real calculator astro barcode scannner air control lite awesome drop
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    Vodafone live on Galaxy 3

    when ever i try to edit an apn or create an apn with the settings given by crazy_eddy it doesn't save and when i try to use the portalnmms settings i connects but i was only able to use brwoser and no other app worked its working now actually i didn't waited after activating the 2gb pack...
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    Pls help.. ANDROID... Samsung Galaxy 3 or SE Xperia X8 or......??

    music quality is quite good if you combine it with good earphones like ep 630( i was using k750 before it they are quite comparable) all the apps doesn't work on it like raging thunder 2 or sygic mobile maps(the latter may be due to resolution problem) build quality is not good especially the...
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    some queries before ordering galaxy 3

    can this phone run java apps out of the box or do we have to run some thirdparty software or vm to run java apps i have read that if we turn off background data and auto sync then battery improves,but doing so would push mail facility stop working ?? does skype or fring work on it can it...
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    Nokia C6 arrives !!!

    the prices quoted on that site are the same as quoted back in april c6 available on ebay 17 k and on us site at $350 it seems prices will be higher
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    Rumored details for Android 3.0 aka Gingerbread

    those are recommended requirements not the minimum
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    Laptops VFM Core i5 Solutions from MSI

    well the prime's site is showing 5740 with 5470 and not 5650
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    Laptops VFM Core i5 Solutions from MSI

    some nice configs there i was thinking for msi but cudn;t find any msi dealers in my city nd was concerned about the after sales service thats why i went for dell